socket: removed all 'client' names and replaced with 'consumer' switched to using MAP for holding consumers incoming consumer includes passing opts.data for passing consumer specific information to socket consumer: supports opts.data for passing to socket updated examples accordingly
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 95 additions and 90 deletions
@ -70,6 +70,12 @@ client.on('status', event => {
setTimeout(()=> {
console.log('=============Consumer now Offline=============')
})().catch(err => {
console.error('FATAL: UNABLE TO START SYSTEM!\n',err)
@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ class Test extends Socket {
// }
// const PATH = '/opt/bogus/socket'
const PATH = true
const PUSHES = 3
// options.conPacket = {cmd:'onconnect', data:'this is a packet data sent consumer after handshake/authentification'}
const TOKENS = ['cheetos']
let test = new Test({path:PATH, tokens:TOKENS})
@ -72,14 +73,14 @@ test.registerPacketProcessor(processor)
let count = 0
const push = setInterval( () => {
test.push({cmd:'pushed', count:count, status:`some pushed data ${count}`})
if (count >3) {
test.push({cmd:'pushed', count:count, status:`pushing some data ${count} of ${PUSHES}`})
if (count >PUSHES) {
test.push({cmd:'pushed',status:'now will simulate server going offline by stopping to send ping for 10 seconds'})
test.push({cmd:'pushed',status:'now will simulate server going offline by stopping to send ping for 15 seconds'})
setTimeout( () => {
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "@uci/socket",
"version": "0.2.28",
"version": "0.2.29",
"description": "JSON packet intra(named)/inter(TCP) host communication over socket",
"main": "src",
"scripts": {
@ -16,8 +16,7 @@
"client": "node -r esm examples/client",
"devc": "UCI_ENV=dev ./node_modules/.bin/nodemon -r esm examples/client",
"devc:token": "UCI_CLIENT_TOKEN='cheetos' npm run devc",
"devc:debug": "UCI_LOG_LEVEL=debug npm run devc",
"c2": "node -r esm examples/client2"
"devc:debug": "UCI_LOG_LEVEL=debug npm run devc"
"author": "David Kebler",
"license": "MIT",
@ -46,10 +46,13 @@ class SocketConsumer extends Socket {
opts.path = path.join(DEFAULT_PIPE_DIR, opts.path)
this.opts = opts
this._data = {id:this.id, name:opts.name||this.id}
Object.assign(this._data,opts.data||{}) // holds consumer specific data that will be passed to server in header and on connection
// default is keepAlive true, must set to false to explicitly disable
// if keepAlive is true then consumer will also be reconnecting consumer
// initTimeout > 4 means socketInit will return a promise
this.initTimeout = opts.initTimeout > 4 ? opts.initTimeout * 1000 : null
this.pingFailedTimeout = opts.pingFailedTimeout * 1000 || 10000
this.pingFailedTimeout = opts.pingFailedTimeout * 1000 || 5000
this.reconnectLimit = opts.reconnectLimit || 0
this.retryWait = opts.retryWait==null ? 5000 : opts.retryWait * 1000
this.heartBeat = !!process.env.HEARTBEAT || opts.heartBeat
@ -116,7 +119,6 @@ class SocketConsumer extends Socket {
, this.initTimeout)
const successHandler = (ev) => {
console.log('initial success', ev.state)
if (ev.state === 'connected') {
@ -125,7 +127,7 @@ class SocketConsumer extends Socket {
@ -174,7 +176,7 @@ class SocketConsumer extends Socket {
id: Math.random()
.slice(2), // need this for when multiple sends for different consumers use same packet instanceack
sender: { name: this.name, instanceID: this.id },
sender: { data: this._data, instanceID: this.id},
path: this.opts.path,
port: this.opts.port,
host: this.opts.host
@ -286,7 +288,7 @@ async function handshake (packet) {
let authPacket = this._authenticate() || {}
authPacket._authenticate = true
authPacket.clientName = this.id
authPacket.data = this._data
let res = await this._authenticateSend(authPacket)
@ -331,7 +333,7 @@ function messageHandler(packet) {
// assume all errors are fatal and the socket needs to be disconnected/reconnected
async function errorHandler (err) {
let msg = `error, socket has been disconnected, trying reconnect in ${this.retryWait/1000} secs`
let msg = `error, this consumer is disconnected, trying reconnect in ${this.retryWait/1000} secs`
