#!/bin/bash declare targets=(dev arm amd deploy private multi) declare OPTION; declare OPTARG; declare OPTIND usage() { # Function: Print a help message. echo "Image Build Script: Creates one or more images using a target in the docker-bake.hcl file" echo "USAGE: $0 buildtarget " echo "valid targets: ${targets[*]}; default: dev" echo no argument options: echo "-c try out the image by starting a container terminal therein, for dev target this is the default;" echo "-x exclude distro from image name;" echo "-n for --no_cache" echo "-p push to repository; after build push to repository default is hub.docker.common (not need for deploy target)" echo required argument options: echo "-t tag following : in output image name (i.e. REPO/USER/NAME:TAG), default: latest" echo "-u ; repository user prefix in output image name (i.e. REPO/USER/NAME:TAG)" echo "-r ; private repo name, do not use for hub.docker.com (docker.io)" echo "-b ; used in FROM in Dockerfile, default is official distro image (e.g. alpine:latest)" } exit_abnormal() { # Function: Exit with error. usage exit ${1:-1} } while getopts ':b:d:t:ncr:u:pxh' OPTION; do # echo processing: option:$OPTION argument:$OPTARG index:$OPTIND remaining:${@:$OPTIND} case "$OPTION" in b) # CUSTOM BASE IMAGE BASE_IMAGE=$OPTARG ;; d) # LINUX_DISTRO=$OPTARG LINUX_DISTRO=$OPTARG ;; x) # Exclude distro from image name exclude_distro=true ;; t) TAG=$OPTARG ;; u) RUSER=$OPTARG ;; c) try=true ;; p) push=true ;; n) nocache="--no-cache" ;; r) REPO=$OPTARG ;; h) exit_abnormal 0 ;; *) echo "unknown $0 option -$OPTARG" exit_abnormal 4 ;; esac done shift $((OPTIND - 1)) target=${1:-dev} LINUX_DISTRO=${LINUX_DISTRO:-alpine} name=$2 RUSER=${3:-$RUSER} IMAGE_NAME=$([[ $RUSER ]] && echo ${RUSER}/)${name}$([[ (! $exclude_distro) && $name ]] && echo "-")$([[ ! $exclude_distro ]] && echo ${LINUX_DISTRO}) if [[ $BASE_IMAGE ]]; then echo determining DISTRO of base image: $BASE_IMAGE LINUX_DISTRO=$(./image-distro $BASE_IMAGE) [[ ! $LINUX_DISTRO ]] && echo "unable to get base image OS for: $BASE_IMAGE, aborting build" && exit 1 else BASE_IMAGE=$LINUX_DISTRO fi # BASE_IMAGE=$([[ $BASE_IMAGE == *:* ]] && echo $BASE_IMAGE || echo $BASE_IMAGE:latest) #$([[ ! $BASE_IMAGE == *:* ]] && echo :latest) export BASE_IMAGE export TAG export IMAGE_NAME export LINUX_DISTRO echo "building with base image: $BASE_IMAGE, output image name => $IMAGE_NAME" echo "Linux Distro: $LINUX_DISTRO" echo "***** using build target: $target ****" docker buildx bake --print $target echo "******************" read -n 1 -p "do you want to continue [y]=>" REPLY [[ $REPLY != "y" ]] && echo -e "\n" && exit 0 [[ ! "${targets[@]}" =~ $target ]] && echo $target is not a valid target && echo valid targets are: ${targets[@]} && exit 4 builder=default if [ $target == "deploy" ]; then builder=deploy if ! docker buildx ls | grep -q deploy ; then echo multiarch deploy builder does not exist, creating with docker-container driver docker buildx create --name deploy --driver docker-container >/dev/null docker buildx ls | grep deploy fi fi [[ $target == "private" && ! $REPO ]] && echo "must use '-r ' if building to private repo" && exit 3 docker buildx --builder ${builder} bake ${nocache} ${target} 2>&1 | tee build.log if [[ $target == "private" ]]; then ./push -a -r $REPO $IMAGE_NAME ./push -r $REPO $IMAGE_NAME else if [[ $push && (! $target == "dev") ]];then echo pushing now ./push $([[ $target == "arm" ]] && echo -a) -r $REPO $IMAGE_NAME fi fi [[ $try || $target == "dev" ]] && ./try $([[ $target == "deploy" ]] && echo -p) $name $RUSER