import { readFile as read } from 'fs-read-data' import onDeath from 'ondeath' import { MCP230XXi } from '../src' let options = {} ; (async () => { options = await read('./examples/switches.yaml') = || || 'switches' // console.log('----------------switches start options--------\n',options,'\n---------------------------------') // console.log('----------------switches interrupt options--------\n',options.interrupt,'\n---------------------------------') let switches = new MCP230XXi(options) // TODO make this part of UCI logger if ((process.env.UCI_ENV || '').includes('dev')) { switches.on('log',ev => { switch (ev.level) { // case 'warning': // case 'error': // case 'testing': // case 'ready': // case 'state': case 'fatal': // case 'mcp': // case 'info': // case 'debug': // case 'interrupt': console.log(ev.level.toUpperCase(),'\n',ev) break } }) process.once('SIGUSR2', async () => { console.log('shutting down nodemon') await process.kill(, 'SIGUSR2') }) } // dev else { onDeath( async () => { console.log('\nswitches plugin device, \nHe\'s dead Jim') await console.log('shutdown done') }) } // uncomment to see connection events // switches.on('connection:socket', async ev => { // console.log('connection event: outbound > ', ev.state,'to socket',ev.socketName)// if (ev.state ==='connected') switches.duplex = true // }) // switches.on('connection:consumer', async ev => { // console.log('connection event: inbound >', ev.state,'from consumer',, if (ev.state ==='connected') switches.duplex = true // }) if (options.interrupt) { console.log('interrupt processor registered') switches.registerInterruptProcessor(iprocessor) // register interrupt processor from below } switches.amendConsumerCommands( { reply: async function (packet) { // silence end point send command to bus if (!packet.error) { // console.log('reply processor', packet) // if (packet._header.path.includes('i2c-bus')) { // if (packet.args.cmd ===24 || packet.args.cmd===8) console.log('=== interrupt reset at i2c bus===') // } else console.log('reply back from master socket', packet) } else console.log('processing error at socket', packet) } } ) await switches.init() console.log('after init',switches.ready.observers,switches.ready.state) switches.ready.all.subscribe( function (ready) { if (!ready) { console.log(, 'YIKES! some observer is still not reporting ready') let failed = this.ready.state.filter(obs=> obs[1]===false).map(obs=>[obs[0],this.ready.getObserverDetails(obs)]) console.log('those that have failed\n',failed) // notifiy here } else { console.log(, ': This switches Hardware is...ONLINE!!!!') // console.log('state\n,',this.ready.state) // here is where to continue with startup /circuits reset } }.bind(switches)) // setInterval(function () { // let failed = this.ready.state.filter(obs=> obs[1]===false).map(obs=>[obs[0],this.ready.getObserverDetails(obs)]) // console.log('those that have failed\n',failed) // }.bind(switches),5000) // pins are outputs by default or all interrupt pulldown if interrupt(s) being used. // set customized pin configurations here or later via master controller and database })().catch(err => { console.log('FATAL: UNABLE TO START switches - KILLING FOR OS RESTART !\n',err, options) process.exitCode = 1 process.kill(, 'SIGINT') }) function iprocessor (packet) { packet.hardware = // id needs to be the _id of the switches device in the database packet.cmd = 'switches.triggered' console.log('interrupt processor, could send on to another controller process') console.dir(packet) } async function shutdown (){ let names = Object.keys(this.getSocket()) console.log(names) for (let name of names) { console.log(name) console.log(await this.removeSocket(name)) console.log('after remove', name) } this.removeAllListeners() }