a working file watcher module based on chokidar

add excludeFrom to rsync
several improvements to sync module including integrations with file watcher module.
David Kebler 2019-02-10 22:25:17 -08:00
parent b684bf2ca5
commit ff6efd0b88
17 changed files with 502 additions and 94 deletions

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -1,2 +1,2 @@

example/example.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
import Sync from '../src/sync'
import onDeath from 'ondeath'
(async () => {
const sync = new Sync({jobsDir:'./example/jobs'})
await sync.loadJob('example')
console.log('ready and waiting')
onDeath( () => {
console.log('\nHe\'s dead Jim')
})().catch(err => {
console.error('FATAL: UNABLE TO START SYSTEM!\n',err)

example/jobs/example.yaml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
source: ./example/source/ # be sure to add trailing / to avoid making a subdirectory under destination
destination: ./example/destination
flags: 'av'
- ./example/source/.gitignore
- ./example/source/.npmignore
- .gitignore
- .npmignore
- delete
- delete-excluded
watch: # true
wait: 200
immediate: true

example/source/.gitignore vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@

example/source/test Normal file
View File

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
"name": "@uci/remote-code",
"name": "@uci/sync",
"version": "0.0.2",
"description": "module to copy, maintain, and launch hardware modules on other machines",
"main": "src/index.js",
@ -7,9 +7,13 @@
"ssh": "./bin/ssh.js"
"scripts": {
"sync": "node -r esm ./bin/ssh",
"sync": "node -r esm ./bin/sync",
"example": "node -r esm ./example/example",
"test": "./node_modules/.bin/mocha -r esm --timeout 30000",
"testd": "UCI_ENV=dev ./node_modules/.bin/nodemon --exec './node_modules/.bin/mocha -r esm --timeout 30000'",
"test": "UCI_ENV=pro UCI_LOG_PATH=./test/test.log ./node_modules/.bin/mocha -r esm --timeout 30000 || exit 0",
"testdd": "UCI_LOG_LEVEL='trace' npm run testd",
"testde": "UCI_LOG_LEVEL='warn' npm run testd",
"testl": "UCI_ENV=pro UCI_LOG_PATH=./test/test.log 0 npm run test || exit 0",
"testibc": "istanbul cover ./node_modules/.bin/_mocha test/ --report lcovonly -- -R spec --recursive && codecov || true"
"author": "David Kebler",
@ -33,6 +37,7 @@
"await-to-js": "^2.1.1",
"chokidar": "^2.0.4",
"conf": "^2.2.0",
"debounce-fn": "^1.0.0",
"esm": "^3.1.4",
"fs-read-data": "^1.0.4",
"globby": "^9.0.0",
@ -46,6 +51,7 @@
"codecov": "^3.1.0",
"istanbul": "^0.4.5",
"mocha": "^5.x",
"nodemon": "^1.18.9"
"nodemon": "^1.18.9",
"ondeath": "^1.0.0"

src/index.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
import Sync from './sync'
import Watcher from './watcher'
export { Sync, Watcher}
export default Sync

src/read-lines.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
import { promisify } from 'util'
import { readFile, writeFile } from 'fs'
const read = promisify(readFile)
const write = promisify(writeFile)
// alternative with new promise experimental fs
// import fs from 'fs'
// const read = fs.promises.readFile
import settle from 'p-settle'
import path from 'path'
import logger from '@uci/logger'
let log = logger({ package:'@cui/sync', file:'src/read-lines.js'})
// A promise helper function to return a list of paths to ignore from .npmignore, .gitignore, .rcignore
function readLines (files=[],dir) {
// console.log('additional files', files)
let list = []
if (!Array.isArray(files)) files=[files]
// each set in an the array is new line delimited set of ignore patterns
// settle returns array of error,value pairs
return settle(files.map(file => {
// console.log('directory',path.dirname(file))
if (path.dirname(file)==='.') file = dir+'/'+file
log.debug({function:'readLines',file:file,msg:'reading a file of lines into array'})
return read(file)
.then((sets) => {
sets.forEach( set => {
if (set.isFulfilled) list.push(...set.value.toString().match(/.+/g))
else log.warn({function:'readLines', error:set.reason, msg:' was unable to read file'})
return Promise.resolve(list)
.catch((err) => {
// only returned when something horrible is wrong
return Promise.reject(err)
// an ignore list should not be huge so can serailize at once
function writeLines (filePath,list) {
return write(filePath,list.join('\n'))
.then(() => {
log.info({function:'writeLines', file:filePath, msg:'wrote array to file of lines'})
.catch( err => {
log.fatal({function:'writeLines', error:err, msg:'unable to write array to file of lines'})
export default readLines
export { readLines, writeLines }

