import { spawn } from 'child_process' import chai from 'chai' import chaiAsPromised from 'chai-as-promised' import btc from 'better-try-catch' chai.use(chaiAsPromised) const expect = chai.expect import { Consumer } from '../src' const SOCKET_FILE = 'usocket-default' let consumer = new Consumer({path:true,name:'unix-consumer'}) let consumer2 = new Consumer({path:true, name:'unix-consumer2'}) let socket = {} describe('Connects and Processes a payload via Unix Socket using JSON packet with defaults', function(){ before(async function(){ socket = spawn('node',['-r', '@std/esm', './test/sockets/'+SOCKET_FILE]) socket.stdout.on('data', function(buf) { console.log('[Socket]', String(buf)) }) }) after(async function(){ socket.kill() }) const TIMES = 3000 it(`Tests unix socket with default echo JSON packet procssing with ${TIMES} packets sent`, async function () { let [err] = await btc(consumer.connect)() if (err) { console.log('unable to connect to socket to start test', consumer.path) process.kill(, 'SIGTERM') } consumer.registerPacketProcessor(async function (packet) { return new Promise((resolve) => { packet.times += 1 if (packet.times === TIMES) packet.payload = 'local1:'+packet.payload resolve(packet)}) }) let packet = {payload:'payload', times:0} for (let i = 1; i <= TIMES; i++) { packet = await consumer.send(packet) } expect(packet.payload+':'+packet.times).to.equal('local1:payload:'+TIMES) }) // end unix socket test it(`unix socket with two consumers alternating packets, ${TIMES} packets each and local processing`, async function () { let [err] = await btc(consumer2.connect)() if (err) { console.log('unable to connect to socket to start test', consumer.path) process.kill(, 'SIGTERM') } consumer2.registerPacketProcessor(async function (packet) { return new Promise((resolve) => { packet.times += 1 if (packet.times === TIMES) packet.payload = 'local2:'+packet.payload resolve(packet)}) }) let packet = {consumer:1, payload:'payload', times:-1} for (let i = 0; i < TIMES; i++) { packet = await consumer.send(packet) if (packet.times === TIMES) packet.times = 1 packet = await consumer2.send(packet) } expect(packet.payload+':'+packet.times).to.equal('local2:local1:payload:'+TIMES) }) // end unix socket test }) // end describe