this._errorRetry = setTimeout(this.reconnect.bind(this),this.retryWait)
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ export default function socketClass(Server) {
* @param {String} options.host a tcp host name nornally not used as is set by default
* @param {String} options.port a tcp
* @param {String | Boolean} options.path xeither full path to where socket should be created or if just 'true' then use default
* @param {Boolean} options.clientTracking track connected clients for push notifications - default: true
* @param {Boolean} options.consumerTracking track connected consumers for push notifications - default: true
* @param {Object} options.conPacket A json operson's property
@ -61,14 +61,14 @@ export default function socketClass(Server) {
this.allowAnonymous = (!opts.tokens || !!process.env.UCI_ANON || opts.allowAnonymous) ? true : false
this.tokens = opts.tokens || []
this.keepAlive = 'keepAlive' in opts ? opts.keepAlive : true
this.pingInterval = opts.pingInterval === false ? opts.pingInterval : (opts.pingInterval * 1000 || 5000)
this.clients = [] // track consumers (i.e. clients) TODO use a Map
this.nextClientID = 0 // incrementer for default initial client ID
this.pingInterval = opts.pingInterval === false ? 0 : (opts.pingInterval * 1000 || 5000)
this.consumers = new Map() // track consumers (i.e. clients) TODO use a Map
this.nextConsumerID = 0 // incrementer for default initial consumer ID
this.opts = opts // for use to recover from selected errors
this.errorCount = 0
//self bindings
this.create = this.create.bind(this)
this.authenticateClient = this.authenticateClient.bind(this)
this.authenticateConsumer = this.authenticateConsumer.bind(this)
this._authenticate = this._authenticate.bind(this)
this.close = promisify(this.close).bind(this)
log = logger({
@ -141,11 +141,12 @@ export default function socketClass(Server) {
this.emit('log', errors)
let obj = {method:'create', line:54, msg:'socket server created and listening at', address:this.address()}
let msg = `socket ready and listening ${typeof this.address() ==='string' ? `at ${this.address()}` : `on port ${this.address().port}`}`
let obj = {method:'create', line:54, msg:msg}
this.on('connection', this._connectionHandler.bind(this))
resolve(`socket ready and listening at ${this.address().address}:${this.address().port}`)
@ -167,7 +168,7 @@ export default function socketClass(Server) {
enablePing () {
if (this.pingInterval > 499) {
this._ping = setInterval( async () =>{
if (this.clients.length > 0) this.push({pingInterval:this.pingInterval},'ping')
if (this.consumers.size > 0) this.push({pingInterval:this.pingInterval},'ping')
@ -212,7 +213,7 @@ export default function socketClass(Server) {
* push - pushes a supplied UCI object packet to all connected clients
* push - pushes a supplied UCI object packet to all connected consumers
* @param {object} packet Description
* @param {string} id the header id string of the pushed packet, default: 'pushed'
@ -220,12 +221,12 @@ export default function socketClass(Server) {
async push(packet={},id) {
packet._header = {id: id || 'pushed'}
if (this.clients.length > 0) {
if (this.consumers.size > 0) {
log.trace({method:'push', line:142, id:packet._header.id, opts: this.opts, packet: packet, msg:'pushing a packet to all connected consumers'})
// TODO should do a map and single promise
this.clients.forEach(async client => {
if (client.writable) {
let [err] = await btc(this._send)(client,packet)
this.consumers.forEach(async consumer => {
if (consumer.writable) {
let [err] = await btc(this._send)(consumer,packet)
if (err) log.error({msg:err, error:err})
@ -234,56 +235,47 @@ export default function socketClass(Server) {
// TODO won't need this if moving to a Map
getClientIndex(sid) {
return this.clients.findIndex(client => {return client.sid === sid })
removeConsumer (sid) {
let consumer=this.consumers.get(sid)
this.emit('log',{level:'info', msg:'a consumer disconnected', consumer:consumer.data, sid:consumer.sid})
this.emit('connection:consumer',{state:'disconnected', msg:'a consumer disconnected', consumer:consumer.data, sid:consumer.sid})
