# Node Red App Generator - Docker Based This repo with docker and docker compose will spin up a node/node-red container for a single node red application. 1. clone repo 2. create .cfg file from example in /apps folder 3. run `./make-env-file ` to make corresponding .env file 4. now you can run ./start 5. use ./logs to attach to container for viewing logs example.cfg ``` #!/bin/bash # Custom container name, default is -nodered-app # Name=containername # Custom user, default is current user (must be in docker group) # USER=jim # not needed if current host user is 1000 # TZ=America/Los_Angles # default # settings will be put in /node-red-app/ Parent_Folder=/data # "extra-host" set broker and home assistant ips on host inside container Broker=broker.mynetwork.net # will lookup ip using dig HomeAssistant=ha.kebler.net # will look up ip using dig # give a custom tag. https://hub.docker.com/r/nodered/node-red/tags # Tag=latest-18 # this is tje default Port=1881 # MUST be changed to avoid conflict with other node red app containers ``` Then set up a reverse proxy if you want to the port you set TODO - Make DockerFile that will load in an existing settings folder for a self contained deployment of an app.