
940 lines
45 KiB
Executable File

#! /usr/bin/env python3
from __future__ import print_function
__copyright__ = "(C) 2017-2023 Guido U. Draheim, licensed under the EUPL"
__version__ = "1.4.6097"
import subprocess
import collections
import sys
import os
import re
import json
import copy
import shutil
import hashlib
import datetime
import logging
from fnmatch import fnmatchcase as fnmatch
logg = logging.getLogger("edit")
if sys.version[0] != '2':
xrange = range
MAX_PATH = 1024 # on Win32 = 260 / Linux PATH_MAX = 4096 / Mac = 1024
MAX_NAME = 253
TMPDIR = "load.tmp"
DOCKER = "docker"
OK = True
StringConfigs = {"user": "User", "domainname": "Domainname",
"workingdir": "WorkingDir", "workdir": "WorkingDir", "hostname": "Hostname"}
StringMeta = {"author": "author", "os": "os", "architecture": "architecture", "arch": "architecture", "variant": "variant"}
StringCmd = {"cmd": "Cmd", "entrypoint": "Entrypoint"}
ShellResult = collections.namedtuple("ShellResult", ["returncode", "stdout", "stderr"])
def sh(cmd=":", shell=True, check=True, ok=None, default=""):
if ok is None: ok = OK # a parameter "ok = OK" does not work in python
if not ok:
logg.info("skip %s", cmd)
return ShellResult(0, default, "")
run = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=shell, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
assert run.stdout is not None and run.stderr is not None
result = ShellResult(run.returncode, run.stdout.read(), run.stderr.read())
if check and result.returncode:
logg.error("CMD %s", cmd)
logg.error("EXIT %s", result.returncode)
logg.error("STDOUT %s", result.stdout)
logg.error("STDERR %s", result.stderr)
raise Exception("shell command failed")
return result
def portprot(arg):
port, prot = arg, ""
if "/" in arg:
port, prot = arg.rsplit("/", 1)
if port and port[0] in "0123456789":
import socket
if prot:
portnum = socket.getservbyname(port, prot)
portnum = socket.getservbyname(port)
port = str(portnum)
if not prot:
prot = "tcp"
return port, prot
def podman():
return "podman" in DOCKER
def cleans(text):
if podman():
return text.replace('": ', '":').replace(', "', ',"').replace(', {', ',{')
return text
def os_jsonfile(filename):
if podman():
os.chmod(filename, 0o644)
os.utime(filename, (0, 0))
class ImageName:
def __init__(self, image):
self.registry = None
self.image = image
self.version = None
def parse(self, image):
parsing = image
parts = image.split("/")
if ":" in parts[-1] or "@" in parts[-1]:
colon = parts[-1].find(":")
atref = parts[-1].find("@")
if colon >= 0 and atref >= 0:
first = min(colon, atref)
first = max(colon, atref)
version = parts[-1][first:]
parts[-1] = parts[-1][:first]
self.version = version
self.image = "/".join(parts)
if len(parts) > 1 and ":" in parts[0]:
registry = parts[0]
parts = parts[1:]
self.registry = registry
self.image = "/".join(parts)
logg.debug("image parsing = %s", parsing)
logg.debug(".registry = %s", self.registry)
logg.debug(".image = %s", self.image)
logg.debug(".version = %s", self.version)
def __str__(self):
image = self.image
if self.registry:
image = "/".join([self.registry, image])
if self.version:
image += self.version
return image
def tag(self):
image = self.image
if self.registry:
image = "/".join([self.registry, image])
if self.version:
image += self.version
image += ":latest"
return image
def local(self):
if not self.registry: return True
if "." not in self.registry: return True
if "localhost" in self.registry: return True
return False
def valid(self):
return not list(self.problems())
def problems(self):
# https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/tag/
# https://github.com/docker/distribution/blob/master/reference/regexp.go
if self.registry and self.registry.startswith("["):
if len(self.registry) > MAX_NAME:
yield "registry name: full name may not be longer than %i characters" % MAX_NAME
yield "registry name= " + self.registry
x = self.registry.find("]")
if not x:
yield "registry name: invalid ipv6 number (missing bracket)"
yield "registry name= " + self.registry
port = self.registry[x + 1:]
if port:
m = re.match("^:[A-Za-z0-9]+$", port)
if not m:
yield 'registry name: invalid ipv6 port (only alnum)'
yield "registry name= " + port
base = self.registry[:x]
if not base:
yield "registry name: invalid ipv6 number (empty)"
m = re.match("^[0-9abcdefABCDEF:]*$", base)
if not m:
yield "registry name: invalid ipv6 number (only hexnum+colon)"
yield "registry name= " + base
elif self.registry:
if len(self.registry) > MAX_NAME:
yield "registry name: full name may not be longer than %i characters" % MAX_NAME
yield "registry name= " + self.registry
registry = self.registry
if registry.count(":") > 1:
yield "a colon may only be used to designate the port number"
yield "registry name= " + registry
elif registry.count(":") == 1:
registry, port = registry.split(":", 1)
m = re.match("^[A-Za-z0-9]+$", port)
if not m:
yield 'registry name: invalid ipv4 port (only alnum)'
yield "registry name= " + registry
parts = registry.split(".")
