youtube shortcode embeding with fit to window working!

David Kebler 2017-04-11 14:37:42 -07:00
parent b3d6845e6b
commit 6902898adc
7 changed files with 136 additions and 128 deletions

View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
<!-- LOCAL -->
<!-- sizing tools -->
<script src="/js/fitToParent.js"></script>
<script src="/js/fitToWindow.js"></script>
<script src="/js/flowType.js"></script>
<!-- videos embed -->
<script src="/js/youtube.js"></script>

View File

@ -1,4 +1,29 @@
<!-- Used for embedding iframes from sites like youtube and google -->
<div class="box box--embed box--youtube" youtube_id="{{ .Get 0 }}">
<!-- TODO add in defaul maxwidth and wpad here with site parameters and scratch -->
{{ with $ }}{{ $.Scratch.Set "maxwidth" .maxwidth }}{{ end }}
{{ with .Get "maxwidth" }}{{ $.Scratch.Set "maxwidth" . }}{{ end }}
{{ with $ }}{{ $.Scratch.Set "wpad" .wpad }}{{ end }}
{{ with .Get "wpad" }}{{ $.Scratch.Set "wpad" . }}{{ end }}
{{ if .IsNamedParams }}
<div class="box box--column">
{{ with .Get "title" }}
<div class="box__title">{{ . }}</div>
{{ end }}
<div class="box box--embed box--youtube"
youtube_id="{{ .Get "id" }}"
{{ with .Get "start"}} start="{{ . }}"{{ end }}
{{ with .Get "plist"}} list="{{ . }}"{{ end }}
{{ with $.Scratch.Get "maxwidth"}} maxWidth="{{ . }}"{{ end }}
{{ with $.Scratch.Get "wpad"}} wPad="{{ . }}"{{ end }}
<!-- thumb and video get put here -->
{{ with .Get "caption"}}
<div class="box__caption">{{ . }}</div>
{{ end }}
{{ else }}
{{ $numOfParams := ( len .Params ) }}
<div class="box box--embed box--youtube" youtube_id="{{ .Get 0 }}" {{ if eq $numOfParams 2 }} start="{{ .Get 1 }}"{{ end }}>
<!-- image or iframe injected here -->
{{ end }}

View File

@ -1,21 +1,26 @@
function resizeElements() {
// tagResize('iframe');
// tagResize('.thumb--yt');
typeResize(); // for section content
function initialize() {
// requires jquery
$(document).ready(function () {
// resize elements on change
$(window).resize(function () {
// bind resize events
$(window).resize(function () {

View File

@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
* jQuery fitToParent; version: 1.2.1
jQuery.fn.fitToParent = function (options) {
this.each(function () {
// Vars
var $el = jQuery(this);
var $box;
// Get size parent (box to fit element in)
if ($el.closest('.box--embed').length) {
$box = $el.closest('.box--embed');
} else {
$box = $el.parent();
// These are the defaults.
var settings = jQuery.extend({
heightOffset: 0,
widthOffset: 0,
boxHeight: $box.height(),
boxWidth: $box.width(),
callback: null
}, options);
// Setup box and element widths
var width = $el.attr('width');
var height = $el.attr('height');
if (!width || !height) {
var width = $el.width();
var height = $el.height();
var parentWidth = settings.boxWidth - settings.widthOffset;
var parentHeight = settings.boxHeight - settings.heightOffset;
// console.log(`settings.boxWidth, parentWidth ${settings.boxWidth} ${parentWidth}`);
// Maintain aspect ratio
var aspect = $'aspect');
if (!aspect) {
aspect = width / height;
$'aspect', aspect);
// removed for flexbox parent with dynamic height
// var parentAspect = parentWidth / parentHeight;
// // Resize to fit box
// if (aspect > parentAspect) {
// newWidth = parentWidth;
// console.log(`aspect > width ${newWidth}`)
// newHeight = (newWidth / aspect);
// } else {
// newHeight = parentHeight;
// newWidth = newHeight * aspect;
// console.log(`aspect < width ${newWidth}`)
// }
newWidth = parentWidth;
newHeight = (newWidth / aspect);
// console.log(`$parent,$element ${$box[0].classList} ${$el[0].tagName}`)
// console.log(`width and height before setting ${newWidth} ${newHeight}`)
// Set new size of element
// Fire callback
if (typeof (settings.callback) == "function") {
settings.callback(newWidth, newHeight);

