
80 lines
2.6 KiB

baseurl = ""
languageCode = "en-us"
title = "Site Title - Used for navbar by default"
canonifyUrls = "true"
staticDir ="assets"
publishDir = "dist"
custom_css = ["css/custom.css"] # can add other files in array and file in assets/css/
# font = "Acme" # a valid google font name, default Roboto, sets for entire site, can be specifically overridden
#logo_text = "Will override site title" # default is to use the site title
# logo_text_short = "See this on Phones" # helps to fit on small screens without wrapping
# logo_text_size="1" # unit is em, 2em is default for small
# font = "Ranga"
# For List of html colors see either
# http://www.quackit.com/css/color/charts/css_color_names_chart.cfm
# https://www.colorcodehex.com/html-color-names.html
# color = "honeydew"
# bg_color = "olivedrab"
# img = "../images/myhero.jpg" # default is images/hero.jpg, must provide the full path or url
# font = "Acme" # a valid google font name, default Roboto for all hero text
# color = "honeydew"
# bg_color = "red"
text_outline = "black"
text_shadow = "black"
# headlines_font = "Gloria Hallelujah" # a valid google font name, defaults to intro font
headline = "Exclamation!"
headline_color = "red"
# headline_size = "10"
subheadline = "Landing Page"
# subheadline_color = "pink"
# subheadline_size = "1"
subsubheadline = "Generated by Hugo"
# subsubheadline_color = "brown"
# subsubheadline_size = "1"
lines = ["Customizable","Easily add your section content"]
# lines_color = "purple"
# lines_size = "1.5"
divider = true
# divider_color = "seagreen"
# divider_thickness = "3"
#font = "Acme"
# bullet_icon = "\uF069" # the font awesome 4 digit unicode number, CAPS for letters, preface with \u
# headline_font = "Lato"
# headline_size = "3"
#color = "#363636"
# bg_color = "honeydew"
#color = "white"
#bg_color = "darkolivegreen"
# color = "white"
# bg_color = "olive"
# these will overide the default which is even section button scheme comes from odd section scheme and vice versa
# default hover is simply
# color = "blue"
# bg_color = "red"
# hover_color ="white"
# hover_bg_color ="purple"
# color = "red"
# bg_color = "blue"
# hover_color ="purple"
# hover_bg_color ="white"
# TODO enable via shortcode
#title = "email"
#icon = "envelope-o"
#url = "mailto:4005@kebler.net"