if "" in parts:
yield "no double dots '..' allowed in registry names"
yield "registry name= " + registry
for part in parts:
if len(part) > MAX_PART:
yield "registry name: dot-separated parts may only have %i characters" % MAX_PART
yield "registry name= " + part
m = re.match("^[A-Za-z0-9-]*$", part)
if not m:
yield "registry name: dns names may only have alnum+dots+dash"
yield "registry name= " + part
if part.startswith("-"):
yield "registry name: dns name parts may not start with a dash"
yield "registry name= " + part
if part.endswith("-") and len(part) > 1:
yield "registry name: dns name parts may not end with a dash"
yield "registry name= " + part
if self.image:
if len(self.image) > MAX_NAME:
yield "image name: should not be longer than %i characters (min path_max)" % MAX_NAME
yield "image name= " + self.image
if len(self.image) > MAX_PATH:
yield "image name: can not be longer than %i characters (limit path_max)" % MAX_PATH
yield "image name= " + self.image
parts = self.image.split("/")
for part in parts:
if not part:
yield "image name: double slashes are not a good idea"
yield "image name= " + part
if len(part) > MAX_NAME:
yield "image name: slash-separated parts should only have %i characters" % MAX_NAME
yield "image name= " + part
separators = "._-"
m = re.match("^[a-z0-9._-]*$", part)
if not m:
yield "image name: only lowercase+digits+dots+dash+underscore"
yield "image name= " + part
if part[0] in separators:
yield "image name: components may not start with a separator (%s)" % part[0]
yield "image name= " + part
if part[-1] in separators and len(part) > 1:
yield "image name: components may not end with a separator (%s)" % part[-1]
yield "image name= " + part
elems = part.split(".")
if "" in elems:
yield "image name: only single dots are allowed, not even double"
yield "image name= " + part
elems = part.split("_")
if len(elems) > 2:
for x in xrange(len(elems) - 1):
if not elems[x] and not elems[x + 1]:
yield "image name: only single or double underscores are allowed"
yield "image name= " + part
if self.version:
if len(self.version) > MAX_VERSION:
yield "image version: may not be longer than %i characters" % MAX_VERSION
yield "image version= " + self.version
if self.version[0] not in ":@":
yield "image version: must either be :version or @digest"
yield "image version= " + self.version
if len(self.version) > 1 and self.version[1] in "-.":
yield "image version: may not start with dots or dash"
yield "image version= " + self.version
version = self.version[1:]
if not version:
yield "image version: no name provided after '%s'" % self.version[0]
yield "image version= " + self.version
m = re.match("^[A-Za-z0-9_.-]*$", version)
if not m:
yield 'image version: only alnum+undescore+dots+dash are allowed'
yield "image version= " + self.version
def edit_image(inp, out, edits):
if True:
if not inp:
logg.error("no FROM value provided")
return False
if not out:
logg.error("no INTO value provided")
return False
inp_name = ImageName(inp)
out_name = ImageName(out)
for problem in inp_name.problems():
logg.warning("FROM value: %s", problem)
for problem in out_name.problems():
logg.warning("INTO value: %s", problem)
if not out_name.local():
logg.warning("output image is not local for the 'docker load' step")
logg.warning("output image is local (%s)", out_name.registry)
inp_tag = inp
out_tag = out_name.tag()
tmpdir = TMPDIR
if not os.path.isdir(tmpdir):
logg.debug("mkdir %s", tmpdir)
if OK: os.makedirs(tmpdir)
datadir = os.path.join(tmpdir, "data")
if not os.path.isdir(datadir):
logg.debug("mkdir %s", datadir)
if OK: os.makedirs(datadir)
inputfile = os.path.join(tmpdir, "saved.tar")
outputfile = os.path.join(tmpdir, "ready.tar")
inputfile_hints = ""
outputfile_hints = ""
docker = DOCKER
if os.path.exists(inputfile):
cmd = "{docker} save {inp} -o {inputfile}"
cmd = "tar xf {inputfile} -C {datadir}"
logg.info("new {datadir} from {inputfile}".format(**locals()))
cmd = "{docker} save {inp} | tar x -f - -C {datadir}"
logg.info("new {datadir} from {docker} save".format(**locals()))
inputfile_hints += " (not created)"
run = sh("ls -l {tmpdir}".format(**locals()))
if OK:
changed = edit_datadir(datadir, out_tag, edits)
if changed:
outfile = os.path.realpath(outputfile)
cmd = "cd {datadir} && tar cf {outfile} ."
