modify toBoolean to accept a packet with ready/online/active properties
make available via instance
refector to keep the 'all' combination separate from combineObserver
add 'all' getter
add combinations getter
add private method _combineAll
add makeObserver and have addObserver call it, allows making without storing to all combination
add save argument for subscribe which will save to list for easy subscribe.
add boolean option to allow pass through of toBoolean module options
refactor main map to hold observer, details and corresponding 'hidden' subscription together
unsubscribes from that subscription when removing observer
new getter/setter for observer details, can also pass as option when adding observer
using '__all__' for main combination
can save combinations to map
.state hold state at last main combination change
can add observer details that can be passed on later by subscription
shareReply added to observers
added 'changed' operator that emits only on changed state or first emission
modified the map operator to accept async function via switchMap
added methods
observerNames to get list
failure gets name of first observer to fail in the state prop
addObserverDetails (can add/ammend at any time)