const path = require('path') const Rsync = require('rsync') class Sync { constructor(opts) { this.options = opts this.rsync = new Rsync() .archive() .delete() .compress() .dirs() .exclude('node_modules/') .exclude('.git/') .source(path.join(opts.source, '/')) .destination(`${opts.ssh.username}@${}:${path.join(}`) // can pass array of string of addition exlcudes - from a list likely if (opts.excludes) { this.rsync.exclude(opts.excludes) } if (opts.ssh.agent) {`ssh -p ${opts.ssh.port}`) } if (opts.ssh.keyfilePath) { // This does NOT work with keys with pass phrase, use an ssh agent!`ssh -i ${opts.ssh.keyfilePath} -p ${opts.ssh.port}`) } if (opts.ssh.password) {`sshpass -p ${opts.ssh.password} ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -l ${opts.ssh.username}`) } console.log(this.rsync.command()) this.syncInProgress = false return this } addStdOutStream(stream) { this.stdOutStream = stream return this } addStdErrStream(stream) { this.stdErrStream = stream return this } execute() { this.syncInProgress = true return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.rsync.execute((err, resCode) => { if (err) { return reject(err) } this.syncInProgress = false resolve(resCode) }, this.stdOutStream, this.stdErrStream) }) } } module.exports = Sync