fixed chip.cfg so it sets BANK=1 correctly

added pin.status to read a pin, defaults to gpio regsiter if no reg: given in packet for others like olat
David Kebler 2018-02-11 19:56:44 -08:00
parent 851b73c7f5
commit f605508982
5 changed files with 93 additions and 95 deletions

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@ -25,33 +25,67 @@ const delay = time => new Promise(res=>setTimeout(()=>res(),time))
// }
// const pins='2,3,4'
// const pins=3
const pins=3
// const pins='all'
const pins=[1,3,5,7]
let packet = {cmd:'chip.cfg'}
// const pins=[1,3,5,7]
let packet = {cmd:'pin.cfg', pins:'all'}
await delay(1000)
packet = {cmd:'pin.cfg', pins:'all', port:'B'}
await delay(1000)
packet = {cmd:'', pins:'all' }
await delay(1000)
packet = {cmd:'', pins:'all', port:'B' }
await delay(1000)
// packet = {cmd:'pin.state.on', pins:pins}
// console.dir(packet)
// mcpclient.send(packet)
packet = {cmd:'pin.state.on', pins:'1,7', port:'B' }
packet = {cmd:'pin.state.on', pins:'3,4'}
// mcpclient.send(packet)
// await delay(1000)
// packet = {cmd:'pin.state.on', pins:pins}
// console.dir(packet)
// mcpclient.send(packet)
// await delay(1000)
// packet = {cmd:'pin.status', reg:'xintf', pins:pins}
// console.dir(packet)
// mcpclient.send(packet)
// await delay(1000)
// packet = {cmd:'pin.status', pins:pins}
// console.dir(packet)
// mcpclient.send(packet)
// await delay(1000)
// packet = {cmd:'pin.cfg', pins:pins, cfg:'toggle_switch'}
// console.dir(packet)
// mcpclient.send(packet)
await delay(1000)
packet = {cmd:'pin.cfg', pins:pins}
await delay(1000)
packet = {cmd:'pin.state.on', pins:pins, }
await delay(1000)
packet = {cmd:'pin.state.toggle', pins:pins, }
// await delay(1000)
// packet = {cmd:'pin.cfg', pins:pins}
// console.dir(packet)
// mcpclient.send(packet)
// await delay(1000)
// packet = {cmd:'pin.state.on', pins:pins, }
// console.dir(packet)
// mcpclient.send(packet)
// await delay(1000)
// packet = {cmd:'pin.state.toggle', pins:pins, }
// console.dir(packet)
// mcpclient.send(packet)
// await delay(1000)
// packet = {cmd:'pin.state.toggle', pins:pins, }
// console.dir(packet)

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import MCP230XX from '../src/mcp230xx-packet'
(async () => {
let mcp_chip = new MCP230XX({id:'mcp23008-27', address:0x27, bus:{host:'sbc'} })
let mcp_chip = new MCP230XX({id:'mcp23008-27', address:0x26, bus:{host:'sbc'} })
await mcp_chip.init()

