import Socket from '../src' async function packetProcess(packet) { // Here one registers a packet processor which gets an plain object hash from the client // should return a promise // for example if client sends a property cmd on can take action on that return new Promise(resolve => { let res = {} switch (packet.cmd) { case 'echo': res.msg = 'Echoing Back any payload propery' res.payload = packet.payload this.push(res) break default: res.msg = `.cmd, command ${packet.cmd} was unknown at server` res.sent_packet = packet } resolve(res) }) } // let test = new Test() let test = new Socket({ port: 8090, clientTracking: true }) test.registerPacketProcessor(packetProcess) ;(async () => { console.log(await test.create()) })().catch(err => { console.error('FATAL: UNABLE TO START SYSTEM!\n', err) })