0.0.8 fix issue when emitting 'error' by adding a listener (node throws error if not)

restore all the aync err,res handling.
now when connection is lost works fine
David Kebler 2020-06-18 14:54:19 -07:00
parent 27c1964cd8
commit a59aac5c0e
3 changed files with 82 additions and 48 deletions

View File

@ -4,14 +4,13 @@ import readYaml from 'load-yaml-file'
(async () => {
let opts = await readYaml(process.env.HA_OPTS_PATH || './examples/opts.yaml')
opts.ppmonitor = false // turn off automated ping/pong connection monitor for this example - on by default
// opts.ppmonitor = false // turn off automated ping/pong connection monitor for this example - on by default
const hass = new Hass(opts)
hass.on('connection', msg => console.log(`connection: ${msg}`))
hass.once('connection', () => console.log('now try disconnecting/stopping home assistant'))
await hass.connect()
console.log('sending a ping to server')
console.log('pong returned from server', await hass.send('ping'))
})().catch(err => {
console.error('FATAL: UNABLE TO START SYSTEM!\n',err)

View File

@ -4,8 +4,8 @@
"description": "websocket api access to home assistant",
"main": "./src/homeassistant.js",
"scripts": {
"pp": "node ./examples/ping-pong.js",
"ppd": "UCI_ENV=dev UCI_LOG_LEVEL=debug nodemon -r esm ./examples/ping-pong.js",
"pp": "UCI_ENV=dev UCI_LOG_LEVEL=error nodemon -r esm ./examples/ping-pong.js",
"pp:debug": "UCI_ENV=dev UCI_LOG_LEVEL=debug nodemon -r esm ./examples/ping-pong.js",
"ws": "nodemon -r esm ./examples/watch-set.js",
"wsd": "UCI_ENV=dev UCI_LOG_LEVEL=debug nodemon -r esm ./examples/watch-set.js"

