# UCI - Live Documetation in a Container **A self contained live documenation system for editing and displaying documentation via the browser** This repo will build an alpine image complete with a mkdocs-material and vscode servers. ## Deploy if you are using a prebuilt image then you can deploy per below. Otherwise follow directions for building first * Copy the deploy directory from this repo to your machine that has docker and docker-compose installed * Make a copy of the .env.example file to .env and edit as needed. * Edit the docker-compose.yml as needed. * use the ./run script for testing and the ./start to deploy detached. Run a caddy reverse proxy to use https and to obfuscate the ports of the servers ## Build * You MUST clone and install the [UCI Docker Build]() repo first * Then clone this repo * make a copy of the .env.example file to .env and edit * make a copy of the build.env.example to build.env and edit * user the ./build script to build and the ./publish script to publish additional script in the direcotory are used to facilitate testing and deveopment.