View File

@ -64,7 +64,10 @@ function Rsync(config) {
// ordered list of file patterns to include/exclude
this._patterns = []
// list of exlude from getFiles
// just a list of exclude only patterns for use elsewhere like a watcher
this._exclude = []
// list of exclude files
this._excludeFiles = []
// options
@ -299,6 +302,9 @@ Rsync.prototype.exclude = function(patterns) {
patterns = [ patterns ]
// save this list for other uses
this._exclude = [...this._exclude,...patterns]
patterns.forEach(function(pattern) {
this._patterns.push({ action: '-', pattern: pattern })
}, this)
@ -321,10 +327,14 @@ Rsync.prototype.excludeFrom = function(filePaths) {
filePaths = [ filePaths ]
// TODO if it's not a path just a file try prepending the source directory
// TODO only add to list if file exsists
filePaths.forEach(function(filePath) {
}, this)
// this._excludeFiles = [...this._excludeFiles,...filePaths]
return this

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
// local imports
import Rsync from './rsync'
import Watcher from './watcher'
// native imports
import { EventEmitter as Emitter } from 'events'
import { dirname } from 'path'
@ -7,7 +8,8 @@ import { dirname } from 'path'
import merge from 'aggregation/es6'
import { readFile } from 'fs-read-data'
import Conf from 'conf'
import getFiles from 'globby'
import debounce from 'debounce-fn'
// import getFiles from 'globby'
import pathExists from 'path-exists'
import to from 'await-to-js'
// uci imports
@ -19,14 +21,23 @@ class Sync extends merge(Rsync, Emitter) {
log = logger({ package:'@uci/sync'})
this.opts = opts
this.cli = opts.cli
this._debounce = opts.debounce || null
this.syncHandler = opts.syncHandler || (()=>{})
// TODO if opts include source and destination then call loadJob with them
// this._debounce = opts.debounce
this.config = new Conf({projectName:'sync'})
this.jobsDir = process.env.SYNC_JOBS_DIR || opts.jobsDir || this.config.get('jobsDir') || dirname(this.config.path)
this.sshDir = opts.sshDir || this.config.get('sshDir') || `${this.jobsDir}/ssh`
this.optionsDir = opts.optionsDir || this.config.get('optionsDir') || `${this.jobsDir}/options`
log.debug({configsDir:this.configsDir, msg:'configuration files directory'})
this.jobs = []
log.debug({jobsDir:this.jobsDir, sshDir:this.sshDir, optionsDir:this.optionsDir, msg:'configuration file directories'})
this._watcher = new Watcher()
// getters and setters
get watching() {return this._watcher.watching } // watcher active?
get watcher() { return this._watcher} // in case one need set a listerner for other purposes
get defaultJobsDir() { return this.config.get('jobsDir', this.jobsDir) }
set defaultJobsDir(jobsDir) { this.config.set('jobsDir', jobsDir || this.jobsDir)}
setConfig(name,val) { this.config.set(name,val)}
getConfig(name) { return this.config.get(name)}
@ -44,13 +55,39 @@ class Sync extends merge(Rsync, Emitter) {
setDefaultJobsDir() { this.config.set('jobsDir', this.jobsDir)}
getDefaultJobsDir() { this.config.get('jobsDir', this.jobsDir) }
// job and options processing
async listJobFiles(dir) {
return await getFiles(['**','*.yaml','*.yml'],{ onlyfiles:true, cwd:dir || this.jobsDir})
async runJob(options) {
await this.loadJob(options)
async loadJob (options) {
if (typeof options ==='string') options = await this.readOptionsFile(options,'job')
if (!options.error) {
for (const option in options) {
if(option === 'optionsFile') {
let opts = await this.readOptionsFile(options.optionsFile,'options')
if (!opts.error) {
Object.keys(opts).forEach( async opt => {
await this.processOption(opt,opts[opt])
else {
await this.processOption(option,options[option])
} // end loop
this.dry() // dry run by default must .live() .unset('n')
// async listJobFiles(dir) {
// return await getFiles(['**','*.yaml','*.yml'],{ onlyfiles:true, cwd:dir || this.jobsDir})
// }
async readOptionsFile(filePath,type='job') {
let dir = {job:this.jobsDir,options:this.optionsDir,ssh:this.sshDir}
let [err,res] = await to(readFile(`${dir[type]}/${filePath}`))
