#!/usr/bin/env node import Sync from '../src/sync.js' import to from 'await-to-js' // import logger from '@uci-utils/logger' import Yargs from 'yargs' import readlines from '@uci-utils/read-lines' let jobname; let command console.log(process.argv) const args = Yargs(process.argv.slice(2)) .boolean('w') .alias('w','watch') .boolean('v') .alias('v','verbose') .argv console.log('yargs',args) const cmds=['view','run','list','default','ddir','dir'] if (args._.length ===1) { if (cmds.indexOf(args._[0])<0) jobname = args._[0] else command = args._[0] } else { jobname = args._[0] command = args._[1] } console.log('jobname',jobname, 'command',command) ; (async () => { // const log = logger({ repo: '', package:'@uci/sync', bin:'./bin/sync.js', id: 'sync-binary' }) const sync = new Sync() if(command==='dir') { console.log(`Current Jobs Directory: ${sync.jobsDir}`)} if(command==='dir' && jobname ) { sync.jobsDir = jobname console.log(`Jobs Directory set to: ${sync.jobsDir}`) } if(command==='ddir') { console.log(`Current Default Jobs Directory: ${sync.defaultJobsDir}`)} if(command==='ddir' && jobname ) { sync.defaultJobsDir = jobname=== 'reset'? null : jobname console.log(`Setting Default Jobs Directory to: ${sync.defaultJobsDir}`) } if(command==='view') { (await readlines(`${sync.JobsDir}/${jobname}`)).forEach(line=>{console.log(line)}) } // if(!jobname) jobname = sync.getConfig('defaultJob') // if(!jobname) { // console.log('must specify a job or have a default job') // return // } // await sync.loadJob(arg.j) // console.log(sync.command()) })().catch(err => { console.error('FATAL: Failed to Connecct to Remote!\n',err) })