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#!/usr/bin/env node
import Ssh from '../src/ssh'
import to from 'await-to-js'
import logger from '@uci/logger'
import yargs from 'yargs'
let arg = yargs
(async () => {
const log = logger({ repo: 'remote-code', bin:'./bin/ssh.js', class:'Ssh', file:'src/ssh.js', id: 'binary' })
const ssh = new Ssh()
console.log('config file', arg)
await ssh.configure(arg.c ? arg.c : null) // default config
log.info(`making connection to ${ssh.opts.host}`)
let [err] = await to(ssh.connect())
if (err) {
log.info({err:err, msg:'unable to connect'})
return err
// let cmd = arg._.join(' ')
// console.log(cmd)
// let [err2,res] = await to(ssh.exec(cmd))
// if (err2) {
// log.info({err:err2, command:cmd, msg:'error running command aborting'})
// return
// }
// ssh.close()
// return res
let res = await ssh.shell({cli:true})
console.log('ALL DONE', res.command, res.cmds, )
})().catch(err => {
console.error('FATAL: Failed to Connecct to Remote!\n',err)