#!/bin/bash cat < ${ENTRYPOINT_CMD:-start} and the script/binary that command runs is ${ENTRYPOINT_CMD_PATH:-$BIN_DIR/start} you can replace this start script with your own or any binary placed at init/opt/bin/start in your build source directory or set the \$ENTRYPOINT_CMD_PATH and (optionally) the \$ENTRYPOINT_CMD variables ---------- script --------------- you can pipe a script from the host to container with this command script < test.sh if you use a heredoc you can delay variable substition until the command is run in container. script << "SCRIPT" echo $BIN_DIR SCRIPT ----- Overwrite Entrypoint It is also possible to completely override the container entrypoint with your own $BIN_DIR/entrypoint script but is not recommmended as then a bash login shell is assured (unless you see to it) and thus critical runtime environment variables will not be set HELP