@ -65,13 +102,91 @@ class Sync extends merge(Rsync, Emitter) {
return res
// executes a method on the instance (might be in prototype chain) which may take a value(s)
async processOption (method, value) {
log.debug({method:method, value:value, msg:`processing option ${method} with value ${value}`})
if (typeof(this[method]) === 'function') {
await this[method](value)
// methods ====================
live() {
set (option=[],value) {
if (typeof option === 'string') super.set(option,value) // pass through
else {
option.forEach( opt => {
typeof opt==='string' ? super.set(opt) : super.set(...Object.entries(opt).flat())
return this
async watch(cmd) {
// TODO make into switch ?
log.debug(`watch command ${cmd}`)
if (isPlainObject(cmd) || cmd==null || (typeof cmd==='boolean' && cmd) || cmd==='init' || cmd==='add') {
if (cmd.wait) this.debounce(cmd)
let opts = {source:this._sources, excludeFrom:this._excludeFiles, ignored:this._exclude }
await this._watcher.init(opts)
this.syncHandler = syncHandler.call(this,log)
if (cmd==='remove') {
this._watcher.removeListener('changed', this.syncHandler )
if (cmd ==='on'|| cmd==='start') {
this._watcher.on('changed', this.syncHandler)
if (cmd==='off' || cmd==='stop' ) {
this._watcher.removeListener('changed', this.syncHandler)
if (cmd==='pause' ) {
this._watcher.removeListener('changed', this.syncHandler)
if (cmd==='resume') {
this._watcher.on('changed', this.syncHandler)
// 'changed' event handler with optional debounce wrapper
function syncHandler(log) {
function sync (change) {
log.info({file:change.file, type:change.type, msg:`file ${change.file} was ${change.type}`})
log.debug(`in sync make Handler, ${this._debounce}, ${sync}`)
if (this._debounce==null) return sync.bind(this)
return debounce(sync.bind(this),{wait:this.opts.debounce})
debounce(opts) {
if (opts==null) this._debounce=null
this._debounce = opts
sshu (file) {
if (file && (typeof options==='string')) {
this.shell(`"sshu -c ${file} "`)
this.shell(`sshu -c ${file}`)
@ -104,52 +219,8 @@ class Sync extends merge(Rsync, Emitter) {
return this
set (option={},value) {
if (typeof option === 'string') super.set(option,value) // pass through
else {
// if (!Array.isArray(option)) { option = [option] }
option.forEach( opt => {
typeof opt==='string' ? super.set(opt) : super.set(...Object.entries(opt).flat())
return this
async loadJob (options) {
if (typeof options ==='string') options = await this.readOptionsFile(options,'job')
if (!options.error) {
for (const option in options) {
if(option === 'optionsFile') {
let opts = await this.readOptionsFile(options.optionsFile,'options')
if (!opts.error) {
Object.keys(opts).forEach( opt => {
else {
} // end loop
this.dry() // dry run by default must .live() .unset('n')
// executes a method on the instance (might be in prototype chain) which may take a value(s)
processOption (method, value) {
if (typeof(this[method]) === 'function') {
queueJobs () {}
runJobs () {}
async execute(opts={}) {
log.info({cmd:this.command(), msg:'running rsync command'})
// log.info({cmd:this.command(), msg:'running rsync command'})
const superexecute = super.execute.bind(this)
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let status
@ -161,7 +232,7 @@ class Sync extends merge(Rsync, Emitter) {
reject ({error:err, code:code, cmd:cmd, msg:'error during sync'})
if (errors) log.warn({errors: errors, cmd:cmd, msg:'sync ran but with with errors'})
log.info({cmd:cmd, status:status, msg:'sync run'})
log.debug({cmd:cmd, status:status, msg:'sync run'})
resolve({cmd:cmd, errors:errors, status:status, msg:'sync run'})
}, function(data) {
status += data.toString()
@ -180,11 +251,9 @@ class Sync extends merge(Rsync, Emitter) {
export default Sync
// function isPlainObject (obj) {
// return Object.prototype.toString.call(obj) === '[object Object]'
// }
function isPlainObject (obj) {
return Object.prototype.toString.call(obj) === '[object Object]'
// function escapeSpaces (str) {
// if (typeof str === 'string') {