log.warn({msg:'consumer removed from tracking',sid:sid, curConsumerCount:this.consumers.size})
getClient(sid) {
return this.clients[this._getClientIndex(sid)]
removeClient (sid) {
let index = this.getClientIndex(sid)
let client=this.clients[index]
this.emit('log',{level:'info', msg:'a consumer disconnected', name:client.name, id:client.id})
this.emit('connection:consumer',{state:'disconnected', msg:'a consumer disconnected', name:client.name, id:client.id})
log.warn({msg:'consumer removed from tracking',sid:sid, curClientCount:this.clients.length})
async authenticateClient(client) {
async authenticateConsumer(consumer) {
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
// when consumer gets the handshake they must follow with authentication
client.stream.on('message', authenticate.bind(this,client))
let [err] = await btc(this._send)(client,{_handshake: true, sid:client.sid})
consumer.stream.on('message', authenticate.bind(this,consumer))
let [err] = await btc(this._send)(consumer,{_handshake: true, sid:consumer.sid})
if (err) {
log.error({msg:'error in handshake send', error:err})
async function authenticate (client,packet) {
log.debug({msg:`authentication packet from client ${client.name}:${client.id}:${client.sid}`, packet:packet})
if (!packet._authenticate) reject('first client packet was not authentication')
async function authenticate (consumer,packet) {
log.debug({msg:`authentication packet from consumer ${consumer.name}:${consumer.id}:${consumer.sid}`, packet:packet})
if (!packet._authenticate) reject('first consumer packet was not authentication')
else {
let [err, res] = await btc(this._authenticate)(packet)
client.authenticated = this.allowAnonymous ? 'anonymous' : (err ? false : res)
client.name = packet.clientName
packet.authenticated = client.authenticated
consumer.authenticated = this.allowAnonymous ? 'anonymous' : (err ? false : res)
consumer.data = packet.data
packet.authenticated = consumer.authenticated
packet.reason = err || null
log.debug({msg:'sending authorization result to client', packet:packet})
await this._send(client,packet) // send either way
log.debug({msg:'sending authorization result to consumer', packet:packet})
await this._send(consumer,packet) // send either way
if (err && !this.allowAnonymous) {
log.info({msg:'client authentication failed', client:client.name, client_sid:client.sid, reason:err})
log.info({msg:`consumer ${consumer.data.name} authentication failed`, consumer:consumer.data, consumer_sid:consumer.sid, reason:err})
else {
log.info({msg:'client authenticated successfuly', client:client.name})
if (this.allowAnonymous) log.warn({msg:'socket consumer connected anonymously', consumer:client.name})
log.info({msg:`consumer ${consumer.data.name} authenticated successfuly`, consumer:consumer.data})
if (this.allowAnonymous) log.warn({msg:`consumer ${consumer.data.name}, connected anonymously`, consumer:consumer.data})
@ -299,29 +291,30 @@ export default function socketClass(Server) {
return false
// default authenticator - reject value should be reason which is returned to client
// default authenticator - reject value should be reason which is returned to consumer
async _authenticate (packet) {
if (!this._validateToken(packet.token)) return Promise.reject('invalid token')
return true
// async _connectionHandler({consumer, server}) { // this gets called for each client connection and is unique to
async _connectionHandler(consumer) { // this gets called for each client connection and is unique to each
// async _connectionHandler({consumer, server}) { // this gets called for each consumer connection and is unique to
async _connectionHandler(consumer) { // this gets called for each consumer connection and is unique to each
const stream = new JSONStream()
consumer.stream = stream
consumer.data = {}
consumer.connected = true
// add listeners
consumer.on('error', (err) => {
log.error({msg:'client connection error',error:err})
log.error({msg:'consumer connection error',error:err})
// TODO do more handling than just logging
consumer.on('end', (err) => {
log.error({msg:'consumer connected ended',error:err})
if (consumer.sid) this.removeClient(consumer.sid)