cmd = "{docker} load -i {outputfile}"
logg.warning("unchanged image from %s", inp_tag)
outputfile_hints += " (not created)"
if inp != out:
cmd = "{docker} tag {inp_tag} {out_tag}"
logg.warning(" tagged old image as %s", out_tag)
logg.warning("keeping %s", datadir)
if os.path.exists(datadir):
logg.warning("keeping %s%s", inputfile, inputfile_hints)
if os.path.exists(inputfile):
logg.warning("keeping %s%s", outputfile, outputfile_hints)
if os.path.exists(outputfile):
return True
def edit_datadir(datadir, out, edits):
if True:
manifest_file = "manifest.json"
manifest_filename = os.path.join(datadir, manifest_file)
with open(manifest_filename) as _manifest_file:
manifest = json.load(_manifest_file)
replaced = {}
for item in xrange(len(manifest)):
config_file = manifest[item]["Config"]
config_filename = os.path.join(datadir, config_file)
replaced[config_filename] = None
for item in xrange(len(manifest)):
config_file = manifest[item]["Config"]
config_filename = os.path.join(datadir, config_file)
with open(config_filename) as _config_file:
config = json.load(_config_file)
old_config_text = cleans(json.dumps(config)) # to compare later
for CONFIG in ['config', 'Config', 'container_config']:
if CONFIG not in config:
logg.debug("no section '%s' in config", CONFIG)
logg.debug("with %s: %s", CONFIG, config[CONFIG])
for action, target, arg in edits:
if action in ["remove", "rm"] and target in ["volume", "volumes"]:
key = 'Volumes'
if not arg:
logg.error("can not do edit %s %s without arg: <%s>", action, target, arg)
elif target in ["volumes"] and arg in ["*", "%"]:
args = []
if key in config[CONFIG] and config[CONFIG][key] is not None:
del config[CONFIG][key]
logg.warning("done actual config %s %s '%s'", action, target, arg)
except KeyError as e:
logg.warning("there was no '%s' in %s", key, config_filename)
elif target in ["volumes"]:
pattern = arg.replace("%", "*")
args = []
if key in config[CONFIG] and config[CONFIG][key] is not None:
for entry in config[CONFIG][key]:
if fnmatch(entry, pattern):
args += [entry]
logg.debug("volume pattern %s -> %s", pattern, args)
if not args:
logg.warning("%s pattern '%s' did not match anything", target, pattern)
elif arg.startswith("/"):
args = [arg]
logg.error("can not do edit %s %s %s", action, target, arg)
for arg in args:
entry = os.path.normpath(arg)
if config[CONFIG][key] is None:
raise KeyError("null section " + key)
del config[CONFIG][key][entry]
except KeyError as e:
logg.warning("there was no '%s' in '%s' of %s", entry, key, config_filename)
if action in ["remove", "rm"] and target in ["port", "ports"]:
key = 'ExposedPorts'
if not arg:
logg.error("can not do edit %s %s without arg: <%s>", action, target, arg)
elif target in ["ports"] and arg in ["*", "%"]:
args = []
if key in config[CONFIG] and config[CONFIG][key] is not None:
del config[CONFIG][key]
logg.warning("done actual config %s %s %s", action, target, arg)
except KeyError as e:
logg.warning("there were no '%s' in %s", key, config_filename)
elif target in ["ports"]:
pattern = arg.replace("%", "*")
args = []
if key in config[CONFIG] and config[CONFIG][key] is not None:
for entry in config[CONFIG][key]:
if fnmatch(entry, pattern):
args += [entry]
logg.debug("ports pattern %s -> %s", pattern, args)
if not args:
logg.warning("%s pattern '%s' did not match anything", target, pattern)
args = [arg]
for arg in args:
port, prot = portprot(arg)
if not port:
logg.error("can not do edit %s %s %s", action, target, arg)
return False
entry = u"%s/%s" % (port, prot)
if config[CONFIG][key] is None:
raise KeyError("null section " + key)
del config[CONFIG][key][entry]
logg.info("done rm-port '%s' from '%s'", entry, key)
except KeyError as e:
logg.warning("there was no '%s' in '%s' of %s", entry, key, config_filename)
if action in ["append", "add"] and target in ["volume"]:
if not arg:
