
52 lines
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import Ssh from '../src/ssh'
import to from 'await-to-js'
import { expect } from 'chai'
import { it } from 'mocha'
import logger from '@uci/logger'
describe('SSH Class Testing ',async ()=> {
let remote
let log
before(async () => {
log = logger({ name: 'remote-code', test:'/test/ssh.test.js', class:'Ssh', file:'src/ssh.js', id: 'testing' })
remote = new Ssh()
await remote.configure('./test/config/ssh') // will pick up config file format
log.info(`making connection to ${remote.opts.host}`)
let [err] = await to(remote.connect())
if (err) {
log.info('unable to connect aborting test', err)
return err
log.info('ready for testing')
after(async () => {
it('simple connect and reply to "cd /opt && pwd"' , async function () {
let [err,res] = await to(remote.exec('cd /opt && pwd'))
if (err) {
log.info('error running command aborting test', err)
log.info({remoteHost:remote.opts.host, reply:res.reply.toString().trim(), err:err, cmd:res.command, msg:`remote command completed ${res.command}`})
expect(res.reply.toString().trim(), 'test failed').to.equal('/opt')
// function hooks(remote) {
// // beforeEach(async() => {
// // await someasyncfunctiontodobeforeeachtest()
// // })
// // after(async() => {
// // await someasyncfunctiontodoaftereeachtest()
// // })
// }