import i2c from 'i2c-bus' import pify from 'pify' // import Base from '@uci/base' import Base from '../../uci-base/src/base' export default class Bus extends Base { constructor(opts) { console.log(opts) opts.sockets = opts.sockets || 'us#s>n,ts#s>t' super(opts) this.busnum = opts.busnum || 1 this.i2cbus =, () => {}) // console.log(' ',this._packetProcess) // this._packetProcess = packetProcess // console.log(' ',this._packetProcess) this.bus = bus_funcs // this.init = this.init.bind(this) } async init(){ this.amendSocketProcessing(bus_funcs) await super.init() } // TODO see if default processing of base can handle this now async _packetProcess (sname,packet){ if (!packet.cmd) return {error: 'no cmd: key in packet', packet: packet } if (this.bus[packet.cmd]) { // let res = validateArgs(packet) // handle with before hook // if (res.error) return res.error packet.cmd_sent = packet.cmd packet.response = await this.bus[packet.cmd].bind(this)(packet.args) packet.cmd = 'reply' return packet } else return {error: 'no i2c bus function available for packet command', packet: packet } } } // end of Bus Packet Class // replace base processor with one for i2c bus functions const validateArgs = function (packet) { let missing = [] console.log(packet) if (packet.cmd==='scan' || packet.cmd ==='close') return {} if (!packet.args.address) missing.push('address') switch (packet.cmd) { case 'readRaw': case 'writeRaw': if (!packet.args.length) missing.push('length') if (!packet.args.buffer) missing.push('buffer') break case 'read': case 'read2': case 'write': case 'write2': if (!packet.args.cmd) missing.push('cmd') } switch (packet.cmd) { case 'write': case 'write2': case 'send': if (!packet.args.byte) missing.push('byte') } if (missing.length > 0) { return {error: `following arguments are missing ${missing}`, packet: packet } } return {} } const bus_funcs = { scan: function () { // console.log(this) return pify(this.i2cbus.scan).bind(this.i2cbus)() }, close: function () { return pify(this.i2cbus.close).bind(this.i2cbus)() }, readRaw: function (args) { return pify(this.i2cbus.i2cRead).bind(this.i2cbus)(args.address, args.length, args.buffer) }, writeRaw: function (args) { return pify(this.i2cbus.i2cWrite).bind(this.i2cbus)(args.address, args.length, args.buffer) }, read: function (args) { // console.log('read: address, cmd', address, cmd) return pify(this.i2cbus.readByte).bind(this.i2cbus)(args.address, args.cmd) }, write: function (args) { // console.log('write: address, cmd, byte', args.address, args.cmd, args.byte) return pify(this.i2cbus.writeByte.bind(this.i2cbus))(args.address, args.cmd, args.byte) }, read2: function (args) { return pify(this.i2cbus.readWord.bind(this.i2cbus))(args.address, args.cmd) }, write2: function (args) { return pify(this.i2cbus.writeWord.bind(this.i2cbus))(args.address, args.cmd, args.byte) }, receive: function (args) { // console.log('receivebyte', address) return pify(this.i2cbus.receiveByte.bind(this.i2cbus))(args.address) }, send: function (args) { // console.log('sendbyte', address,byte) return pify(this.i2cbus.sendByte.bind(this.i2cbus))(args.address, args.byte) } } //end i2c functions