View File

@ -4,16 +4,19 @@ import { CHIP, PIN } from './config'
export const chip = {
ack: async function(packet){
// process packet based on command and any other props into a bus packet
let bus_packet = { cmd:'scan'}
// console.log(packet.num)
let bus_reply = await this.busSend(bus_packet)
if (bus_reply.error) return bus_reply
let res = { cmd:'reply', _req:packet, _reqBus:bus_packet, ack: false, address:this.address}
if (bus_reply.response.indexOf(parseInt(this.address,16))!=-1) res.ack = true
let bus = await this.busSend({ cmd:'scan'})
if (bus.error) return bus
let res = { cmd:'reply', _req:packet, _reqBus:{cmd:'scan'}, ack: false, address:this.address, scan:bus.response}
if (bus.response.indexOf(this.address) !== -1) res.ack = true
return res
// for custom chip configuration set packet.cfg='custom' then packet.setting should be a
// configuration byte with given format ('STR' by defaul).
cfg: async function(packet){
busPacket = busPacket.bind(this)
// first make sure chip is in set to BANK=0 if not already
let bus = await this.busSend(busPacket('write',0x05,0))
if (bus.error) return bus
let setting = {}
let cfg = packet.cfg || 'default'
if (cfg === 'custom') setting = {val:packet.setting, fmt:packet.fmt || 'STR'}
@ -22,35 +25,15 @@ export const chip = {
else return {error:`no chip settings for ${cfg}`}
let byte = _.byteFormat(setting.val, { in: setting.fmt, out: 'DEC' })
let bus_packet = { cmd:'write', args: {address:this.address, cmd:CHIP.cmd, byte:byte}}
// console.log ('writing mcp chip config', bus_packet)
let bus_reply = await this.busSend(bus_packet)
if (bus_reply.error) return bus_reply
let res = { cmd:'reply', _req:packet, _reqBus:bus_packet , response:bus_reply.response}
return res
if (byte < 128) byte += 128 // make sure BANK=1 remains on
bus = await this.busSend(busPacket('write',0x0A,byte))
if (bus.error) return bus
bus = await this.busSend(busPacket('read',0x05))
if (bus.error) return bus
return { cmd:'reply', _req:packet, response:_.byteFormat(bus.response,{in:'DEC',out:'STR'}) }
// async writePinsCfg() {
// debug.L1('writing mcp pins config')
// for (let port in this.ports) {
// for (let setting in registers.pin_config) {
// let reg = registers.pin_config[setting]
// // TODO 0x10 should be based on chip config
// let byte = 0
// for (let pin of this.ports[port].pins) {
// byte += pin.address * pin.cfg[setting]
// debug.L3(`port: ${ port } pin: ${} setting: ${ setting } reg: ${ reg } byte: ${ byte }`)
// }
// await this.write(portReg(reg, port), byte)
// }
// }
// debug.L1('done writing mcp pins config')
// } // end writePinsCfg
// Individual Pin Configurations
// set is for cfg: 'custom' assume a setting is zero unless given
// packet = { pin:, port:, cfg: , set:{dir: 0, ivrt: 0, pullup: 0, intr: 0, usedef: 0,defval: 0} }
@ -64,51 +47,30 @@ export const pin = {
else cfg = PIN.cfgset[packet.cfg]
for(let name of Object.keys(PIN.setting)) {
let op = cfg[name] ? 'on' : 'off'
console.log(name, op)
// console.log(name, op)
let busreply = await state.bind(this)(packet,op,PIN.setting[name])
if (busreply.error) return busreply
reply.response[name] = reply.status
reply.response[name] = busreply.status
return reply
// cfg: async function(packet){
// let shift = 0
// let cfg = {}
// let reply = { cmd:'reply', _req:packet, response:{} }
// if (packet.port === 'B') shift= 0x10 // TODO check on shift amount
// packet.cfg = packet.cfg || 'output'
// if (packet.cfg==='custom') cfg = packet.set
// else cfg = PIN.cfgset[packet.cfg]
// let pins = parsePins(packet.pins)
// let state = new _.Byte()
// for(let name of Object.keys(PIN.setting)) {
// let bus_packet = { cmd:'read', args: {address:this.address, cmd:PIN.setting[name]+shift } }
// let bus = await this.busSend(bus_packet)
// if (bus.error) return bus
// state.value = bus.response
// let op = cfg[name] ? 'on' : 'off'
// console.log(name, op)
// console.log(state.toFmt('ARY'))
// console.log(pins.toFmt('ARY'))
// bus_packet = { cmd:'write', args: {address:this.address, cmd:PIN.setting[name]+shift, byte:state.bwOp(pins.value,op,{in:'PLC', out:'DEC'}) } }
// bus = await this.busSend(bus_packet)
// if (bus.error) return bus
// bus_packet = { cmd:'read', args: {address:this.address, cmd:PIN.setting[name]+shift } }
// bus = await this.busSend(bus_packet)
// if (bus.error) return bus
// state.value = bus.response
// console.log(state.toFmt('ARY'))
// reply.response[name] = state.bwOp(pins.value,'check',{in:'PLC', out:'PLC'})
// }
// console.log('==============')
// return reply
// },
// state is equivalent to read
status: packet => {
status: async function (packet) {
let reg = packet.reg ? PIN.cmd[packet.reg] : PIN.cmd.gpio
if (!reg) return {error:`unknown register ${packet.reg}`, packet:packet }
let reply = { cmd:'reply', _req:packet}
let pins = parsePins(packet.pins)
let state = new _.Byte()
let bus = await this.busSend(busPacket.bind(this)('read',reg, packet.port))
if (bus.error) return bus
state.value = bus.response
reply.port = state.toFmt('ARY')
reply.pins = => {
if (state.toFmt('PLC').indexOf(pin) !==-1) return [pin, 'on']
else return [pin,'off']
return reply
// threse three only for output pins
state : {
@ -141,28 +103,25 @@ const parsePins = function(pins) {
let busPacket = function (cmd,reg,byte,port) {
if (typeof byte==='string') port = byte
let shift = (port==='B') ? 0x10 : 0
return { cmd:cmd, args: {address:this.address, cmd:reg+shift, byte:byte } }
let packet = { cmd:cmd, args: {address:this.address, cmd:reg+shift, byte:byte } }
return packet
const state = async function(packet,op,reg){
busPacket = busPacket.bind(this)
reg = (reg!==undefined)? reg : PIN.cmd.gpio
console.log(op, reg)
// console.log(op, reg)
let reply = { cmd:'reply', _req:packet}
let pins = parsePins(packet.pins)
let state = new _.Byte()
let bus = await this.busSend(busPacket('read',reg, packet.port))
if (bus.error) return bus
state.value = bus.response
// bus_packet = { cmd:'write', args: {address:this.address, cmd:reg+shift, byte:state.bwOp(pins.value,op,{in:'PLC', out:'DEC'}) } }
bus = await this.busSend(busPacket('write',reg,state.bwOp(pins.value,op,{in:'PLC', out:'DEC'}),packet.port))
if (bus.error) return bus
bus = await this.busSend(busPacket('read',reg, packet.port))
if (bus.error) return bus
state.value = bus.response
reply.status = state.bwOp(pins.value,'check',{in:'PLC', out:'PLC'})
return reply

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@ -3,7 +3,8 @@
export const CHIP = {
// The consifuration byte is ['NULL','INTPOL','ODR','HAEN','DISSLW','SEQOP','MIRROR','BANK']
// see page 18 of 23017 datasheet for 8 setting details
cmd: 0x0A, // IOCON.BANK=0 (msb) at powerup so need to use 0x0A, if set to 1 then us
// MUST send '10000000' to 0x0B first to be sure you are in BANK=1 separate bank mode
// IOCON.BANK=0 (msb) at powerup so need to use 0x0A, if set to 1 then us
default: {
val: '10100010', // Split Banks port A + 0x10 = Port B,(ignored by 23008), Sequential operation disabled, active high=pulldown
fmt: 'STR'

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@ -40,6 +40,10 @@ export default class MCP230XX extends Base {
async init(){
await super.init()
let res = await this.chip.ack.bind(this)() // move this to device class
if (!res.ack) throw `no device on this bus at address ${this.address}=0x${this.address.toString(16)}`
res = await this.chip.cfg.bind(this)({})
if (res.response !== '10100010') throw `could not configure mcp chip at ${this.address}=0x${this.address.toString(16)}`