log.error({msg:`'consumer connection ended: ${consumer.data.name}`, error:err})
if (consumer.sid) this.removeConsumer(consumer.sid)
else {
@ -335,9 +328,9 @@ export default function socketClass(Server) {
// TODO do more handling than just logging
consumer.authenticated = true
// consumer.authenticated = true
let [err] = await btc(this.authenticateClient)(consumer)
let [err] = await btc(this.authenticateConsumer)(consumer)
if (!this.allowAnonymous) {
if (err) {
@ -347,18 +340,17 @@ export default function socketClass(Server) {
// authenticated consumer, add to list of clients
consumer.sid = ++this.nextClientID // server assigned ID
consumer.socketSide = true
consumer.authenticated = true
this.clients.push(consumer) // add current consumer to clients
// authenticated consumer, add to list of consumers
consumer.sid = ++this.nextConsumerID // server assigned ID
// consumer.authenticated = true
this.consumers.set(consumer.sid, consumer) // add current consumer to consumers
const clientCloseHandler = (sid) => {
const consumerCloseHandler = (sid) => {
log.warn({msg:'consumer connection was closed',sid:sid})
consumer.on('close', clientCloseHandler.bind(this,consumer.sid))
log.debug({method:'_listen', line:364, msg:'new consumer connected/authenticated', cname:consumer.name, cid:consumer.id, totalConsumers:this.clients.length})
consumer.on('close', consumerCloseHandler.bind(this,consumer.sid))
log.debug({method:'_listen', line:364, msg:'new consumer connected/authenticated', cname:consumer.name, cid:consumer.id, totalConsumers:this.consumers.size})
// all's set enable main incoming message processor
stream.on('message', messageProcess.bind(this, consumer))
@ -369,12 +361,17 @@ export default function socketClass(Server) {
this.emit('log',{level:'info', msg:'a consumer connected and authenticated', name:consumer.name, id:consumer.id})
this.emit('connection:consumer',{state:'connected', msg:'a consumer connected and authenticated', name:consumer.name, id:consumer.id})
this.emit('connection:consumer',{state:'connected', msg:`consumer ${(consumer.data ||{}).name} connected and authenticated to socket ${this.id}`,
name:(consumer.data ||{}).name ||(consumer.data ||{}).id || consumer.sid,
// that's it. Connection is active
async function messageProcess(client, packet) {
log.debug({method:'_listen', line:179, packet: packet, client:client.name, msg:'incoming packet on socket side'})
async function messageProcess(consumer, packet) {
log.debug({method:'_listen', line:179, packet: packet, consumer:consumer.data, msg:'incoming packet on socket side'})
let res = (await this._packetProcess(clone(packet))) || {}
if (Object.keys(res).length === 0)
res = {
@ -390,7 +387,7 @@ export default function socketClass(Server) {
res._header.responder = { name: this.name, instanceID: this.id }
res._header.socket = this.address()
if (!res.cmd) res.cmd = this.defaultReturnCmd || 'reply' // by default return command is 'reply'
let [err] = await btc(this._send)(client,res)
let [err] = await btc(this._send)(consumer,res)
if (err) log.error({msg:err, error:err})
} // end message process
@ -402,9 +399,9 @@ export default function socketClass(Server) {
// this.push()
await this.close()
this.clients.forEach(client => {
this.consumers.forEach(consumer => {
log.debug({method:'_destroy', line:219, msg:'all connections closed....exiting'})
@ -417,18 +414,18 @@ export default function socketClass(Server) {
async _send(client, packet) {
log.trace({msg:`sending to client:${client.id}`, packet:packet})
async _send(consumer, packet) {
log.trace({msg:`sending to consumer:${consumer.sid}:${consumer.data.name}`, consumer:consumer.data, packet:packet})
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
if (!client.writable) {
if (!consumer.writable) {
reject('socket stream closed can not send packet')
let [err,ser] = await btc(client.stream.serialize)(packet)
let [err,ser] = await btc(consumer.stream.serialize)(packet)
if (err) reject('unable to serialze the packet')
const cb = () => resolve('packet written to socket stream')
if (!client.write(ser)) {
client.once('drain', cb)
if (!consumer.write(ser)) {
consumer.once('drain', cb)
} else {
Reference in a new issue