bind device bus command and separate into module

fix socket options
use npm modules instead of local path
David Kebler 2018-02-17 18:28:53 -08:00
parent 8fb4dbd788
commit c564ce208d
4 changed files with 72 additions and 76 deletions

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
"name": "@uci/i2c-device",
"version": "0.1.1",
"description": "Device Classes for I2C Interfacing",
"main": "src/",
"main": "src/device-packet.mjs",
"scripts": {
"testw": "./node_modules/.bin/mocha --reporter list --recursive --watch",
"test": "istanbul cover ./node_modules/.bin/_mocha test/ --report lcovonly -- -R spec --recursive && codecov || true"
@ -23,12 +23,13 @@
"url": ""
"homepage": "",
"@std/esm": "cjs",
"dependencies": {
"@std/esm": "^0.18.0",
"i2c-bus": "^1.x",
"@std/esm": "cjs",
"devDependencies": {
"@std/esm": "^0.18.0",
"chai": "^3.5.0",
"chai-as-promised": "^6.0.0",
"codecov": "^1.0.1",

View File

@ -7,4 +7,4 @@
A promise wrapper for an I2C arm C library methods and a Device Class that is the base class for an I2C device
A promise wrapper for an I2C arm C library methods and a Device Class that extends the base case and writes packets to the ic2-bus class

View File

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
export default {
ack: async function (){
// TODO if mux channel used check it as well
let bus = await this.send(this._bus_name,{ cmd:'scan'})
if (bus.error) return bus
let res = { cmd:'reply', ack: false, address:this.address, scan:bus.response}
if (bus.response.indexOf(this.address) !== -1) res.ack = true
return res
receive: async function() {
await this._setChannel()
return await this.send(this._bus_name, { cmd:'receive', args: {address:this.address}})
send: async function(byte) {
await this._setChannel()
return await this.send(this._bus_name, { cmd:'send', args: {address:this.address, byte:byte }})
// for devices needing a buffer/stream
readRaw: async function (length, buffer) {
await this._setChannel()
return await this.send(this._bus_name, { cmd:'readRaw', args: {address:this.address, length:length, buffer:buffer }})
writeRaw: async function (length, buffer) {
await this._setChannel()
return await this.send(this._bus_name, { cmd:'writeRaw', args: {address:this.address, length:length, buffer:buffer }})
// both cmd and byte should be a single byte as a decimal or hex
read: async function (cmd) {
await this._setChannel()
// console.log('after set before read',this.address,,this._channel,await this.socket.bus.send(getState)
return await this.send(this._bus_name, { cmd:'read', args: {address:this.address, cmd:cmd }})
write: async function (cmd, byte) {
await this._setChannel()
// console.log('after set, before write',this.address,,this._channel,await this.socket.bus.send(getState)
return await this.send(this._bus_name, { cmd:'write', args: {address:this.address, cmd:cmd, byte:byte }})
// for I2C devices that use a word length packackage
read2: async function (cmd) {
await this._setChannel()
return await this.send(this._bus_name, { cmd:'read2', args: {address:this.address, cmd:cmd }})
write2: async function (cmd, bytes) {
await this._setChannel()
return await this.send(this._bus_name, { cmd:'write2', args: {address:this.address, cmd:cmd, byte:bytes }})

View File

@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
// import Base from '@uci/base'
import Base from '../../uci-base/src/base'
import logger from '../../uci-logger/src/logger'
import Base from '@uci/base'
// import Base from '../../uci-base/src/base'
import commands from './bus-device-commands'
// import logger from '../../uci-logger/src/logger'
import logger from '@uci/logger'
let log = {}
const LOG_OPTS = (id) => {
return {
@ -20,24 +21,20 @@ export default class Device extends Base {
// either device process instance runs on same host (use named pipe) or not (the host of bus must be given)
if (opts[].host) opts[].port = opts[].port || 1776
else opts[].path = opts[].path || (process.env.SOCKETS_DIR || __dirname) + '/i2c-bus.sock'
opts.sockets = (opts.sockets || '') + + '#c>' + ((opts[].path) ? 'n' :'t')
opts.sockets = (opts.sockets ? (opts.sockets+',') : '') + + '#c>' + ((opts[].path) ? 'n' :'t')
console.log({opts:opts},'created i2c device with these options')
log = logger.child(LOG_OPTS(
if (!opts.address) log.fatal({opts:opts},'no i2c bus address supplied' )
this.address = opts.address
this._bus_name =
this._channel = // if using TAC9546A channel number on which device is attached
this.bus = device_funcs
for(const func in this.bus) { // autobind
this.bus[func] = this.bus[func].bind(this)
this.bus = this.bindFuncs(commands)
async init(){
await super.init()
let res = await this.bus.ack() // move this to device class
let res = await this.bus.ack()
let socket = this.socket[this._bus_name].opts
let connection = socket.path || + ':' + socket.port
if (!res.ack) throw `no device operational on bus '${}' (${connection}) at address ${this.address}=0x${this.address.toString(16)}`
@ -56,62 +53,3 @@ export default class Device extends Base {
} // end of MCP230XX Class
const device_funcs = {
ack: async function (){
// TODO if mux channel used check it as well
let bus = await this.send(this._bus_name,{ cmd:'scan'})
if (bus.error) return bus
let res = { cmd:'reply', ack: false, address:this.address, scan:bus.response}
if (bus.response.indexOf(this.address) !== -1) res.ack = true
return res
receive: async function() {
await this._setChannel()
return await this.send(this._bus_name, { cmd:'receive', args: {address:this.address}})
send: async function(byte) {
await this._setChannel()
return await this.send(this._bus_name, { cmd:'send', args: {address:this.address, byte:byte }})
// for devices needing a buffer/stream
readRaw: async function (length, buffer) {
await this._setChannel()
return await this.send(this._bus_name, { cmd:'readRaw', args: {address:this.address, length:length, buffer:buffer }})
writeRaw: async function (length, buffer) {
await this._setChannel()
return await this.send(this._bus_name, { cmd:'writeRaw', args: {address:this.address, length:length, buffer:buffer }})
// both cmd and byte should be a single byte as a decimal or hex
read: async function (cmd) {
await this._setChannel()
// console.log('after set before read',this.address,,this._channel,await this.socket.bus.send(getState)
return await this.send(this._bus_name, { cmd:'read', args: {address:this.address, cmd:cmd }})
write: async function (cmd, byte) {
await this._setChannel()
// console.log('after set, before write',this.address,,this._channel,await this.socket.bus.send(getState)
return await this.send(this._bus_name, { cmd:'write', args: {address:this.address, cmd:cmd, byte:byte }})
// for I2C devices that use a word length packackage
read2: async function (cmd) {
await this._setChannel()
return await this.send(this._bus_name, { cmd:'read2', args: {address:this.address, cmd:cmd }})
write2: async function (cmd, bytes) {
await this._setChannel()
return await this.send(this._bus_name, { cmd:'write2', args: {address:this.address, cmd:cmd, byte:bytes }})