View File

@ -1,41 +1,133 @@
// native imports
import { EventEmitter as Emitter } from 'events'
import path from 'path'
import chokidar from 'chokidar'
// third party imports
import { watch } from 'chokidar'
// local imports
import ignores from './read-lines'
// UCI imports
import logger from '@uci/logger'
let log = {}
const READY_TIMEOUT = 2000
class Watcher extends Emitter {
constructor(options) {
constructor(opts={}) {
// pass in ignores
const opts = {
ignored: '**/node_modules/**',
ignoreInitial: true
const watcher = chokidar.watch(options.source, opts)
this.watcher = watcher
log = logger({ package:'@uci/sync', class:'Watcher', file:'src/watcher.js'})
opts.unlinkDir = Object.hasOwnProperty(opts.unlinkDir) ? opts.unlinkDir : true
this.opts = opts
this._ignored = []
return this
start() {
const handler = (type, f) => {
const fname = path.basename(f)
if ( fname.toLowerCase() === 'package.json')
if (type !=='change') {
this.emit('error',new Error('package.json was added or removed, ignoring sync and reinstall'))
} else{
this.emit('install', f)
this.emit('sync', f)
} // end handler
.on('add', handler.bind(this, 'add'))
.on('change', handler.bind(this, 'change'))
.on('unlink', handler.bind(this, 'remove'))
async init(opts) {
return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => {
opts = opts || this.opts
if (opts.excludeFrom) await this.getIgnoreLists(opts.excludeFrom)
if (opts.ignoreList) await this.getIgnoreLists(opts.ignoreList)
if (opts.source) {
opts.ignored = opts.ignored ? [...this._ignored,...opts.ignored] : this._ignored
log.debug({ignored:opts.ignored, msg:'all ignores'})
this._watcher = watch(opts.source,opts)
this._watcher.on('error', error => {
log.error({error:error, msg:'Watcher error'})
this._watcher.on('ready', () => {
log.info('initial scan sucessful, ready to start')
this.opts = opts // save options
let readyTimeout = setTimeout(() =>{
log.fatal({options:opts, timeout:READY_TIMEOUT, msg:'Timeout: unabled to complete initial scan'})
reject('timeout during intial scan')
else {
log.fatal('MUST provide a source directory(s) option to watch')
reject('no source provided')
async start(opts) {
if(this.watching) {
log.warn(`watching aleady running for ${this.opts.source}`)
return false
if (!this._watcher) await this.init(opts)
if (this._ready) {
log.info(`now watching ${this.opts.source}`)
this._watcher.removeAllListeners() // just in case
this.watching = true
// define command listen handler
const handler =
(type, f) => {
log.debug(`file ${f} was ${type}`)
// convert this to a plugin/hook so it's not specific
const fname = path.basename(f)
if ( fname.toLowerCase() === 'package.json')
if (type !=='modified') {
this.emit('error',new Error('package.json was added or removed, ignoring sync and reinstall'))
} else{
this.emit('install', f)
// user might want to run debounce on the listener for this event
this.emit('changed', {file:f, type:type})
} // end handler
.on('add', handler.bind(this, 'added'))
.on('change', handler.bind(this, 'modified'))
.on('unlink', handler.bind(this, 'removed'))
if(this.opts.unlinkDir) this._watcher.on('unlinkDir', handler.bind(this, 'dir-deleted'))
if(this.opts.addDir) this._watcher.on('addDir', handler.bind(this, 'dir-added'))
} else {
log.warn('watcher is not ready to start, check options and try again')
return new Error('not ready to start check configuration')
stop() {
if(this.watching) {
this.watching = false
else log.warn('not watching, nothing to close')
remove() {
async restart(opts) {
await this.start(opts)
async getIgnoreLists(lists) {
// console.log('ignore lists', lists)
if (typeof lists === 'string') lists=[lists]
let ignored = await ignores(lists)
// console.log('==ignores from lists', ignored)
this._ignored = [...this._ignored,...ignored]
// console.log(this._ignored)
addIgnore(ignore) {
Array.isArray(ignore) ? this._ignored.push(...ignore) : this._ignored.push(ignore)
clearAllIgnore() { this._ignored = [] }
export default Watcher

