
441 lines
17 KiB

// node modules
import { unlink as fileDelete } from 'fs'
import { promisify } from 'util'
import path from 'path'
// npmjs modules
import mkdir from 'make-dir'
import btc from 'better-try-catch'
import _ON_DEATH from 'death' //this is intentionally ugly
import JSONStream from './json-stream'
import clone from 'clone'
// uci modules
import logger from '@uci-utils/logger'
let log = {} // must declare here and set later for module wide access
export default function socketClass(Server) {
// TODO change default pipe dir depending on OS linux,windows,mac
/** @constant {String} DEFAULT_PIPE_DIR
* @description SOCKETS_DIR environment variable or '/tmp/UCI'
const DEFAULT_PIPE_DIR = process.env.SOCKETS_DIR || '/tmp/UCI'
/** @constant {String} DEFAULT_SOCKET_NAME
* @description for named pipe 'uci-sock' if not set in options */
const DEFAULT_SOCKET_NAME = 'uci-sock'
* UCI Socket - class used to create a socket (server) that supports passing json packets
* supports both named pipes and tcp sockets
* also supports push of packets to all connected consumers (clients)
* is extended from {@link https://nodejs.org/api/net.html#net_class_net_server | nodejs net.Server }
* @extends Server
return class Socket extends Server {
* UCI Socket class constructor
* @param {Object} opts hash of options
* @param {String} options.host a tcp host name nornally not used as is set by default
* @param {String} options.port a tcp
* @param {String | Boolean} options.path xeither full path to where socket should be created or if just 'true' then use default
* @param {Boolean} options.clientTracking track connected clients for push notifications - default: true
* @param {Object} options.conPacket A json operson's property
constructor(opts = {}) {
delete opts.key
delete opts.cert
this.id = opts.id || opts.name || 'socket:' + new Date().getTime()
if (!opts.path) {
opts.host = opts.host || ''
opts.port = opts.port || 8080
} else {
if (typeof opts.path === 'boolean')
if (path.dirname(opts.path) === '.') // relative path sent
opts.path = path.join(DEFAULT_PIPE_DIR, opts.path)
this.defaultReturnCmd = opts.defaultReturnCmd
this.allowAnonymous = (!opts.tokens || !!process.env.UCI_ANON || opts.allowAnonymous) ? true : false
this.tokens = opts.tokens || []
this.keepAlive = 'keepAlive' in opts ? opts.keepAlive : true
this.pingInterval = opts.pingInterval === false ? opts.pingInterval : (opts.pingInterval * 1000 || 5000)
this.clients = [] // track consumers (i.e. clients) TODO use a Map
this.nextClientID = 0 // incrementer for default initial client ID
this.opts = opts // for use to recover from selected errors
this.errorCount = 0
//self bindings
this.create = this.create.bind(this)
this.authenticateClient = this.authenticateClient.bind(this)
this._authenticate = this._authenticate.bind(this)
this.close = promisify(this.close).bind(this)
log = logger({
file: 'src/socket.js',
class: 'Socket',
id: this.id
} // end constructor
get active() { return this.listening }
* create - Description
* @returns {type} Description
async create() {
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
_ON_DEATH(async () => {
log.error({method:'create', line:84, msg:'\nhe\'s dead jim'})
await this._destroy()
process.once('SIGUSR2', async () => {
await this._destroy()
process.kill(process.pid, 'SIGUSR2')
this.once('error', async err => {
// recover from socket file that was not removed
if (err.code === 'EADDRINUSE') {
if (this.opts.path) {
// if TCP socket should already be dead
let [err, res] = await btc(promisify(fileDelete))(this.opts.path)
if (!err) {
log.info({method:'create', line:99, res: res, socket: this.opts.path, msg:'socket already exists.....deleted'})
// try again
return await this.create()
log.error({method:'create', line:102, err: err, msg:'error deleting socket. Can not establish a socket'})
if (err.code === 'EACCES') {
log.debug({method:'create', line:107, socket: this.opts.path, msg:'directory does not exist...creating'})
await mkdir(path.dirname(this.opts.path))
log.debug({method:'create', line:109, socket: this.opts.path, msg:'directory created'})
return await this.create()
// otherwise fatally exit
log.error({method:'create', line:113, err:err, opts:this.opts, msg:`error creating socket server ${this.name}`})
this.once('listening', () => {
this.on('error', err => {
this.errorCount +=1 // log errors here