static/js/fitToWindow.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
* adapted from
(function ($) {
$.fn.fitToWindow = function (maxWidth, wPad) {
console.log("in fit to Window")
// if more than one element
this.each(function () {
let $el = $(this);
console.log(`${maxWidth} ${wPad} ${$'maxWidth')} ${$'wPad')}`)
maxWidth = (maxWidth || $'maxWidth')) || 450
wPad = (wPad || $'wPad')) || 5
let windowWidth = $(window).width()
let newWidth = (windowWidth > maxWidth) ? maxWidth : windowWidth - 2 * wPad
console.log(`${maxWidth} ${wPad} ${newWidth} ${$el.parent().attr('youtube_id')}`)
// Initial Aspect given in attributes by element itself
let setWidth = $el.attr('width');
let setHeight = $el.attr('height');
if (!setWidth || !setHeight) {
setWidth = $el.width();
setHeight = $el.height();
// retrieve aspect ratio for element if none then set (first time)
var aspect = $'aspect');
if (!aspect) {
aspect = setWidth / setHeight;
$'aspect', aspect);
console.log(`aspect set ${aspect} = ${$'aspect')}`)
$'maxWidth', maxWidth)
$'wPad', wPad)
console.log(`values set ${maxWidth} = ${$'maxWidth')} ${wPad} = ${$'wPad')}`)
$(window).resize({ el: $el }, function (event) {
newHeight = (newWidth / aspect);
console.log(`new width and height before setting ${newWidth} ${newHeight}`)
// Set new size of element
// one time fit a element based on selector to the window
let fitToWindow = function (sel) {
if (sel) {
} else { Alert("no selector provided for resize event to call fitToWindow") }
// register a selector to be fitted to window on window resize
let onResizeFitToWindow = function (sel) {
if (sel) {
$(window).resize(function () {
} else { Alert("no selector provided for resize event to call fitToWindow") }

View File

@ -61,22 +61,6 @@ function heroResize(bfr = 30) {
// child item resize based on parent container (i.e. flexbox)
// Especially good for iframes
function tagResize(tag, maxWidth = 450, widthPadding = 30) {
let windowWidth = $(window).width()
let width = (windowWidth > maxWidth) ? maxWidth : windowWidth - widthPadding
// console.log(`passed width ${width}`)
console.log(`tag ${tag}`)
heightOffset: 0, // (int) Put some space around the element
// widthOffset: 5, // (int) Put some space around the element
// boxHeight: , // (int) Will look for .size-parent, or fallback to parent size
boxWidth: width // (int) Will look for .size-parent, or fallback to parent size
// callback: function (newWidth, newHeight) {}
function typeResize(fr = 20) {
// maximum: 1000,

View File

@ -1,33 +1,28 @@
/* Light YouTube Embeds by @labnol */
/* Web: */
(function ($) {
$.fn.tagResize = function (el) {
function () {
var attr = 'youtube_id';
var $box = $('div[' + attr + ']');
var vid = $box.attr(attr);
var bgi = `style="background-image: url(${vid}/mqdefault.jpg)"`
var thumb = `<div class="thumb--yt" ${bgi} width="560" height="315">`
// TODO also grad maxwith and window padding data
var playBtn = '<i class="fa fa-play-circle-o play-button"></i>'
//.resize(sel + ' > img')
$('div[youtube_id]').each(function () {
var vid = $(this).attr('youtube_id');
var mw = $(this).attr('maxWidth');
var wp = $(this).attr('wPad');
var bgi = `style="background-image: url(${vid}/mqdefault.jpg)"`
var thumb = `<div class="thumb--yt" ${bgi} width="560" height="315">`
$(this).append(thumb).children().append(playBtn).click(insertIframe).fitToWindow(mw, wp)
function insertIframe() {
var $box = $(this).parent()
id = $box.attr('youtube_id')
var vIframe = `<iframe width = "560" height = "315" src = "${id}?autoplay=1" frameborder = "0" allowfullscreen></iframe>`
var id = $box.attr('youtube_id')
var start = $box.attr("start") || 1
var list = ""
if ($box.attr("list")) { list = `&list=${$box.attr("list")}` }
var url = `${id}?autoplay=1&start=${start}`
var vIframe = `<iframe width = "560" height = "315" src ="${url}${list}" frameborder = "0" allowfullscreen></iframe>`
$box.html(vIframe).children().fitToWindow($"maxWidth"), $"wPad"))
// .resize(sel + ' > iframe')
// }