rearrange some module locations

auto load btrfs modules if btrfs-progs and btrbk are installed
David Kebler 2024-02-12 12:53:25 -08:00
parent 51877424e7
commit 39d6cc755e
7 changed files with 347 additions and 4 deletions

load/05-filesystem Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
if which btrfs &> /dev/null; then
module_load btrfs
if which btrbk &> /dev/null; then module_load btrbk; fi

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@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
# dry run by default
# >btrbk_run <conf name> <btrbk run options>
# with -e exectue
# >btrbk_run -e <conf name> <btrbk run options>
# to only create the links
# >btrbk_run -e <conf name> -n
# sudo -E bash -c 'source $BASH_SHELL_BASE/module.base; module_load btrbk; btrbk_run toot'
btrbk_scripts_dir="$(dirname $(realpath "${BASH_SOURCE:-$0}"))"
# will try to find a conf file with out without .conf extension in a few places
btrbk_conf () {
local file=${1:-btrbk.conf}
[[ -f $file ]] && echo $file && return
[[ -f $file.conf ]] && echo $file.conf && return
# echo $btrbk_scripts_dir
[[ -f $BTRBK_CONF_DIR/$file ]] && echo $BTRBK_CONF_DIR/$file && return
[[ -f $BTRBK_CONF_DIR/$file.conf ]] && echo $BTRBK_CONF_DIR/$file.conf && return
[[ -f /etc/btrbk/$file ]] && echo /etc/btrbk/$file && return
[[ -f /etc/btrbk/$file.conf ]] && echo /etc/btrbk/$file.conf && return
[[ -f /etc/btrbk.conf ]] && echo /etc/btrbk.conf && return
return 1
btrbk_clean () {
local file=$(btrbk_conf $1)
[[ ! $file ]] && return 1
sudo btrbk -c $file clean $2
btrbk_src () {
local file=$(btrbk_conf $1)
[[ ! $file ]] && return 1
sudo btrbk -c $file list config --format col:h:source_subvolume
btrbk_dests () {
local file=$(btrbk_conf $1)
[[ ! $file ]] && return 1
local dests=$(sudo btrbk -c $file list config --format col:h:snapshot_path | tail -1)
dests+=" $(sudo btrbk -c $file list target --format col:h:target_path)"
echo $dests
btrbk_latest_links () {
local dry_run="echo"
[[ $1 == "-e" ]] && dry_run="" && shift
local file=$(btrbk_conf $1)
[[ ! $file ]] && echo unable to find conf file for ${1:-btrbk.conf} && return 1
local latest=$(sudo btrbk -c $file list latest --format col:h:snapshot_subvolume | xargs -I % sh -c 'basename %' | sed '$!N; /^\(.*\)\n\1$/!P; D')
[[ ( ! $latest ) || $latest == "-" ]] && echo "no latest snapshots so can't make .latest links" && return 3
local dests=$(btrbk_dests $file)
if [[ $dry_run ]]; then
echo dry run for making latest links for following destinations, NOTE: use -e to actually make them
echo $dests
echo "-------------------"
echo making .latest symlinks in each destination
for dest in $dests; do
for snap in $latest; do
# [[ -e $dest/${snap%%.*}.latest ]] && $dry_run_echo sudo rm $dest/${snap%%.*}.latest
local cmd="sudo ln -srfn $dest/$snap $dest/${snap%%.*}.latest"
echo $cmd
[[ ! $dry_run ]] && $cmd
btrbk_run () {
local dry_run="-n"
[[ $1 == "-e" ]] && dry_run="" && shift
local file=$(btrbk_conf $1)
[[ ! $file ]] && echo unable to find conf file for ${1:-btrbk.conf} && return 1
local src=$(btrbk_src $file)
local snaps=$(sudo btrbk -c $file list source --format col:h:snapshot_name)
local dests=$(sudo btrbk -c $file list config --format col:h:snapshot_path | tail -1)
local dests+=" $(btrbk -c $file list target --format col:h:target_path)"
# todo distinguish local from remote destinations and deal with differently for latest link
# any pre snap tasks
# for dest in $dests; do
# if [[ ! -d $dest ]]; then
# if confirm directory $dest does not exist, create; then
# sudo mkdir -p $dest
# else
# echo destination $dest directory MUST exist aborting brtbk run
# return 2
# fi
# fi
# done
echo using configuration file: $file
echo creating snapshots: $snaps
echo from $src
echo at these destinations $dests
echo additional passed arguments: $@
# do snaps and backups
[[ $dry_run ]] && echo backup dry run || echo Taking snapshost and making backups now...
sudo btrbk -c $file run $dry_run --progress $@
# post snap/backup
btrbk_latest_links $([[ $dry_run ]] || printf "%s" -e) $file
(return 0 2>/dev/null) || btrbk_run $@
latest_clone () {
local src=$(realpath $1)
local dest=$(realpath $2)
shift 2
module_load confirm
if [[ ! -d $dest ]]; then
if confirm "destination directory $dest does not exist, create it"; then
sudo mkdir -p $dest
return 1
local snaps=$(ls $src | grep latest | sed 's/.\{1\}$//' | xargs -I % realpath $src/%)
[[ ! $snaps ]] && echo no latest snapshots in $src && ls -la $src && return 1
if confirm create snapshots for $snaps in $dest; then
local destsnap
for snap in $snaps; do
destsnap="$dest/$(basename $snap | cut -f 1 -d '.' )"
if [[ -d $destsnap ]]; then
if confirm -s snapshot $destsnap already exists do you want to over write it; then
sudo btrfs subvolume delete $destsnap
return 2
sudo btrfs subvolume snapshot $@ $snap $destsnap
echo $dest
ls -la $dest
# use snapshot to then snap latest to another location, have it edit the fstab file
# #!/bin/bash
# [[ $# -lt 2 ]] && echo "need to supply a <root instance dir> and a snapshot name" && exit
# # echo sed 's/$name/'$name'/g' named.conf.tmpl > $subvoldir-$name.conf
# # echo sed -i 's/$subvoldir/'$subvoldir'/g' $subvoldir-$name.conf
# named="$2"
# src=/mnt/linuxpart
# dest=/mnt/linuxpart
# echo sudo mkdir -p $dest/$named
# echo sudo btrfs subvolume snapshot $src/$1/@root $dest/$named/@root
# echo sudo btrfs subvolume snapshot $src/$1/@opt $dest/$named/@opt
# echo sudo btrfs subvolume snapshot $src/$1/@home $dest/$named/@home
# echo sudo btrfs subvolume snapshot $src/@shell $dest/$named/@shell
# sudo mkdir -p $dest/$named
# sudo btrfs subvolume snapshot $src/$1/@root $dest/$named/@root
# sudo btrfs subvolume snapshot $src/$1/@opt $dest/$named/@opt
# sudo btrfs subvolume snapshot $src/$1/@home $dest/$named/@home
# sudo btrfs subvolume snapshot $src/@shell $dest/$named/@shell
# echo to edit: bfs_vscode $dest/$named