logg.error("can not do edit %s %s without arg: <%s>", action, target, arg)
key = 'Volumes'
entry = os.path.normpath(arg)
if config[CONFIG].get(key) is None:
config[CONFIG][key] = {}
if arg not in config[CONFIG][key]:
config[CONFIG][key][entry] = {}
logg.info("added %s to %s", entry, key)
if action in ["append", "add"] and target in ["port"]:
if not arg:
logg.error("can not do edit %s %s without arg: <%s>", action, target, arg)
key = 'ExposedPorts'
port, prot = portprot(arg)
entry = "%s/%s" % (port, prot)
if key not in config[CONFIG]:
config[CONFIG][key] = {}
if arg not in config[CONFIG][key]:
config[CONFIG][key][entry] = {}
logg.info("added %s to %s", entry, key)
if action in ["set", "set-shell"] and target in ["entrypoint"]:
key = 'Entrypoint'
if not arg:
running = None
elif action in ["set-shell"]:
running = ["/bin/sh", "-c", arg]
elif arg.startswith("["):
running = json.loads(arg)
running = [arg]
config[CONFIG][key] = running
logg.warning("done edit %s %s", action, arg)
except KeyError as e:
logg.warning("there was no '%s' in %s", key, config_filename)
if action in ["set", "set-shell"] and target in ["cmd"]:
key = 'Cmd'
if not arg:
running = None
elif action in ["set-shell"]:
running = ["/bin/sh", "-c", arg]
logg.info("%s %s", action, running)
elif arg.startswith("["):
running = json.loads(arg)
running = [arg]
config[CONFIG][key] = running
logg.warning("done edit %s %s", action, arg)
except KeyError as e:
logg.warning("there was no '%s' in %s", key, config_filename)
if action in ["set"] and target in StringConfigs:
key = StringConfigs[target]
if not arg:
value = u''
value = arg
if key in config[CONFIG]:
if config[CONFIG][key] == value:
logg.warning("unchanged config '%s' %s", key, value)
config[CONFIG][key] = value
logg.warning("done edit config '%s' %s", key, value)
config[CONFIG][key] = value
logg.warning("done new config '%s' %s", key, value)
except KeyError as e:
logg.warning("there was no config %s in %s", target, config_filename)
if action in ["set"] and target in StringMeta:
key = StringMeta[target]
if not arg:
value = u''
value = arg
if key in config:
if config[key] == value:
logg.warning("unchanged meta '%s' %s", key, value)
config[key] = value
logg.warning("done edit meta '%s' %s", key, value)
config[key] = value
logg.warning("done new meta '%s' %s", key, value)
except KeyError as e:
logg.warning("there was no meta %s in %s", target, config_filename)
if action in ["set-label"]:
key = "Labels"
value = arg or u''
if key not in config[CONFIG]:
config[CONFIG][key] = {}
if target in config[CONFIG][key]:
if config[CONFIG][key][target] == value:
logg.warning("unchanged label '%s' %s", target, value)
config[CONFIG][key][target] = value
logg.warning("done edit label '%s' %s", target, value)
config[CONFIG][key][target] = value
logg.warning("done new label '%s' %s", target, value)
except KeyError as e:
logg.warning("there was no config %s in %s", target, config_filename)
if action in ["remove-label", "rm-label"]:
if not target:
logg.error("can not do edit %s without arg: <%s>", action, target)
key = "Labels"
if key in config[CONFIG]:
if config[CONFIG][key] is None:
raise KeyError("null section " + key)
del config[CONFIG][key][target]
logg.warning("done actual %s %s ", action, target)
except KeyError as e:
logg.warning("there was no label %s in %s", target, config_filename)
if action in ["remove-labels", "rm-labels"]:
if not target:
logg.error("can not do edit %s without arg: <%s>", action, target)
key = "Labels"
pattern = target.replace("%", "*")
args = []
if key in config[CONFIG] and config[CONFIG][key] is not None:
for entry in config[CONFIG][key]:
if fnmatch(entry, pattern):
args += [entry]
for arg in args:
del config[CONFIG][key][arg]
logg.warning("done actual %s %s (%s)", action, target, arg)
except KeyError as e:
logg.warning("there was no label %s in %s", target, config_filename)
