pino based logger for any use but designed for uci library json logging
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Kebler Network System Administrator e776937738 0.1.0
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2021-04-24 09:10:02 -07:00
example 0.1.0 2021-04-24 09:10:02 -07:00
src 0.1.0 2021-04-24 09:10:02 -07:00
test 0.1.0 2021-04-24 09:10:02 -07:00
.eslintrc.js json runtime logger based on pino 2018-04-05 15:46:45 -07:00
.gitignore update dependencies 2019-01-25 12:36:40 -08:00
.npmignore removed DEBUG as known environment variable for development. Use only UCI_DEV for development pretty logging 2018-07-31 08:05:46 -07:00
.travis.yml json runtime logger based on pino 2018-04-05 15:46:45 -07:00
package.json 0.1.0 2021-04-24 09:10:02 -07:00 0.1.0 2021-04-24 09:10:02 -07:00

UCommandIt JSON Logger

json logger based on pino.

How to by Example

see example for explanation of options and use in a es6 class allowing logging in any method of the class

      // pretty: {translateTime:true, colorize:true, levelFirst:true } // options for pino pretty printer
      // env:'', // 'dev' or 'pro' -- can be use to set/override UCI_ENV environment variable
      // enForce: false, // only used with .env.  if true will override UCI_ENV if it is set, otherwise no
      // level:'info', // info is default level, set level to lowest visible
      // clear: false, // true for log files will clear the current log file on restart
      // logFileName:'test', // if not supplied log filename will be generated from timestamp
      // below properties are optional and are passed to child logger instance and will be part of json log entry
      // libraryName: 'UCI', // will be logged as name:  can be used to identify logs of related packages,  can be set via UCI_LOG_NAME env variable
      appName:'uci-example-logger', //will be used for logging directory name if supplied and will be logged as well
      package: '@uci/logger', // name of package with scope per package.json
      // repo: // will use scope-name from package prop if not supplied
      id:, // can pass a unique if for easy later search/filtering
      // file: 'example/example.js', // path (to repo root) of actual file running this logger, default is ./src/<package without scope>.js
      class: 'LogTest', // The class that created this logger if any
      // one can pass through additional props to log for every log
      // should not use any keys above or
      //  level,time,msg,pid,hostname
      // logPath,instanceCreatedHR,instanceCreated as keys will be merged
      // NOTE: more props can be added at run time by passing an object of props
      additional: {anotherprop:'test'} // should do not use any keys above or 'level,logPath,package,instanceCreatedHR,instanceCreated' as keys will be merged

to run the example clone repo and then npm install from root


npm run [script]

available scripts for example file

"dev": "UCI_ENV=dev ./node_modules/.bin/nodemon -r esm example/example", "dev:verbose": "UCI_LOG_PRETTY='verbose' npm run dev", "dev:terse": "UCI_LOG_PRETTY='terse' npm run dev", "dev:filter:line": "UCI_LOG_PRETTY='{"filter":["line"]}' npm run dev", "dev:include": "UCI_LOG_PRETTY='{"include":"package,appName"}' npm run dev", "dev:trace": "UCI_LOG_LEVEL=trace npm run dev", "dev:warn": "UCI_LOG_LEVEL=warn npm run dev", "dev:info:only": "UCI_LOG_SEARCH='level==30' npm run dev", "dev:fatal:only": "UCI_LOG_SEARCH='level==60' npm run dev", "dev:json": "UCI_LOG_LEVEL=trace UCI_LOG_JSON=true npm run dev", "dev:colada": "npm run dev:json | ./node_modules/.bin/pino-colada ", "pro": "UCI_ENV='pro' node -r esm example/example", "pro:path": "UCI_LOG_PATH=./example/example.log npm run pro"

Environment Variables

  • UCI_ENV='dev'|'pro'|'node', dev outputs to console, pro outputs to file, node will follow whatever NODE_ENV is set to.
  • UCI_LOG_PATH=<some file path> force logging to go to some particular file, also setable via options, see above
  • UCI_LOG_JSON=true will not pretty output to console but rather as raw json. Useful for piping to a json log processor such as pino-colada
  • UCI_LOG_LEVEL='trace'|'debug'|'info'|'warn'|'error'|fatal' warn is default, can set at runtime with .lvlset(level)
  • UCI_LOG_PRETTY={} the pretty option for pino pretty, also setable via options, see above
  • UCI_LOG_SEARCH='key == `value`' will filter pretty/dev logs. note: ALL search values regardless of type MUST be escaped with ``


standalone (not in a class constructor as in example) lilke this.

import logger from '../src/logger' opts = {} // see above let log = logger(opts)

once you have created a Logger as a global in your module you can log per

like so

log.trace('this is a trace level logged message')
log.debug('this is a debug level logged message'){runtimeprop:'somevalue', msg:'this is a info level logged message'})
log.warn('this is a warn level logged message')
log.error('this is a error level logged message')
log.fatal('this is a fatal level logged message')

you can change visible levels on the fly

like so

log.level('debug') or in the options, see above

More Help

this package/model being a simple extension of the pino json logger check their documentation