# Customizable Mobile First Responsive Landing Page Theme and More ### Generated by Hugo using flexbox layouts, easy customizable style settings and your content. Plus handy shortcodes for things like embedding videos, making buttons, custom styling and layout. ### TL;DR for the hugo expert go [here](https://dkebler.github.io/landing-page-guide/) ### About A **complete** theme in a repo that's especially useful for **noobs** who just want to generate a landing page with some customized styling options (colors, fonts, etc.) and one's content without knowing any html, javascript or css nor much about [Hugo](http://gohugo.io).....but...you do have to learn about writing markdown * [learn markdown](http://www.markdowntutorial.com/) * [markdown cheatsheet](https://github.com/adam-p/markdown-here/wiki/Markdown-Cheatsheet) **Motivation:** Plenty of themes out there for Hugo but few that would allow a noob to customize their page without knowing css and go templates and fewer still with all the javascript necessary to be fully responsive. **Goal:** Create a mobile first responsive flexbox based Hugo landing page theme including shortcodes that would allow a noob to generate a customized landing page by only knowing a little markdown. Provide a starter repo to make it easy to create one's own landing page in a few minutes **Further Goal:** Add automated (via nodejs) deployment to github pages, S3 bucket or any server using ssh. My other project [4S](https://github.com/dkebler/4S) can do this it just needs to be intregated. Also want to automate building photo galleries. Currently this is done with [Thumbsup](https://github.com/thumbsup/thumbsup) and the generated code is made into a shortcode and the generated thumbs and images added to the project manually. Also add in code minification and optimazation for production/distribution builds **Ultimiate Goal:** Put together a noob virtualbox VM with all the tools (e.g. atom, smartgit, hugo, node, etc.) and code installed and configured and ready to go. Fire up the VM and you're instantly productive. ## Getting Started See this theme in action as a landing page and learn about how to use it to make your own landing page by visiting the [landing page guide](https://dkebler.github.io/landingpage-guide/) (generated by Hugo and this theme of course)