Kebler Network System Administrator 2bb6b65e63 fix: warning about passed level property
refactor!: passed arguments separated into bindings and options
feat: bound properties under meta: key in log
feat: pino key of options argument for pino settings
feat: in dev/pretty can (un)hide properties
feat: add a unique id to each log line (can be loaded by nedb and such)
feat: locate method to easily add line number and file to a log line

BREAKING CHANGE: logger/pino options in second separate argument from bindings
2021-07-31 08:48:47 -07:00
example.js fix: warning about passed level property 2021-07-31 08:48:47 -07:00
filter.sh 0.0.15 Got some testing going for console output, Log/pretty output can now control which properties get displayed via .ignnore and new property .include. improved the scripts in package.json and updated and cleaned all dependencies. 2019-08-10 15:04:13 -07:00
test.js fix: warning about passed level property 2021-07-31 08:48:47 -07:00