'use strict' const Device = require('uci-dev').Device, Port = require('uci-gpio').Port, _u = require('uci-utils'), pause = _u.pPause, aseq = _u.aSeq class MCP23008 extends Device { constructor(busObj, i2cAddress, opts = {}) { super(busObj, i2cAddress, opts) // opts could include options passed on to ports and pin including custom pin config, pin ids...see gpio.js this.chip_config = opts.chip_config // TODO allow opts.chip_config to be a byte instead of a string pointer this.ports = {} opts.portID = 'A' opts.pids = opts.pids ? opts.pids : opts.pidsA this.ports.A = new Port(opts) this.ports.A.state = new _u.Byte(opts.stateA) this.ports.A.interrupt = opts.interruptA ? opts.interruptA : opts.interrupt } // end constructor async init() { // console.log(`begin initialize ${this.id}`) await this.writeChipCfg(this.chip_config) // chip settings await this.writePinsCfg() for (let port in this.ports) { console.log(`init port ${port} state`) await this.writePort(this.state(port), 'force', port) } } async start() { // console.log(`starting ${ this.id }`) for (let port in this.ports) { // if there are interrupts being used then start them and listeners if (this.inter(port)) { await this.interruptReset(port) await this.inter(port).start() // bind handler to the chip so handler can read/write to chip/bank when interrupt is emitted let ihandler = this.inter(port).handler.bind(this) // inside the listener `this` is the interrupt not the chip/bank this.inter(port).on('fired', function () { console.log(`interrupt from ${this.pin_number}`) ihandler(port) }) } } } async interruptReset(port = 'A') { await this.read(portReg(0x08, port)) await pause(100) // give enough time for mcp to reset its interupt // console.log(`interrupt reset on ${this.id} port ${port}`) } pin(id) { return this.ports.A.pin(id) } // get a reference to a particular pin's object pid(address) { return this.ports.A.pid(address) } // return pin id for a given address on a port portByPin(id) { if (this.ports.A.pin(id)) { return 'A' } return false } state(port = 'A') { return this.ports[port].state.value } // get a handle to the ports interrupt inter(port = 'A') { return this.ports[port].interrupt } writeChipCfg(cfg = 'default') { // console.log(`writing mcp chip config ${this.id}`) let setting = chip_config[cfg] let byte = _u.byteFormat(setting.val, { in: setting.fmt, out: 'DEC' }) return this.write(chip_config.cmd, byte) .then(() => Promise.resolve(`mcp chip config: reg $ { chip_config.cmd } byte $ { byte } written `)) } // pin configurations should already be set before calling writePinsCfg() { // console.log(`writing mcp pins config ${this.id}`) let jobs = []; for (let port in this.ports) { for (let setting in registers.pin_config) { let reg = registers.pin_config[setting] // TODO 0x10 should be based on chip config let byte = 0; let pins = this.ports[port].allPins for (let i = 0; i < 8; i++) { let pin = pins[i] byte += pin.address.toFmt('DEC') * pin.cfg[setting] } //console.log(`port $ { port } - setting $ { setting } - reg $ { reg } - byte $ { byte }`) jobs.push( this.write(portReg(reg, port), byte).then(() => Promise.resolve(` config: wrote $ { byte } to register $ { reg } on port $ { port } `)) ) } } return _u.pSeries(jobs) } // end writePinsCfg // read(format = 'PLC') { // return u_.byteFormat(this.cur, { in: this.format, out: format }) // } async readPort(port, cmd = "gpio") { if ('AB'.indexOf(port) === -1) { cmd = port ? port : "gpio" port = 'A' } let result = await this.read(portReg(registers.pin_cmd[cmd], port)) this.ports[port].state.value = result return result } async writePort(byte, op, port = 'A') { // byte MUST be a decimal console.log(`current \n ${this.ports[port].state.toFmt('PLC')}`) console.log(`byte passed ${op} \n ${_u.byteFormat(byte,{in: 'DEC', out:'PLC'})}`) if (op !