if(this.errorCount>2 && this.errorCount<6) {
let errors= {level:'warn',msg:'something bad maybe going on, 3 errors', errors:this.errors}
this.emit('log', errors)
if(this.errorCount>5) {
let errors = {level:'fatal',msg:'something fatal is going on, 6 errors', errors:this.errors}
this.emit('log', errors)
let obj = {method:'create', line:54, msg:'socket server created and listening at', address:this.address()}
this.on('connection', this._connectionHandler.bind(this))
resolve(`socket ready and listening at ${this.address().address}:${this.address().port}`)
}) // end creeate promise
} // end create
* registerPacketProcessor - Description
* @public
* @param {func} Description
registerPacketProcessor(func) {
this._packetProcess = func
enablePing () {
if (this.pingInterval > 499) {
this._ping = setInterval( async () =>{
if (this.clients.length > 0) this.push({pingInterval:this.pingInterval},'ping')
disablePing() {
addTokens(tokens) {
if (typeof tokens ==='string'){
tokens = tokens.split(',')
this.tokens = this.tokens.concat(tokens)
if (this.tokens.length>0) this.allowAnonymous = false
removeTokens(tokens) {
if (typeof tokens ==='string'){
if (tokens === 'all') {
this.tokens = []
this.allowAnonymous = true
tokens = tokens.split(',')
this.tokens = this.tokens.filter(token => !tokens.includes(token))
if (this.tokens.length===0) {
log.warn({msg:'all tokens have been removed, switching to allow anonymous connections'})
this.allowAnonymous = true
registerTokenValidator (func) {
this.allowAnonymous = false
this._validateToken = func
registerAuthenticator (func) {
this.allowAnonymous = false
this._authenticate = func
* push - pushes a supplied UCI object packet to all connected clients
* @param {object} packet Description
* @param {string} id the header id string of the pushed packet, default: 'pushed'
async push(packet={},id) {
packet._header = {id: id || 'pushed'}
if (this.clients.length > 0) {
log.trace({method:'push', line:142, id:packet._header.id, opts: this.opts, packet: packet, msg:'pushing a packet to all connected consumers'})
// TODO should do a map and single promise
this.clients.forEach(async client => {
if (client.writable) {
let [err] = await btc(this._send)(client,packet)
if (err) log.error({msg:err, error:err})
} else {
log.debug({method:'push', line:165, id:packet._header.id, opts: this.opts, packet: packet, msg:'no connected consumers, push ignored'})
// TODO won't need this if moving to a Map
getClientIndex(sid) {
return this.clients.findIndex(client => {return client.sid === sid })
getClient(sid) {
return this.clients[this._getClientIndex(sid)]
removeClient (sid) {
let index = this.getClientIndex(sid)
let client=this.clients[index]
this.emit('log',{level:'info', msg:'a consumer disconnected', name:client.name, id:client.id})
this.emit('connection:consumer',{state:'disconnected', msg:'a consumer disconnected', name:client.name, id:client.id})
log.warn({msg:'consumer removed from tracking',sid:sid, curClientCount:this.clients.length})
async authenticateClient(client) {
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
// when consumer gets the handshake they must follow with authentication
client.stream.on('message', authenticate.bind(this,client))
let [err] = await btc(this._send)(client,{_handshake: true, sid:client.sid})
if (err) {
log.error({msg:'error in handshake send', error:err})
async function authenticate (client,packet) {
log.debug({msg:`authentication packet from client ${client.name}:${client.id}:${client.sid}`, packet:packet})
if (!packet._authenticate) reject('first client packet was not authentication')
else {
let [err, res] = await btc(this._authenticate)(packet)
client.authenticated = this.allowAnonymous ? 'anonymous' : (err ? false : res)
client.name = packet.clientName
packet.authenticated = client.authenticated
packet.reason = err || null
log.debug({msg:'sending authorization result to client', packet:packet})
await this._send(client,packet) // send either way
if (err && !this.allowAnonymous) {
log.info({msg:'client authentication failed', client:client.name, client_sid:client.sid, reason:err})
else {
log.info({msg:'client authenticated successfuly', client:client.name})
if (this.allowAnonymous) log.warn({msg:'socket consumer connected anonymously', consumer:client.name})
// private methods
// default validator
_validateToken (token) {
if (token) return this.tokens.includes(token)
