import RxClass from '../src/rx-class.js' const log = o => console.dir(o, { depth: 5 }) const rxopts = Symbol.for('rx-class-opts') class Example extends RxClass { constructor (opts = {}) { super(opts) this.test = { tomrrow: { bar: 'fight', foo: 'fighters' }, today: { bing: 'bing', bong: { who: 'first', what: 'second' } } } } } const opts = { [rxopts]: { handler: value => { console.log('-----------default subscription handler-------', value) }, skip: 1 } } console.log('options\n', opts) const example = new Example(opts) // console.log('-----EXAMPLE: TRAVERSE OF EXISTING OBJECT OR WHEN SETTING A PLAIN OBJECT-----------') // console.log('instance before doing rx on properties\n') // // log(example) // console.log('------------------------------------------') // example.on('changed', (prop) => console.log('emitted----a property changed-----', prop)) // example.on('test', (val) => console.log('emitted value of test', val)) // console.log('----- traversing existing object \'test\' and making all leaves reactive ------\n') // example.rxAdd('test', { traverse: true }) // // log(example) // console.log('------------------------------------------') // console.log('now get value for bong directly and via get',, example.get('')) // console.log('Note: using example.get will traverse bong and get actual values') // console.log('adding new property which is made reactive by default \'\'') // example.set('', 'do not know') // console.log('------\'.bong\', raw object ------ \n', // console.log('------ \'.bong\', values object ------\n>', example.get('')) // console.log('------, note: raw leaf access returns value not [Getter/Setter] ==>', // console.log('\nnow removing reactivty from \'test\'') // example.rxRemove('test', { confirm: true }) // console.log('------\'.test\', raw object ------ \n', example.test) // console.log('--------------------------') console.log('\n\nnow add a completely new object to root of \'foundation\' and make it reactive without traverse') = { planets: ['Trantor', 'Helcion'], persons: { giskard: { alias: 'daneel' }, hari: { name: 'seldon', planet: 'Helcion' } } } console.dir( example.rxAdd('') // console.log('foundation', example.isRx('foundation')) console.log(example.isRx('foundation.persons.hari')) // console.log('------\'foundation\', raw object ------ \n') // // log(example) // console.log('get raw nested property raw or with get returns the same') // console.log(, example.get('foundation.hari')) // console.log('now change one of the nested properties and see if whole object foundation is reactive') // = 'Trantor' // example.set('foundation.hari.planet', 'Trantor') // console.log( // log(example) // console.log('--------instance after doing rx----\n') // console.log(example) // console.log('--------------------------') // console.log('now change a reactive property directly like') // console.log(' = \'daneel a robot\'') // = 'daneel a robot' // console.log('the new value extracted by the getter is',