import { Socket as uSocket} from '../src' // made key cert into module that also uses environment variables // const TLS = process.env.TLS || false // const TLS_DIR = process.env.TLS_DIR || '/opt/certs' // const TLS_NAME = process.env.TLD_NAME || '' // const TLS_KEY_PATH = process.env.TLS_KEY_PATH || `${TLS_DIR}/${TLS_NAME}.key` // const TLS_CRT_PATH = process.env.TLS_CRT_PATH || `${TLS_DIR}/${TLS_NAME}.crt` let Socket = uSocket class Test extends Socket { constructor(opts) { super(opts) } async doit(packet) { return new Promise(resolve => { let res = {} console.log('command doit sent with data = ', res.status ='success' res.cmd = 'reply' = 'this would be response data from socket doit function' resolve(res) }) } } // const options = { // tls: TLS, // key: await fs.readFile(TLS_KEY_PATH), // cert: await fs.readFile(TLS_CRT_PATH), // // This is necessary only if using client certificate authentication. // // requestCert: true, // // This is necessary only if the client uses a self-signed certificate. // // ca: [ fs.readFileSync('client-cert.pem') ] // } // const PATH = '/opt/bogus/socket' const PATH = true // options.conPacket = {cmd:'onconnect', data:'this is a packet data sent consumer after handshake/authentification'} const TOKENS = ['cheetos'] let test = new Test({path:PATH, tokens:TOKENS}) async function processor (packet) { // console.log('packet being processed at socket', packet) if (packet.cmd) { if (this[packet.cmd]) return await this[packet.cmd](packet) else { console.log('no processing function for command', packet.cmd) return {error: 'command has no processing function', packet: packet } } } console.log('no command in packet', packet) return {error: 'no command in packet', packet: packet } } test.registerPacketProcessor(processor) ; (async () => { // TODO dynamic import // if(TLS_KEY_PATH && TLS_CRT_PATH && TLS) { // Socket = sSocket // console.log('using TLS') // } // test.addTokens('cheetos') await test.create() let count = 0 const push = setInterval( () => { count++ test.push({cmd:'pushed', count:count, status:`some pushed data ${count}`}) if (count >3) { clearInterval(push) test.push({cmd:'pushed',status:'now will simulate server going offline by stopping to send ping for 10 seconds'}) test.disablePing() setTimeout( () => { test.enablePing() },10000) } },3000) })().catch(err => { console.error('FATAL: UNABLE TO START SYSTEM!\n',err) })