modules/utility/bindfs.lib Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
if ! which fusermount &> /dev/null; then
echo unabled to load bindfs module because bindfs is not installed
exit 1
# echo loading bindfs
export BFS_MOUNT_DIR=${BFS_MOUNT_DIR:-/mnt/bfs}
if [ -v PS1 ]; then
alias rbfsu="dir_rebind_user"
alias rbfs="dir_rebind"
alias bfsu="dir_bind_user"
alias bfs="dir_bind"
alias bfsum="dir_bind_unmount"
alias bfse="bfs_vscode"
sudo mkdir $BFS_MOUNT_DIR 2> /dev/null
mounted () {
mountpoint "$1" &> /dev/null && echo yes || return 1
dir_bind_unmount () {
local usesudo
local mp=$1
[[ ! $(mounted $mp) ]] && echo no mountpoint at $mp && mp=$BFS_MOUNT_DIR/$(basename $mp)
[[ ! $(mounted $mp) ]] && echo no mountpoint at $mp either, aborting && return 1
[[ $EUID -ne 0 ]] && usesudo=sudo
if $usesudo fusermount -u $mp; then
echo unmounted $mp, removing empty mountpoint directory
rm -rf $mp
echo error, unable to unmount $mp
dir_bind_user () {
local usesudo; local dir;local user;local group;local mp
if [ $# -lt 3 ]; then
echo "minimum 3 args needed to rebind <user? <source dir> <mountpoint>"
echo passed were $@
return 1
[[ $EUID -ne 0 ]] && usesudo=sudo
[[ $(id -u $1 2> /dev/null) ]] || { echo user $1 does not exist can not continue; return 2; }
dir=$(realpath $2)
[[ $(mounted $mp) ]] && echo something already mounted at $mp, aborting && return 1
if ! $usesudo mkdir -p $mp; then echo unable to make mountpoint aborting; return 2; fi
$usesudo chown $1:$1 $mp
user=$(stat -c '%u' $dir)
group=$(stat -c '%g' $dir)
$usesudo bindfs --force-user=$1 --force-group=$1 --create-for-user=$user --create-for-group=$group --chown-ignore --chgrp-ignore $dir $mp
[[ $? -gt 0 ]] && echo error in call to bindfs
if [[ $(mounted $mp) ]]; then
echo $dir has been mounted at $mp for user $1
echo "to unmount use: dir_bind_unmount $mp or bfsum $mp"
echo unable to mount $dir at $mp as user $user
dir_bind () {
mp=${2:-$BFS_MOUNT_DIR/$(basename $1)}
dir_bind_user $USER $1 $mp
if [ -v PS1 ]; then
echo enter \"u\" when you ready to unmount, otherwise any other key will leave mounted
read -n1 ans
echo -e "\n"
[[ $ans == "u" ]] && dir_bind_unmount $mp
dir_rebind () {
dir_bind_user $USER $1 $1
dir_rebind_user () {
dir_bind_user $1 $2 $2
bfs_vscode () {
mp=${2:-$BFS_MOUNT_DIR/$(basename $1)}
dir_bind_user $USER $1 $mp
/opt/bin/vscode $mp
if [ -v PS1 ]; then
echo when you ready to unmount FIRST close your vscode window then enter \"u\"
echo otherwise any other key will leave mounted
read -n1 ans
echo -e "\n"
[[ $ans == "u" ]] && dir_bind_unmount $mp
(return 0 2>/dev/null) || dir_bind_user $@

