
87 lines
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// Smooth Scroll Init - Register click handler for ID anchors
$('a[href*="#"]:not([href="#"])').click(function () {
if (location.pathname.replace(/^\//, '') == this.pathname.replace(/^\//, '') && location.hostname == this.hostname) {
var target = $(this.hash);
target = target.length ? target : $('[name=' + this.hash.slice(1) + ']');
if (target.length) {
var targetOffset = target.offset().top - $(".nav-bar__header").outerHeight(true);
// console.log(targetOffset, target.offset().top, $(".nav-bar__header").outerHeight())
$('html, body').animate({
scrollTop: targetOffset
}, 1000);
return false;
// navbar mobile toggle - preload
(function navbarInit() {
function toggleMobileMenu() {
$('.nav-bar__menu')[0].style.transition = "max-height 0.5s";
$('.nav-bar__menu-button, .nav-bar__menu-item > a').click(toggleMobileMenu)
// hero resizer
function heroResize() {
width: $(window).width() + 10,
height: $(window).height() + 10
maxFont: 60,
fontRatio: 15
// child item resize based on parent container (i.e. flexbox)
function itemResize(item, maxWidth = 450, widthPadding = 30) {
let windowWidth = $(window).width()
let width = (windowWidth > maxWidth) ? maxWidth : windowWidth - widthPadding
console.log(`passed width ${width}`)
heightOffset: 0, // (int) Put some space around the element
// widthOffset: 5, // (int) Put some space around the element
// boxHeight: , // (int) Will look for .size-parent, or fallback to parent size
boxWidth: width // (int) Will look for .size-parent, or fallback to parent size
// callback: function (newWidth, newHeight) {}
function typeResize() {
// maximum: 1000,
minFont: 12,
maxFont: 25,
fontRatio: 20
// Lightbox for Gallery
function lightbox(id) {
// Intialize all the media i.e. photos with "media" id
// TODO use Hugo params to initialize multiple galleries/albums
var lg = $(id).lightGallery({
thumbnail: true,
thumbWidth: 80,
controls: true,
loop: false,
download: false,
counter: true,
// videojs: true
lg.on('onBeforeOpen.lg', function (event) {
$('.nav-bar').css("display", "none")
lg.on('onCloseAfter.lg', function (event) {
$('.nav-bar').css("display", "flex")