import assert from 'assert' import { RxClass } from '../src/rx-class.js' const rxopts = Symbol.for('rx-class-opts') const obj = { tomorrow: { bar: 'fight', foo: 'fighters' }, today: { bing: 'bing', bong: { who: 'first', what: 'second' } } } class Test extends RxClass { constructor (opts = {}) { super(opts) this.obj = obj } } const opts = { [rxopts]: { skip: 1, handler: () => {} } } const test = new Test(opts) describe('Reactive Class', function () { it('Can be extended', function () { assert.deepStrictEqual(test.obj, obj) }) it('Can get non rx deep value', function () { assert.strictEqual(, 'bing') assert.strictEqual(test.get(''), 'bing') assert(!test.isRx('')) }) it('rx added to value', function () { test.rxAdd('') assert.strictEqual(, 'bing') assert.strictEqual(test.get(''), 'bing') assert(test.isRx('')) }) }) describe('Emitted Events', function () { function etest (event, value, path, done) { test.once(event, (v, p) => { // console.log('fired:', event, value, path) assert.strictEqual(v, value) assert.strictEqual(p, path) clearTimeout(timeout) done() }) const timeout = setTimeout(() => { assert(false, `Event ${event} did not fire in 1000 ms.`) done() }, 1000) test.set(path, value) } const path = '' it('should emit global default event', function (done) { const event = 'changed' etest(event, event, path, done) }) it('should emit path if stringable', function (done) { const event = path etest(event, event, path, done) }) it('should emit the key name of value being changed', function (done) { const event = path.split('.').pop() etest(event, event, path, done) }) it('should emit a custom set event for key/value change after force rxAdd', function (done) { const event = 'testing' test.rxAdd('', { force: true, event: 'testing' }) etest(event, event, path, done) }) }) // end emits describe('Subscriptions', function () { const subsHandler = (value, timeout, name, done, v) => { assert.strictEqual(v, value) clearTimeout(timeout) test.rxRemoveSubs(name) done() } function subs (name, path, value, done, handler) { const timeout = setTimeout(() => { assert(false, 'subscription handler did not react in 1000 ms.') done() }, 1000) const subscribe = handler ? { [handler]: subsHandler.bind(null, value, timeout, name, done) } : {} test.rxAdd(path, { force: true, subscribe: subscribe }) if (!handler) { test.rxSubscribe('', subsHandler.bind(null, value, timeout, name, done) , name) } test.set(path, value) } const path = '' it('should react to default subscription', function (done) { const name = '_default_' subs(name, path, name, done, name) }) it('should react to property/key subscription', function (done) { const name = 'keytest' subs(name, path, name, done, name) }) it('should react to new subscription', function (done) { const name = 'atest' subs(name, path, name, done) }) }) // end subscriptions describe('TODO: Amend,Hooks,Operators', function () { it('should run a default hook', function (done) { done() }) it('should run a custom hook', function (done) { done() }) it('should support custom rxjs operators', function (done) { done() }) it('should amend a value that is set', function (done) { done() }) }) // end hooks