if action in ["remove-envs", "rm-envs"]:
if not target:
logg.error("can not do edit %s without arg: <%s>", action, target)
key = "Env"
pattern = target.strip() + "=*"
pattern = pattern.replace("%", "*")
found = []
if key in config[CONFIG] and config[CONFIG][key] is not None:
for n, entry in enumerate(config[CONFIG][key]):
if fnmatch(entry, pattern):
found += [n]
for n in reversed(found):
del config[CONFIG][key][n]
logg.warning("done actual %s %s (%s)", action, target, n)
except KeyError as e:
logg.warning("there was no label %s in %s", target, config_filename)
if action in ["remove-env", "rm-env"]:
if not target:
logg.error("can not do edit %s without arg: <%s>", action, target)
key = "Env"
if "=" in target:
pattern = target.strip()
pattern = target.strip() + "=*"
found = []
if key in config[CONFIG] and config[CONFIG][key] is not None:
for n, entry in enumerate(config[CONFIG][key]):
if fnmatch(entry, pattern):
found += [n]
for n in reversed(found):
del config[CONFIG][key][n]
logg.warning("done actual %s %s (%s)", action, target, n)
except KeyError as e:
logg.warning("there was no label %s in %s", target, config_filename)
if action in ["remove-healthcheck", "rm-healthcheck"]:
key = "Healthcheck"
del config[CONFIG][key]
logg.warning("done actual %s %s", action, target)
except KeyError as e:
logg.warning("there was no %s in %s", key, config_filename)
if action in ["set-envs"]:
if not target:
logg.error("can not do edit %s without arg: <%s>", action, target)
key = "Env"
if "=" in target:
pattern = target.strip().replace("%", "*")
pattern = target.strip().replace("%", "*") + "=*"
if key not in config[CONFIG]:
config[key] = {}
found = []
for n, entry in enumerate(config[CONFIG][key]):
if fnmatch(entry, pattern):
found += [n]
if found:
for n in reversed(found):
oldvalue = config[CONFIG][key][n]
varname = oldvalue.split("=", 1)[0]
newvalue = varname + "=" + (arg or u'')
if config[CONFIG][key][n] == newvalue:
logg.warning("unchanged var '%s' %s", target, newvalue)
config[CONFIG][key][n] = newvalue
logg.warning("done edit var '%s' %s", target, newvalue)
elif "=" in target or "*" in target or "%" in target or "?" in target or "[" in target:
logg.info("non-existing var pattern '%s'", target)
value = target.strip() + "=" + (arg or u'')
config[CONFIG][key] += [pattern + value]
logg.warning("done new var '%s' %s", target, value)
except KeyError as e:
logg.warning("there was no config %s in %s", target, config_filename)
if action in ["set-env"]:
if not target:
logg.error("can not do edit %s without arg: <%s>", action, target)
key = "Env"
pattern = target.strip() + "="
if key not in config[CONFIG]:
config[key] = {}
found = []
for n, entry in enumerate(config[CONFIG][key]):
if entry.startswith(pattern):
found += [n]
if found:
for n in reversed(found):
oldvalue = config[CONFIG][key][n]
varname = oldvalue.split("=", 1)[0]
newvalue = varname + "=" + (arg or u'')
if config[CONFIG][key][n] == newvalue:
logg.warning("unchanged var '%s' %s", target, newvalue)
config[CONFIG][key][n] = newvalue
logg.warning("done edit var '%s' %s", target, newvalue)
elif "=" in target or "*" in target or "%" in target or "?" in target or "[" in target:
logg.info("may not use pattern characters in env variable '%s'", target)
value = target.strip() + "=" + (arg or u'')
config[CONFIG][key] += [pattern + value]
logg.warning("done new var '%s' %s", target, value)
except KeyError as e:
logg.warning("there was no config %s in %s", target, config_filename)
logg.debug("done %s: %s", CONFIG, config[CONFIG])
new_config_text = cleans(json.dumps(config))
if new_config_text != old_config_text:
for CONFIG in ['history']:
if CONFIG in config:
myself = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
config[CONFIG] += [{"empty_layer": True,
"created_by": "%s #(%s)" % (myself, __version__),
"created": datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat() + "Z"}]
