added default consumer socket to interrupt process, named pipe by default
added commands.interrupt to consumer namespace so pushed packets from interrupt process will be handled.
interrupt process could still 'send' the packet if that is prefered but command would be prefaced with 'interrupt.'
Fixed the interrupt:reset ready observer to it will get the interrupt ready state correctly.
ready state after reset is sent in outgoing packet so action can be taken if something goes wrong.
creates an iterrupt name for observers based on passed or 'interrupt' by default.
Improved switches example that uses options read from yaml file. Desgined to work with multi intererupt example and i2cbus example.
added pin.cfgs for multiple pin configurations
refactored pin.status, pin._state to better handle multiple pins and 08 vs 17
changed to not having default sockets but socket can be added by passing lport or lpath
now supports new new uci-utils/ready module and adds an observer for when chip and pins are configured
now supports new new uci-utils/ready module by adds an observer for when the interrupt process connects and also resets
refactored the interrupt methods and commands to compliment changes in the interrupt module