import bus, { Gpio as gpio } from 'pigpio' // import btc from 'better-try-catch' // import Base from '@uci/base' import Base from '@uci/base' import logger from '@uci/logger' let log = {} const LOG_OPTS = (id) => { return { repo:'uci-mcp', npm:'@uci/mcp', file:'src/mcp230xx-packet.mjs', class:'MCP230XX', id:id, instance_created:new Date().getTime() }} export default class Interrupt extends Base { constructor(pins,opts={}) { opts.sockets = opts.sockets ? (opts.sockets + ',') : '' if (opts.path || opts.itrn) { opts.itrn = opts.itrn || {} opts.itrn.path = opts.path || opts.itrn.path || (process.env.SOCKETS_DIR || __dirname) + '/interrupt.sock' opts.sockets = opts.sockets + 'itrn#c>n,' } if (opts.itrt || { opts.itrt = opts.itrt || {} = || opts.itrt.port = opts.itrt.port || opts.port || 1777 opts.sockets = opts.sockets + 'itrt#c>t' } if (opts.sockets==='') throw ('must have at least one socket client') console.dir(opts) super(opts) log = logger.child(LOG_OPTS({pins:pins, opts:opts},'create interrupts with these opts') this.mock = opts.mock this.mode = gpio.INPUT this.pull = opts.pull || gpio.PUD_DOWN this.edge = opts.edge || gpio.RISING_EDGE this.interrupts = {} for(let pin of pins) { if (typeof pin==='number') {pin={num:pin}} this.interrupts[pin.num] = { pin: new gpio( pin.num, { mode: pin.mode || this.mode, pullUpDown: pin.pull || this.pull // do not! set edge here as it will start the emitter -- see pigio js }), edge: pin.edge || this.edge, socket: pin.socket, cmd: pin.cmd } } } // end constructor async init(){ await super.init() // for cntrl-c exit of interrupt process.on('SIGINT', () => { this.exit().then((resp) => console.log('\n', resp)) // unexport on cntrl-c .catch(err => console.log('error:', err)) }) for(const pin_num in this.interrupts) { let pin = this.interrupts[pin_num].pin let edge = this.interrupts[pin_num].edge console.log(`starting interrupt on pin ${pin_num}`) pin.on('interrupt', this.interruptProcess.bind(this,pin_num)) // rock n roll!!, start the pigpio interrupt console.log('edge=',edge) if(!this.mock) pin.enableInterrupt(edge) } } // end constructor // manual firing for testing fire(pin_num) { console.log('manually firing interrupt for pin', pin_num) this.interrupts[pin_num].pin.emit('interrupt',null) } exit() { bus.terminate() return Promise.reject('keyboard termination...terminating interrupts') } interruptProcess (pin) { console.log('=======================') console.log(`pin ${pin} on rpi bus has thrown an interrupt`) console.log('this is the default processor') console.log('replace "interruptProcess" for your instance or extended class') console.log('=======================') } } // end Class // default handler just logs the pin number fired // overwrite with actual socket send with appropriate packet