View File

@ -54,3 +54,12 @@ echo copying.....
eval $cmd eval $cmd
} }
dir_size () {
if sudo ls $1 >/dev/null ; then
sudo du -h --apparent-size --max-depth=1 $1 | sort -rh
echo $1 not a directory
# for dir in $(/bin/find -maxdepth 1 -name "*[cC]ache*" -type d ); do; echo $dir; done

View File

@ -71,12 +71,24 @@ local NAMES
local ENAMES local ENAMES
local DEPTH=1 local DEPTH=1
local HIDDEN local HIDDEN
local raw
local mounted
local usesudo
declare OPTION declare OPTION
declare OPTARG declare OPTARG
declare OPTIND declare OPTIND
while getopts 't:p:d:e:n:f:hl' OPTION; do
while getopts 'mrst:p:d:e:n:f:hl' OPTION; do
case "$OPTION" in case "$OPTION" in
t) t)
# echo "TYPE $TYPE" # echo "TYPE $TYPE"
@ -111,6 +123,10 @@ case "$OPTION" in
l) l)
;; ;;
# include mounted directories
*) *)
echo unknown option $OPTION echo unknown option $OPTION
;; ;;
@ -119,6 +135,11 @@ done
shift $(( OPTIND - 1 )) shift $(( OPTIND - 1 ))
if [[ $raw ]]; then
echo executing raw find command
$usesudo $(which find) "$@"
local DIR local DIR
DIR="$*" DIR="$*"
if [ ! "$DIR" ]; then if [ ! "$DIR" ]; then
@ -137,11 +158,12 @@ fi
# echo dir $DIR # echo dir $DIR
local FIND local FIND
FIND="command find $LINKS $DIR" FIND="$usesudo $(which find) $LINKS $DIR"
FIND+=$([ ! $DEPTH == 0 ] && echo " -maxdepth $DEPTH ") FIND+=$([ ! $DEPTH == 0 ] && echo " -maxdepth $DEPTH ")
# FIND+=" -type $([ $TYPE ] && echo "$TYPE" || echo "f")" # FIND+=" -type $([ $TYPE ] && echo "$TYPE" || echo "f")"
FIND+=" -type $TYPE " debug exclude mounts: $mounted
FIND+=" $mounted -type $TYPE "
# include HIDDEN files and directories IS FALSE BY DEFULT # include HIDDEN files and directories IS FALSE BY DEFULT
[[ ! $HIDDEN ]] && FIND+="! -path \"*/.*/*\" ! -name \".*\" " [[ ! $HIDDEN ]] && FIND+="! -path \"*/.*/*\" ! -name \".*\" "
@ -192,7 +214,6 @@ fi
# done # done
# fi # fi
# echo # echo
# echo find dir: $DIR >&2 # echo find dir: $DIR >&2
debug "find command: $FIND" debug "find command: $FIND"
@ -219,6 +240,7 @@ source_dir () {
} }
prepend_file () { prepend_file () {
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# usage prepend_file <somefile> <anotherfile> # usage prepend_file <somefile> <anotherfile>
@ -243,3 +265,10 @@ return 0
# [End] # [End]
} }
# alias to add for live user
if [ -v PS1 ]; then
alias dfind="_find -t d -d 0 -n "
alias sdfind="_find -s -t d -d 0 -n "