
149 lines
4.0 KiB

<q-page padding class="" >
<q-list class="">
<q-item class="">
<q-item-section side>
<q-btn color="secondary" round @click="send" icon="send">
Click to send this command and payload to the sever
<q-item-section >
<!-- <q-input label="Enter a . delimited command to send to server" v-model="cmd" />
label="Choose An Available Command to Send"
<q-item><div class="col">Property</div>:<div class="col">Value</div></q-item>
<q-item><q-input class="col" readonly v-model="key[0]" />:<q-input dense class="col" v-model="value[0]" /></q-item>
<q-item><q-input class="col" readonly v-model="key[1]" />:<q-input class="col" v-model="value[1]" /></q-item>
<q-item><q-input class="col" label="a custom property in payload" v-model="key[2]" />:<q-input class="col" v-model="value[2]" /></q-item>
<!-- <q-btn :class="switches[0]" @click="toggle(1)">Switch 1</q-btn>
<q-btn :class="switches[1]" @click="toggle(2)">Switch 2</q-btn>
<q-btn :class="switches[2]" @click="toggle(3)">Switch 3</q-btn>
<q-btn :class="switches[3]" @click="toggle(4)">Switch 4</q-btn> -->
<q-list class="response">
<q-input v-model="packet" readonly label="Sending Packet:" />
<q-input v-model="resMsg" readonly label="Socket/Server Response Message:" />
<q-input v-model="resPayload" readonly label="Socket/Server Response Payload:" />
<q-input v-model="pushed" readonly type="textarea" label="Pushed from Socket/Server:" />
import btc from 'better-try-catch'
// import socket from '../socket.js'
export default {
data () {
return {
cmd: 'on',
commands: [
label: 'echo',
value: 'echo',
description: 'echo',
icon: 'no'
label: 'on',
value: 'on',
description: 'turn on something',
icon: 'mdi:lightbulb'
label: 'off',
value: 'off',
description: 'turn off something',
icon: 'lightbulb-off'
label: 'bogus',
value: 'bogus',
description: 'turn off something',
icon: 'no'
packet: '',
resMsg: '',
resPayload: '',
key: ['id', 'brightness'],
value: ['not set', 0],
pushed: '',
switches: ['off', 'off', 'off', 'off']
methods: {
async send () {
let packet = {
cmd: this.cmd,
[this.key[0]]: this.value[0],
[this.key[1]]: this.value[1],
[this.key[2]]: this.value[2]
this.packet = JSON.stringify(packet)
let [err, res] = await btc(this.$socket.send)(packet)
if (err) {
console.log('error ', err)
color: 'negative',
message: 'Error in repsonse of packet send'
} else {
delete res._header
this.resMsg = res.msg
this.resPayload = JSON.stringify(res.payload)
clear () {
this.pushed = ''
this.resMsg = ''
this.resPayload = ''
this.packet = ''
async mounted () {
color: 'info',
message: `Client connecting to', ${this.$socket.url}`
let [err] = await btc(this.$socket.connect)()
if (err) {
color: 'negative',
message: 'Websocket Server Not Available'
} else {
this.$q.notify({ color: 'positive', message: 'Ready' })
this.$socket.on('pushed', packet => {
delete packet._header
this.pushed = JSON.stringify(packet)
<style lang="stylus">
background $positive
background grey