import { Observable } from 'rxjs' import { Ready, readyChanged as changed, map, tap} from '../src/ready' import { EventEmitter } from 'events' let emitter = new EventEmitter() // let verbose = process.env.VERBOSE==='true' let combo = false const late=3000 let example = new Ready({emitter: emitter}) console.log('bound change function for use in customized observer', changed) console.log('Boolean TEST: {online:\'yes\'}',example.toBoolean({online:'yes'})) console.log('Boolean TEST: \'yes\'',example.toBoolean('yes')) let subscribe = ()=>{ console.log('subscribing at',late, 'ms') example.subscribe(ready => { console.log(`-----------Subscriber at ${late} ms--------------?`,ready) console.log('the failed observer:', example.failure, ',details:', example.getObserverDetails(example.failure)) console.log('the total state', example.state) console.log('---------------------------------------') }) } if (!late) subscribe() else setTimeout(subscribe,late) const tObs = new Observable(subscriber => {'on')'off')'enabled') setTimeout(() => {'F') }, 7000) setTimeout(() => {'T') }, 8000) }) example.addObserver('obs',tObs,{details:{desc:'this is a constructed observable from the Observable Class'}}) const tPromise = new Promise(function(resolve) { setTimeout(()=>{ console.log('promise observer is resolving') resolve('yes') },1000) }) example.addObserver('e',{details:{desc:'this is the e observer which comes from an emitter'}}) // example.addObserver('ce',{condition: (ev)=>ev.ready, event:'ec'}) example.addObserver('ce',{event:'ec'}) example.addObserver('pe',emitter) example.addObserver('pr',tPromise) example.addObserver('extnd',example.getObserver('e').pipe( map(state => { // console.log('+++++++++++\n','extend before:',state) if (state) { let val = Math.floor(Math.random() * Math.floor(10)) // console.log(val) state = val <11 ? true:false } // console.log('extend after:',state,'\n-------------') return state }) ),{details:'an observer extension of the e observer'}) let madeonly = example.makeObserver({event:'madeonly'}) madeonly ? console.log('observer \'madeonly\' was only made and was not added so won\'t appear in \'all\' list') : console.log('made observer failed') console.log('list of observers made and added to the all combination\n',example.observers) if (combo) { let combo = example.combineObservers('combo',['e','pr']) .pipe( tap(state=>console.log('++++++++++++++ tap log of extened combo e and pr state:+++++++++++++++',state)), ) if (combo){ example.subscribe('e', ready => console.log('e',ready)) example.subscribe('e', ready => console.log('pr',ready)) console.log('a combination name \'combo\' made of e and pr was created') console.log('now subscribing to combination e, pr') example.subscribe('combo', val => console.log('saved combo subscription state:',val)) combo.subscribe(val => console.log('extened combo subscription state:',val)) } } console.log('all current combinations',example.combinations) console.log('------------------starting to emit values--------------------------') // emitter.emit('ec',{ready:true}) emitter.emit('ec',true) emitter.emit('pe','yup') emitter.emit('e') console.log('===============done initial emitting, pe,e,ec/ce=================') setTimeout(async () => { console.log('============emitting e, pe false===================') example.setObserverDetails('e',{moreinfo:'an additional property of details added later'}) emitter.emit('e',false) emitter.emit('pe',false) } ,2000) setTimeout(async () => { console.log('=================emitting e true, removing pe which is false ================') emitter.emit('e',true) example.removeObserver('pe') example.subscribe(ready=>console.log('a second all subscriber', ready),{add:true}) } ,4000) setTimeout(async () => {console.log('timeout done');process.exit()},10000)