import cmd from './cmd' import del from './delete' import tc from '@uci/try-catch' export default async function (ap) { let ret = null let cmdStr = '' // check to see if already connected cmdStr = `nmcli --terse --fields UUID c show --active | grep ${ap.uuid}` ret = await tc(cmd)(cmdStr) if (!ret.err && ret.res!=='') return {connect:'already connected', ap:ap} // check for existing connection, if some connect if not it's new cmdStr = `nmcli --terse --fields device,name,UUID c show | grep ${ap.uuid}` ret = await tc(cmd)(cmdStr) console.log('check-exisiting',ap.uuid,ap.ssid) if (!ret.err && ret.res!=='') { console.log('existing nm connection',ap.ssid) if(ap.update) { cmdStr = `nmcli con modify ${ap.uuid} 802-11-wireless-security.psk ${ap.password}` ret = await tc(cmd)(cmdStr) if (ret.err) return {error:'unable to update password', ap:ap} } cmdStr = `nmcli con up uuid ${ap.uuid}` ret = await tc(cmd)(cmdStr) if (ret.err) { if(ap.update) { return { error:'updated password failed', ap:ap} } return {error: ret.err.message } } return {connect:'reconnected', ap:ap} } console.log('NEW CONNECTION') // connect with new connection // first clean out any connections with same or similar name to SSID ret = await tc(del)( {name:ap.ssid} ) cmdStr = `nmcli -w 10 device wifi connect '${ap.ssid}' password '${ap.password}' ifname ${ap.iface}` ret = await tc(cmd)(cmdStr) if (ret.err) { return {error: `new connection failed -- ${ret.err.cmd}` } } // TODO set interface method if other than auto which is default // `nmcli con modify ${ap.ssid} ipv4.method shared cmdStr = `nmcli --terse --fields connection.uuid c show id '${ap.ssid}'` ret = await tc(cmd)(cmdStr) console.log(ret.res) ap.uuid = ret.res.split(/[\n:]+/)[1] console.log(ap.uuid) return {connect:'new', ap:ap} } // end connect