import Base from '../src/base' // const USOCKET = __dirname + '/sample.sock' const socketfuncs = { switch: { on: function(packet){ return new Promise( async (resolve) => { packet.cmd='status/on' this.push(packet) // push to all active socket servers let res = { response:'status pushed on to all clients'} return resolve(res) }) }, off: function(packet){ return new Promise( async (resolve) => { packet.cmd='status/off' this.push(packet) // push to all active socket servers let res = { response:'status pushed off to all clients'} return resolve(res) }) }, toggle: function(packet){ return new Promise( async (resolve) => { // would check status before deciding what to push if (packet.status===null) packet.status = Math.random()>=.5 ? 'on' : 'off' else packet.status = (packet.status==='on' ? 'off' : 'on') packet.cmd ='status/'+ packet.status this.push(packet) // push to all active socket servers let res = { cmd:'reply', response:`command ${packet.cmd} with id:${} pushed to all consumers(clients)`} return resolve(res) }) } } } const clientfuncs = { reply: packet => { return new Promise( async (resolve) => { console.log('==============Reply Processor at Consumer==========') console.dir(packet.response) return resolve() }) }, status: { on: packet => { return new Promise( async (resolve) => { console.log('==============Pushed to Consumer==========') console.log(`Switch ${} is on`) return resolve() }) }, off: packet => { return new Promise( async (resolve) => { console.log('==============Pushed to Consumer==========') console.log(`Switch ${} is off`) return resolve() }) } } } let fio = new Base({sockets:'uc#c>n,us#s>n,tc#c>t,ts#s>t,mqtts#s>m,webs#s>w', tc:{port:8100}, ts:{port:8100}, webs:{ port:8090 }, mqtts:{ topics:['switch/#']}, id:'four-in-one'}) fio.s = socketfuncs fio.c = clientfuncs ; (async () => { let res = await fio.init() console.log('initialize errors',res) console.log('waiting for packets') let packet = {} console.log('=============sending============') packet = {cmd:'switch/on', id:'1'} console.log('sending to socket uc',packet) await fio.send('uc',packet) })().catch(err => { console.error('FATAL: UNABLE TO START SYSTEM!\n',err) process.kill(, 'SIGTERM') })