View File

@ -3,6 +3,11 @@ destination: ./test/dest
flags: 'av'
- ./test/repo/.gitignore
- ./test/repo/.npmignore
- .gitignore
- .npmignore
- delete
- delete-excluded

View File

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
// let ignoreFiles = ['.npmignore','.gitignore']
import { readLines, writeLines } from '../src/read-lines'
import chai from 'chai'
import assertArrays from 'chai-arrays'
import { it } from 'mocha'
const expect = chai.expect
describe (
'Read a File of Lines to Array and vice versa',
function () {
//****************** TESTS **********************
function readList() {
it('==> can read one or more files (no order) each line as element in an array with common directory', async function () {
const shouldbe = [ 'tests/',
'/coverage/' ]
let result = await readLines(['.gitignore','.npmignore'],__dirname+'/repo')
expect(result, 'list build failed').to.be.containingAllOf(shouldbe)
it('==> can read two files one relative the other absolute', async function () {
const shouldbe = [ 'tests/',
'/coverage/' ]
let result = await readLines(['./test/repo/.gitignore',__dirname+'/repo/.npmignore'])
expect(result, 'list build failed').to.be.containingAllOf(shouldbe)
function writeList() {
it('==> can write an array items as lines in a file', async function () {
const shouldbe = await readLines(['.gitignore','.npmignore'],__dirname+'/repo')
await writeLines(__dirname+'/repo/combined.list',shouldbe)
const result = await readLines(['combined.list'],__dirname+'/repo')
expect(result, 'list build failed').to.be.containingAllOf(shouldbe)

View File

@ -1,2 +1,2 @@

View File

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ describe('Sync Class Testing ',async ()=> {
// // sync.execute({cli:true})
// sync.live()
// sync.execute({cli:true})
await sync.loadJob('sample')
await sync.loadJob('local')
console.log('command to be run',sync.command())

test/watcher.test.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
import Sync from '../src/sync'
import Watcher from '../src/watcher'
import to from 'await-to-js'
import { expect } from 'chai'
import { it } from 'mocha'
import debounce from 'debounce-fn'
import logger from '@uci/logger'
// pause = require('@uci/utils').pPause
describe('Watcher Class Testing ',async ()=> {
// let log = logger({})
before(async () => {
// log = logger({ package:'@uci/sync', id: 'sync-test' })
let sync = new Sync()
// await sync.loadJob('local')
// console.log('command to be run',sync.command())
// console.log('===',sync.cwd())
// // sync.execute({cli:true})
await sync.loadJob('local')
let options = await sync.readOptionsFile('local')
let watcher = new Watcher(options)
await watcher.start()
// debounce(
(change) => {
console.log(`======= file ${change.file} was ${change.type} ==========`)
// ,{wait:100, immediate:true})
// console.log('command to be run',sync.command())
// sync.live()
// sync.execute({cli:true})
// await sync.configure('./test/config/sync')
// log.info({cmd:sync.command(), msg:'Rsync Command that will Run'})
// log.info(`making connection to ${remote.opts.host}`)
// log.info('ready for testing')
// after(async () => {
// remote.close()
// })
it('can sync a directory' , async function () {
// let [err,res] = await to(remote.exec('cd /opt && pwd'))
// if (err) {
// log.info('error running command aborting test', err)
// return
// }
// log.info(`result of remote command ${res.command} => ${res.reply.toString().trim()}`)
expect('test', 'test failed').to.equal('/opt')
// function hooks(remote) {
// // beforeEach(async() => {
// // await someasyncfunctiontodobeforeeachtest()
// // })
// // after(async() => {
// // await someasyncfunctiontodoaftereeachtest()
// // })
// }