
32 lines
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* Part of [Canivete](http://canivete.leofavre.com/#deepgroupby)
* Groups the contents of an array by one or more iteratees.
* Unlike Lodash [`groupBy()`](https://lodash.com/docs/4.17.4#groupBy),
* this function can create nested groups, but cannot receive
* strings for iteratees.
export const groupBy = (e, ...t) => {
let r = e.map((e) => t.map((t) => t(e))),
a = {}
return (
r.forEach((t, r) => {
let l = (_simpleAt(a, t) || []).concat([e[r]])
_simpleSet(a, t, l)
_isPlainObject = (e) => null != e && "object" == typeof e && e.constructor == Object,
_parsePath = (e) => (Array.isArray(e) ? e : `${e}`.split(".")),
_simpleAt = (e, t) =>
_parsePath(t).reduce((e, t) => (null != e && e.hasOwnProperty(t) ? e[t] : void 0), e),
_simpleSet = (e, t, r) =>
_parsePath(t).reduce((e, t, a, l) => {
let s = a === l.length - 1
return (
(e.hasOwnProperty(t) && (s || _isPlainObject(e[t]))) || (e[t] = {}), s ? (e[t] = r) : e[t]
}, e)