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import { EventEmitter } from 'events'
import logger from '@uci-utils/logger'
let log = {} // declare module wide log to be set during construction
const defaultOpts = {
host: 'localhost',
serverPath: 'api/websocket',
protocol: 'ws',
@ -22,14 +22,18 @@ class HomeAssistant extends EventEmitter {
constructor(opts) {
log = logger({ name: 'HomeAssistant', id: this.id })
this.opts = Object.assign(defaultOpts, opts)
this.opts = Object.assign(DEFUALT_HASS_OPTS, opts)
log.debug({msg:'config to constructor',opts:opts})
this.url = (this.opts.url ? `${this.opts.url} + /${this.opts.serverPath}` : `${this.opts.protocol}://${this.opts.host}:${this.opts.port}`) + `/${this.opts.serverPath}`
log.debug({msg:'url for websocket', url:this.url})
this.cmdId = 1
this.eventBusId = null
this._watchLists = {}
this._silence = []
this.watchListEventPrefix = opts.watchListEventPrefix || 'wl'
this.on('error',msg=> log.error(msg))
async connect () {
@ -44,16 +48,16 @@ class HomeAssistant extends EventEmitter {
this.socket = socket
log.info('Successfuly connected to Home Assistant')
await this._listen()
// if (this.opts.monitor == null || this.opts.ppmonitor)
return 'success'
} // end connect
async disconnect() {
this.socket.removeAllListeners('message') // cancels _listen
this.socket = {}
@ -68,27 +72,40 @@ class HomeAssistant extends EventEmitter {
nextId () { return ++this.cmdId }
async send (cmd,options={}) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
// if entity is added with call to silence
// useful for service calls where the response may result in unwanted state change events
isSilent(id) { return this._silence.includes(id) }
silence(id) { if (id) this._silence.push(id) }
hear(id) { if (id) this._silence = this._silence.filter(ent=> ent!==id) }
send (cmd,options={}) {
return new Promise( (resolve, reject) => {
// if (!this.connected) reject({error:'disconnected', packet:packet})
let packet = options
if (isPlainObject(cmd)) { packet = cmd }
else {
packet.type = cmd
packet.id = packet.id || this.nextId()
log.debug('message to send', packet)
// console.log('message to send', packet)
let [err, message] = btc(JSON.stringify)(packet) // try/catch or btc
if (err) reject ({error:'failed to parse message', packet:packet})
if (err) {
const error = {msg:'failed to parse message', packet:packet}
let timeout = setTimeout( ()=>{
reject({error:'failed to get a response in 5 seconds', packet:packet})
let error = {msg:'failed to get a response in 5 seconds', packet:packet}
this.on(packet.id, (res) => {
log.debug({msg:'reply packet from send', id:packet.id, response:res})
log.debug({msg:'reply packet from send', packet:packet, response:res})
async _listen() {
@ -104,7 +121,8 @@ class HomeAssistant extends EventEmitter {
this.emit('event', packet)
if (packet.event.event_type === 'state_changed') {
if (!this.isSilent(packet.event.data.entity_id)) this.emit(packet.event.data.entity_id,packet.event.data.new_state)
// else console.log(packet.event.data.entity_id, 'was silent, not emitting')
@ -125,28 +143,38 @@ class HomeAssistant extends EventEmitter {
// subscribe to complete event bus
let [err,res] = await to(this.send('subscribe_events'))
log.debug('return from subscribe events', res)
if (err || res.error) {
log.error({msg:'subscription to event bus failed!', level:'fatal', error:err || res.error})
this.emit('error', {msg:'subscription to event bus failed!', level:'fatal', error:err || res.error})
const res = await this.send('subscribe_events')
if (res.error) {
const error = {msg:'subscription to event bus failed!', level:'fatal', error:res.error}
this.emit('error', error)
else {
log.info({msg:'connection to Home Assitant ready for communication'})
this.eventBusId = res.id
// resubscribe to any specific events that are in stored on disk or in memeory
} // end listen
async getEntities (ents='all',type='obj') {
if (ents =='array') {ents = 'all'; type = 'array'}
let res = (await this.send('get_states')).result
let single = false
if (typeof ents ==='string') {
if (ents ==='array' || ents ==='all') {ents = 'all'; type = 'array'}
else single=true
let [err, res ] = await to(this.send('get_states'))
if (err) {
const error = {msg:'unable to get entities', entities:ents, error:err}
return error
if (ents !== 'all') {
if (typeof list === 'string') ents = [ents]
res = res.filter( item => ents.indexOf(item.entity_id) > -1 )
res = res.result.filter( item => ents.indexOf(item.entity_id) > -1 )
if (single) return res[0] || {}
if (type == 'obj') {
let obj = {}
res.forEach(ent => obj[ent.entity_id]=ent)
@ -154,23 +182,36 @@ class HomeAssistant extends EventEmitter {
return res
// todo need to autobind
async callService(domain,service,data) {
// console.log(domain,service,data)
if (data.value !== {} || data.value==null) {
let packet = {
type: 'call_service',
domain: domain,
service: service,
service_data: data
const [err, res] = await to(this.send(packet))
if (err) {
const error ={msg:'service call failed', level:'error', error:err}
this.emit('error', error)
return 'error'
return error
return res
// only changes state passively
async updateEntity(entity,state) {
// this.silence(entity)
// console.log('silence on',entity)
return await this.callService('python_script','state_change',{entity_id:entity, state:state})
// console.log('silence off', entity)
// this.silence(entity)
async setVariable(eid,value) {
return await this.callService('variable','set_variable', {variable:eid, value:value})
@ -190,6 +231,7 @@ class HomeAssistant extends EventEmitter {
return await this.callService(domain, service, {entity_id:eid, value:value})
// if value is array then it's an array of options to set for select
async setSelect(eid,value) {
const domain = eid.split('.').shift()
const service = Array.isArray(value) ? 'set_options':'select_option'
@ -197,12 +239,6 @@ class HomeAssistant extends EventEmitter {
return await this.callService(domain,service, {entity_id:eid, [key]:value})
// async setSelectOptions(eid,options) {
// const service = eid.split('.').shift()+'.set_options'
// // console.log('setting service-',service, {entity_id:eid, options:options})
// return await this.callService(service, {entity_id:eid, options:options})
// }
async makeWatchList (ents,name='default') {
if (typeof entity === 'string') ents = [ents]
this._watchLists[name] = ents // await this.getEntities(ents)
@ -243,13 +279,12 @@ class HomeAssistant extends EventEmitter {
const msg ='no pong received in 5 seconds, notifiy and attempt new connection'
// this.emit('error',{msg:msg})
await this.disconnect() // removes socket and clears message listener
} else {
if (res !== 'pong' ) {
const error = {msg:'something major wrong, message was not a pong for this id', response:res}
} else {
log.debug('pong received, waiting 5 secs before sending next ping')