#!/bin/bash % if [[ $REBUILD == "init" ]]; then echo "## Busting Cache, Forcing Rebuild $(date)" fi % echo "************* BUILD INITIALZATION ***********************" if ! { [ "$VERBOSE" = "init" ] || [ "$VERBOSE" = "all" ]; }; then unset VERBOSE; fi export BUILDING=true export BUILD_DIR=/build echo Distro is $LINUX_DISTRO source /opt/lib/verbose.lib echo sourcing core-run.env quiet cat /opt/core_run.env source /opt/core_run.env [[ -f ./build.env ]] && source ./build.env && echo loaded build.env at /init/build.env in source if [[ -f ./init.sh ]]; then echo "### Running Script init.sh of $BUILD_NAME build source with ${SHELL:-/bin/bash} ####" quiet echo "----- build environment ------" quiet env quiet echo "----- env ------" quiet echo "-------------------- init.sh ------------------------------" quiet cat ./init.sh quiet echo "-------------------------------------------------------------" # init.sh must have shebang and be executable if ! ${SHELL:-/bin/bash} ./init.sh; then return 1; fi echo "############## Finished running init.sh build script #########################" fi # # map host id now based on build environment # if [[ $VOLUME_DIRS ]]; then # echo "*** creating and configuring volume directories ***" # echo $VOLUME_DIRS # mkdir -p $VOLUME_DIRS # $BIN_DIR/map-host-id # chmod -R g+rw $VOLUME_DIRS # fi echo -e "\n ************* End Initialzation ************************"