0.3.12 support for multiple conPackets as an array

move to using _listening to store state as .listening already used by ws
emit 'socket' for socket listening state
David Kebler 2020-01-16 22:12:30 -08:00
parent 87fba5c955
commit 87e94b765b
3 changed files with 28 additions and 95 deletions

View File

@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
import Socket from '../src'
const ANONYMOUS = true
const PORT = 8090
function packetProcess (packet) {
const cmd = {
ack: function(packet){
return new Promise( async (resolve) => {
packet.ack = true
packet.sender= packet.sender || (packet._header ? packet._header.sender.name : 'unknown')
packet.msg=`this is acknlowdgement that ${packet.sender} ack was received`
this.push(packet) // push to all active socket servers
return resolve(packet) // this goes back to sender
status: function(packet){
return new Promise( async (resolve) => {
packet.sender= packet.sender || (packet._header ? packet._header.sender.name : 'unknown')
this.push(packet) // push to all active socket servers
let res = { response:'status pushed on to all clients'}
return resolve(res) // this goes back to sender
on: function(packet){
return new Promise( async (resolve) => {
this.switches[packet.id-1] = 'on'
packet.sender= packet.sender || (packet._header ? packet._header.sender.name : 'unknown')
this.push(packet) // push to all active socket servers
let res = { response:'status change - pushed on to all clients', id:packet.id}
return resolve(res) // this goes back to sender
off: function(packet){
return new Promise( async (resolve) => {
this.switches[packet.id-1] = 'off'
packet.sender= packet.sender || (packet._header ? packet._header.sender.name : 'unknown')
this.push(packet) // push to all active socket servers
let res = { response:'status change - pushed off to all clients'}
return resolve(res) // this goes back to sender
toggle: function(packet){
return new Promise( async (resolve) => {
this.switches[packet.id-1] = this.switches[packet.id-1]==='on' ? 'off' : 'on'
packet.state = this.switches[packet.id-1]
packet.cmd ='switch/status'
packet.sender= packet.sender || (packet._header ? packet._header.sender.name : 'unknown')
this.push(packet) // push to all active socket servers
let res = { response:`status change - pushed toggled state of ${packet.state} to all clients`}
return resolve(res) // this goes back to sender
// console.log('this in packet processor',packet.cmd)
let cmdProps = packet.cmd.split('/')
let func = cmd[cmdProps[0]]
// console.log(func)
if (cmdProps[1]) func = func[cmdProps[1]]
// console.log(func)
if (typeof func === 'function') return func.call(this,packet)
else {
packet.error='no function for command'
return packet
// let test = new Test()
let test = new Socket({ port: PORT, allowAnonymous:ANONYMOUS })
test.switches = ['off','off','off','off'] // database to hold switch states
;(async () => {
console.log(await test.create())
})().catch(err => {
console.error('FATAL: UNABLE TO START SYSTEM!\n', err)

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "@uci/websocket",
"version": "0.3.11",
"version": "0.3.12",
"description": "JSON packet host websocket server",
"main": "src",
"scripts": {

View File

@ -33,10 +33,12 @@ class Socket extends Server {
this.pingInterval = opts.pingInterval === false ? opts.pingInterval : (opts.pingInterval * 1000 || 5000)
this.nextconsumerID = 0 // incrementer for default initial consumer ID
this.consumers = new Map()
this.conPackets = opts.conPackets || opts.conPacket
this.errors = []
this.errorCount = 0
this.create = this.create.bind(this)
this._destroy = this._destroy.bind(this)
this.authenticateconsumer = this.authenticateconsumer.bind(this)
this._authenticate = this._authenticate.bind(this)
this.close = promisify(this.close).bind(this)
@ -49,7 +51,9 @@ class Socket extends Server {
} // end constructor
get active() { return this.listening }
get active() {
return this._listening
* create - Description
@ -57,7 +61,7 @@ class Socket extends Server {
* @returns {type} Description
async create() {
// return Promise.resolve('what')
this.emit('socket',{state:'creating', msg:'creating socket for consumers to connect'})
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
_ON_DEATH(async () => {
log.error({method:'create', line:51, msg:'\nhe\'s dead jim'})
@ -81,11 +85,17 @@ class Socket extends Server {
this.on('error', err => {
this.errorCount +=1 // log errors here
if(this.errorCount>2) this.emit('log', {level:'warn',msg:'something bad maybe going on, 3 errors', errors:this.errors})
if(this.errorCount>2) {
this.emit('log', {level:'warn',msg:'something bad maybe going on, 3 errors', errors:this.errors})
this.emit('socket',{state:'error', msg:'2 to 5 socket errors', errors:this.errors})
if(this.errorCount>5) {
let errors = {level:'fatal',msg:'something fatal is going on, 6 errors', errors:this.errors}
this.close(() => {
this.emit('socket',{state:'offline', msg:'too many socket errors no longer listening for consumers to connect'})
this.emit('log', {active:this.active})
this.emit('log', errors)
@ -93,7 +103,10 @@ class Socket extends Server {
this.wss = new WSS({server:this})
this.wss.on('error', err => {this.emit('error', err)}) // bubble up errors
this.wss.on('connection', this._connectionHandler.bind(this))
let msg = `socket ready and listening ${typeof this.address() ==='string' ? `at ${this.address()}` : `on port ${this.address().port}`}`
this.emit('socket',{state:'listening', msg:msg})
resolve(`websocket ready and listening at ${this.address().address}:${this.address().port}`)
@ -251,10 +264,16 @@ class Socket extends Server {
if (this.opts.conPacket) {
this.opts.conPacket._header = { id: 'pushed' }
log.debug({method:'_listen', line:171, conPacket: this.opts.conPacket, msg:'pushing a preset command to just connected consumer'})
this._send(consumer,this.opts.conPacket) // send a packet command on to consumer on connection
if (this.conPackets) {
this.conPackets = Array.isArray(this.conPackets) ? this.conPackets : [this.conPackets]
log.debug({method:'_listen', line:171, conPackets: this.conPackets, msg:'pushing a preset packets to just connected consumer'})
this.conPackets.forEach(packet => {
if (packet) {
packet._header = {type:'on connection packet', id: 'pushed'}
// console.log('new consumer',consumer.name,'pushing connection packet \n',packet)
this._send(consumer,packet) // send a packet command on to consumer on connection
this.emit('connection:consumer',{state:'connected', name:consumer.name, id:consumer.id})