new_config_text = cleans(json.dumps(config))
new_config_md = hashlib.sha256()
for collision in xrange(1, MAX_COLLISIONS):
new_config_hash = new_config_md.hexdigest()
new_config_file = "%s.json" % new_config_hash
new_config_filename = os.path.join(datadir, new_config_file)
if new_config_filename in replaced.keys() or new_config_filename in replaced.values():
logg.info("collision %s %s", collision, new_config_filename)
new_config_md.update(" ".encode("utf-8"))
with open(new_config_filename, "wb") as fp:
logg.info("written new %s", new_config_filename)
logg.info("removed old %s", config_filename)
manifest[item]["Config"] = new_config_file
replaced[config_filename] = new_config_filename
logg.info(" unchanged %s", config_filename)
if manifest[item]["RepoTags"]:
manifest[item]["RepoTags"] = [out]
manifest_text = cleans(json.dumps(manifest))
manifest_filename = os.path.join(datadir, manifest_file)
# report the result
with open(manifest_filename + ".tmp", "wb") as fp:
if podman():
if os.path.isfile(manifest_filename + ".old"):
os.remove(manifest_filename + ".old")
os.rename(manifest_filename, manifest_filename + ".old")
os.rename(manifest_filename + ".tmp", manifest_filename)
changed = 0
for a, b in replaced.items():
if b:
changed += 1
logg.debug("replaced\n\t old %s\n\t new %s", a, b)
logg.debug("unchanged\n\t old %s", a)
logg.debug("updated\n\t --> %s", manifest_filename)
logg.debug("changed %s layer metadata", changed)
return changed
def parsing(args):
inp = None
out = None
action = None
target = None
commands = []
known_set_targets = list(StringCmd.keys()) + list(StringConfigs.keys()) + list(StringMeta.keys())
for n in xrange(len(args)):
arg = args[n]
if target is not None:
if target.lower() in ["all"]:
# remove all ports => remove ports *
commands.append((action, arg.lower(), "*"))
elif action in ["set", "set-shell"] and target.lower() in ["null", "no"]:
# set null cmd => set cmd <none>
if arg.lower() not in known_set_targets:
logg.error("bad edit command: %s %s %s", action, target, arg)
commands.append((action, arg.lower(), None))
elif action in ["set", "set-shell"] and target.lower() in known_set_targets:
# set cmd null => set cmd <none>
if arg.lower() in [NULL.lower(), NULL.upper()]:
logg.info("do not use '%s %s %s' - use 'set null %s'", action, target, arg, target.lower())
commands.append((action, target.lower(), None))
elif arg.lower() in ['']:
logg.error("do not use '%s %s %s' - use 'set null %s'", action, target, '""', target.lower())
logg.warning("we assume <null> here but that will change in the future")
commands.append((action, target.lower(), None))
commands.append((action, target.lower(), arg))
commands.append((action, target, arg))
action, target = None, None
if action is None:
if arg in ["and", "+", ",", "/"]:
action = arg.lower()
rm_labels = ["rm-label", "remove-label", "rm-labels", "remove-labels"]
rm_vars = ["rm-var", "remove-var", "rm-vars", "remove-vars"]
rm_envs = ["rm-env", "remove-env", "rm-envs", "remove-envs"]
if action in (rm_labels + rm_vars + rm_envs):
target = arg
commands.append((action, target, None))
action, target = None, None
if action in ["set"] and arg.lower() in ["shell", "label", "labels", "var", "vars", "env", "envs"]:
action = "%s-%s" % (action, arg.lower())
if action in ["rm", "remove"] and arg.lower() in ["label", "labels", "var", "vars", "env", "envs"]:
action = "%s-%s" % (action, arg.lower())
if action in ["rm", "remove"] and arg.lower() in ["healthcheck"]:
action = "%s-%s" % (action, arg.lower())
commands.append((action, None, None))
action, target = None, None
if action in ["from"]:
inp = arg
action = None
elif action in ["into"]:
out = arg
action = None
elif action in ["remove", "rm"]:
if arg.lower() in ["volume", "port", "all", "volumes", "ports"]:
target = arg.lower()
logg.error("unknown edit command starting with %s %s", action, arg)