return false
// default authenticator - reject value should be reason which is returned to client
async _authenticate (packet) {
if (!this._validateToken(packet.token)) return Promise.reject('invalid token')
return true
// async _connectionHandler({consumer, server}) { // this gets called for each client connection and is unique to
async _connectionHandler(consumer) { // this gets called for each client connection and is unique to each
const stream = new JSONStream()
consumer.stream = stream
consumer.connected = true
// add listeners
consumer.on('error', (err) => {
log.error({msg:'client connection error',error:err})
// TODO do more handling than just logging
consumer.on('end', (err) => {
log.error({msg:'consumer connected ended',error:err})
if (consumer.sid) this.removeClient(consumer.sid)
else {
consumer.on('data', stream.onData) // send data to
stream.on('error', (err) => {
log.error({msg:'consumer stream error during listen',error:err})
// TODO do more handling than just logging
consumer.authenticated = true
let [err] = await btc(this.authenticateClient)(consumer)
if (!this.allowAnonymous) {
if (err) {
consumer.end()// abort new connection consumer, cleanup, remove listeners
// authenticated consumer, add to list of clients
consumer.sid = ++this.nextClientID // server assigned ID
consumer.socketSide = true
consumer.authenticated = true
this.clients.push(consumer) // add current consumer to clients
const clientCloseHandler = (sid) => {
log.warn({msg:'consumer connection was closed',sid:sid})
consumer.on('close', clientCloseHandler.bind(this,consumer.sid))
log.debug({method:'_listen', line:364, msg:'new consumer connected/authenticated', cname:consumer.name, cid:consumer.id, totalConsumers:this.clients.length})
// all's set enable main incoming message processor
stream.on('message', messageProcess.bind(this, consumer))
if (this.opts.conPacket) {
this.opts.conPacket._header = { id: 'pushed' }
log.debug({method:'_listen', line:171, conPacket: this.opts.conPacket, msg:'pushing a preset command to just connected consumer'})
this._send(consumer,this.opts.conPacket) // send a packet command on to consumer on connection
this.emit('log',{level:'info', msg:'a consumer connected and authenticated', name:consumer.name, id:consumer.id})
this.emit('connection:consumer',{state:'connected', msg:'a consumer connected and authenticated', name:consumer.name, id:consumer.id})
// that's it. Connection is active
async function messageProcess(client, packet) {
log.debug({method:'_listen', line:179, packet: packet, client:client.name, msg:'incoming packet on socket side'})
let res = (await this._packetProcess(clone(packet))) || {}
if (Object.keys(res).length === 0)
res = {
'socket packet command function likely did not return a promise',
packet: packet
if (packet) {
res._header = clone(packet._header, false) || {} //make sure return packet has header with id in case it was removed in processing
delete packet._header // remove before adding to response header as request
} else res._header = {}
res._header.request = clone(packet, false)
res._header.responder = { name: this.name, instanceID: this.id }
res._header.socket = this.address()
if (!res.cmd) res.cmd = this.defaultReturnCmd || 'reply' // by default return command is 'reply'
let [err] = await btc(this._send)(client,res)
if (err) log.error({msg:err, error:err})
} // end message process
} // end listen
// call when socket server is going down
async _destroy() {
log.fatal({method:'_destroy', line:217, msg:'closing down socket server'})
// this.push()
await this.close()
this.clients.forEach(client => {
log.debug({method:'_destroy', line:219, msg:'all connections closed....exiting'})
// default packet process, just a simple echo, override with registerPacketProcessor
async _packetProcess(packet) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
async _send(client, packet) {
log.trace({msg:`sending to client:${client.id}`, packet:packet})
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
if (!client.writable) {
reject('socket stream closed can not send packet')
let [err,ser] = await btc(client.stream.serialize)(packet)
if (err) reject('unable to serialze the packet')
const cb = () => resolve('packet written to socket stream')
if (!client.write(ser)) {
client.once('drain', cb)
} else {
} // end class
} // end function makeSocketClass