== 'force') { byte = this.ports[port].state.bwOp(byte, op) } console.log("byte to write decimal \n", byte) console.log(`byte to write \n ${_u.byteFormat(byte, { in: 'DEC', out: 'PLC' })}`) await this.write(portReg(registers.pin_cmd.gpio, port), byte) //update the saved state this.ports[port].state.value = byte console.log("\n\n") } async on(pins, port, format) { if ('AB'.indexOf(port) === -1) { format = port port = 'A' } if (format) { pins = _u.byteFormat(pins, { in: format, out: 'DEC' }) } await this.writePort(pins, 'on', port) } async allOn(port = 'A') { let pins = 255 await this.writePort(pins, 'force', port) } async off(pins, port, format) { if ('AB'.indexOf(port) === -1) { format = port port = 'A' } if (format) { pins = _u.byteFormat(pins, { in: format, out: 'DEC' }) } await this.writePort(pins, 'off', port) } async allOff(port = 'A') { let pins = 0 await this.writePort(pins, 'force', port) } async toggle(pins, port, format) { if ('AB'.indexOf(port) === -1) { format = port port = 'A' } if (format) { pins = _u.byteFormat(pins, { in: format, out: 'DEC' }) } await this.writePort(pins, 'toggle', port) } async allToggle(port = 'A') { let pins = 255 await this.writePort('toggle', port) } async force(pins, port, format) { if ('AB'.indexOf(port) === -1) { format = port port = 'A' } if (format) { pins = _u.byteFormat(pins, { in: format, out: 'DEC' }) } await this.writePort(pins, 'force', port) } } // end 23008 module.exports.MCP23008 = MCP23008 class MCP23017 extends MCP23008 { constructor(busObj, i2cAddress, opts) { super(busObj, i2cAddress, opts) // add a second port opts.portID = 'B' opts.pids = opts.pidsB this.ports.B = new Port(opts) this.ports.B.state = new _u.Byte(opts.stateB) this.ports.B.interrupt = opts.interruptB ? opts.interruptB : opts.interrupt } pin(id, port) { if (!port) { return this.ports.A.pin(id) ? this.ports.A.pin(id) : this.ports.B.pin(id) } return this.ports[port].pin(id) } pid(address, port) { if (!port) { return this.ports.A.pid(address) } return this.ports[port].pid(address) } portByPin(id) { console.log('pin id in portbypin', id) if (this.ports.A.pin(id)) { return 'A' } if (this.ports.B.pin(id)) { return 'B' } return false } } // end MCP23017 Class module.exports.MCP23017 = MCP23017 // ============================== function portReg(reg, port) { // TODO what to return for port B will depend on chip configuration // if not letter assume index 0,1. if ((port === 'B') || (port === 1)) { return reg += 0x10 } else { return reg } } /* ww1.microchip.com/downloads/en/DeviceDoc/21952b.pdf * or see MCP23017.pdf and MCP 23008.pdf in /docs * see table 1.5 and details in sections 1.6.x following * !!! for 23017 MUST initialize with bit 7 "BANK" of IOCON = 1 for the addresses below * then for all registers add 16 (0x10) to each reg address to talk to PortB pins * this will make reg addresses be equilvant for 23008 and PortA of 23017 * reg addresses in the config objects are all in Hexidecminal */ // Chip Configuration to be used with Register See Page 18 of 23017 doc let chip_config = { // byte: ['NULL','INTPOL','ODR','HAEN','DISSLW','SEQOP','MIRROR','BANK'] // see page 18 of 23017 datasheet for 8 setting details cmd: 0x0A, // IOCON.BANK=0 (msb) at powerup so need to use 0x0A, if set to 1 then use default: { val: '10100010', // Split Banks port A + 0x10 = Port B,(ignored by 23008), Sequential operation disabled, active high=pulldown fmt: 'STR' }, oneint: { val: '11100100', // same as default execpt int pins connected fmt: 'STR' } } let registers = { pin_config: { dir: 0, ivrt: 1, pullup: 6, intr: 2, usedef: 4, defval: 3, }, pin_cmd: { intf: 7, // readonly intcap: 8, // readonly gpio: 9, // read/write olat: 10 // read only } }