return None, None, []
elif action in ["append", "add"]:
if arg.lower() in ["volume", "port"]:
target = arg.lower()
logg.error("unknown edit command starting with %s %s", action, arg)
return None, None, []
elif action in ["set", "override"]:
if arg.lower() in known_set_targets:
target = arg.lower()
if arg.lower() in ["null", "no"]:
target = arg.lower()
continue # handled in "all" / "no" case
logg.error("unknown edit command starting with %s %s", action, arg)
return None, None, []
elif action in ["set-shell"]:
if arg.lower() in StringCmd:
target = arg.lower()
logg.error("unknown edit command starting with %s %s", action, arg)
return None, None, []
elif action in ["set-label", "set-var", "set-env", "set-envs"]:
target = arg
logg.error("unknown edit command starting with %s", action)
return None, None, []
if not inp:
logg.error("no input image given - use 'FROM image-name'")
return None, None, []
if not out:
logg.error("no output image given - use 'INTO image-name'")
return None, None, []
return inp, out, commands
def docker_tag(inp, out):
docker = DOCKER
if inp and out and inp != out:
cmd = "{docker} tag {inp} {out}"
logg.info("%s", cmd)
sh("{docker} tag {inp} {out}".format(**locals()), check=False)
if __name__ == "__main__":
from optparse import OptionParser
cmdline = OptionParser("%prog input-image output-image [commands...]")
cmdline.add_option("-T", "--tmpdir", metavar="DIR", default=TMPDIR,
help="use this base temp dir %s [%default]")
cmdline.add_option("-D", "--docker", metavar="DIR", default=DOCKER,
help="use another docker container tool %s [%default]")
cmdline.add_option("-k", "--keepdir", action="count", default=KEEPDIR,
help="keep the unpacked dirs [%default]")
cmdline.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="count", default=0,
help="increase logging level [%default]")
cmdline.add_option("-z", "--dryrun", action="store_true", default=not OK,
help="only run logic, do not change anything [%default]")
cmdline.add_option("--with-null", metavar="name", default=NULL,
help="specify the special value for disable [%default]")
cmdline.add_option("-c", "--config", metavar="NAME=VAL", action="append", default=[],
help="..override internal variables (MAX_PATH) {%default}")
opt, args = cmdline.parse_args()
logging.basicConfig(level=max(0, logging.ERROR - 10 * opt.verbose))
TMPDIR = opt.tmpdir
DOCKER = opt.docker
KEEPDIR = opt.keepdir
OK = not opt.dryrun
NULL = opt.with_null
if KEEPDIR >= 1:
if KEEPDIR >= 2:
if KEEPDIR >= 3:
if KEEPDIR >= 4:
for setting in opt.config:
nam, val = setting, "1"
if "=" in setting:
nam, val = setting.split("=", 1)
elif nam.startswith("no-") or nam.startswith("NO-"):
nam, val = nam[3:], "0"
elif nam.startswith("No") or nam.startswith("NO"):
nam, val = nam[2:], "0"
if nam in globals():
old = globals()[nam]
if old is False or old is True:
logg.debug("yes %s=%s", nam, val)
globals()[nam] = (val in ("true", "True", "TRUE", "yes", "y", "Y", "YES", "1"))
elif isinstance(old, float):
logg.debug("num %s=%s", nam, val)
globals()[nam] = float(val)
elif isinstance(old, int):
logg.debug("int %s=%s", nam, val)
globals()[nam] = int(val)
elif isinstance(old, str):
logg.debug("str %s=%s", nam, val)
globals()[nam] = val.strip()
logg.warning("(ignored) unknown target type -c '%s' : %s", nam, type(old))
logg.warning("(ignored) unknown target config -c '%s' : no such variable", nam)
if len(args) < 2:
logg.error("not enough arguments, use --help")
inp, out, commands = parsing(args)
if not commands:
logg.warning("nothing to do for %s", out)
docker_tag(inp, out)
if opt.dryrun:
oldlevel = logg.level
logg.level = logging.INFO
logg.info(" | from %s into %s", inp, out)
for action, target, arg in commands:
if arg is None:
arg = "<null>"
arg = "'%s'" % arg
logg.info(" | %s %s %s", action, target, arg)
logg.level = oldlevel
edit_image(inp, out, commands)