add verbose version of is_subv

refactor of dir2subv
David Kebler 2024-12-21 13:12:17 -08:00
parent 46c8f5a9b4
commit d30d814f74
1 changed files with 102 additions and 44 deletions

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@ -7,15 +7,32 @@ module_load path
# NOTE: set this for sudo
# ALL ALL = (root) NOPASSWD:/bin/btrfs
is_subvol () {
is_subv () {
if [[ $1 == "-r" ]]; then
if ! btrfs subvolume show "$2" 2> /dev/null | grep readonly &> /dev/null; then return 1; fi
btrfs subvolume show "$1" &> /dev/null
return $(btrfs subvolume show "$1" &> /dev/null)
make_subvol() {
is_subvv () {
if [[ $1 == "-r" ]]; then
if ! btrfs subvolume show "$2" 2> /dev/null | grep readonly &> /dev/null; then
echo not a readonly subvolume
echo readonly subvoluem
if btrfs subvolume show "$1" &> /dev/null; then
echo subvolume
echo not a subvolume
subv_make() {
local usesudo
local uid
local gid
@ -29,7 +46,7 @@ make_subvol() {
$usesudo chown "$uid":"$gid" "$1"
del_subvol() {
subv_del() {
local usesudo; local delete
[[ $1 == "-d" ]] && delete=true && shift
[[ $EUID -ne 0 ]] && usesudo=sudo
@ -49,29 +66,30 @@ del_subvol() {
# # cd $BTRFSDATAROOT || exit
# for svol in $svols; do
# make_subvol $BTRFSDATAROOT/$svol $@
# subv_make $BTRFSDATAROOT/$svol $@
# done
# }
#ssudo mount -o subvol=opt /dev/sda4 /test
snapshot_restore () {
local src=$1
local dest=$2
local name=${3:-$(echo "$src"| rev | cut -f 2- -d '.' | rev)}
local usesudo
echo copying "$src" at "$PWD" to "$2" then renaming to "$name"
# TODO check for snapshot, strip volume from source path, remove extra snapshot when done
[[ $EUID -ne 0 ]] && usesudo=sudo
$usesudo "$BTRFS_BIN" send "$src" | $usesudo "$BTRFS_BIN" -q receive "$dest"
# cd $2 || return
$usesudo "$BTRFS_BIN" subvolume snapshot "$dest"/"$src" "$dest"/"$name"
# todo check for snapshot then delete transfered one
# FIXME: use subv_xfer
# snapshot_restore () {
# local src=$1
# local dest=$2
# local name=${3:-$(echo "$src"| rev | cut -f 2- -d '.' | rev)}
# local usesudo
# echo copying "$src" at "$PWD" to "$2" then renaming to "$name"
# # TODO check for snapshot, strip volume from source path, remove extra snapshot when done
# [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]] && usesudo=sudo
# $usesudo "$BTRFS_BIN" send "$src" | $usesudo "$BTRFS_BIN" -q receive "$dest"
# # cd $2 || return
# $usesudo "$BTRFS_BIN" subvolume snapshot "$dest"/"$src" "$dest"/"$name"
# # todo check for snapshot then delete transfered one
# }
subvolume_size () {
subv_size () {
local all;
[[ $1 == "-a" ]] && all=true
if [[ $all ]]; then
@ -132,11 +150,11 @@ folder_snapshot() {
snapshot_send() {
subv_xfer() {
# Show usage and exit with status
help () {
echo 'usage: snapshot_send -h,-r <source_path, full or relative> <destination_parent_dir> <optional, alternate directory name>'
echo 'usage: subv_xfer -h,-r <source_path, full or relative> <destination_parent_dir> <optional, alternate directory name>'
if [[ $1 == "-h" ]]; then help; return; fi
@ -151,7 +169,7 @@ snapshot_send() {
if [[ $# -lt 2 ]]; then help; return 1; fi
# Check for directories
if ! is_subvol "$1"; then
if ! is_subv "$1"; then
echo source "$1" not a subvolume
return 2
@ -173,7 +191,7 @@ snapshot_send() {
[[ $3 ]] && ext=".$3"
local tsnap
if ! is_subvol -r "$src"; then
if ! is_subv -r "$src"; then
$dr sudo "$BTRFS_BIN" sub snap -r "$src" "$tsnap"
@ -182,18 +200,26 @@ snapshot_send() {
echo "sudo $BTRFS_BIN send $([[ $tsnap ]] && echo "$tsnap" || echo "$src") | btrfs receive $dest"
echo "sudo mv $dest/$name.tmp $dest/$name$ext"
echo "[[ ""$tsnap"" ]] && sudo $BTRFS_BIN sub del $tsnap"
echo "sudo ""$BTRFS_BIN"" sub snap $dest/$name.tmp $dest/$name$ext"
echo "sudo ""$BTRFS_BIN"" sub del $dest/$name.tmp"
sudo "$BTRFS_BIN" send $([[ $tsnap ]] && echo "$tsnap" || echo "$src") | btrfs receive "$dest"
sudo mv "$dest"/"$name".tmp "$dest"/"$name"$ext
# FIXME: take a snapshot of the destination .tmp then remove .tmp, otherwise it will be readonly
# sudo mv "$dest"/"$name".tmp "$dest"/"$name"$ext
if is_subv -r "$dest"/"$name".tmp; then
sudo "$BTRFS_BIN" sub snap "$dest"/"$name".tmp "$dest"/"$name""$ext"
sudo "$BTRFS_BIN" sub del "$dest"/"$name".tmp
echo transfer is complete
[[ "$tsnap" ]] && sudo "$BTRFS_BIN" sub del "$tsnap"
echo transfer is complete
ls -la "$dest"
ls -la "$dest"/"$name"$ext
ls -la "$dest"/"$name""$ext"
mount_subvolume () {
subv_mount () {
# echo sudo mount $1 -o subvol=$2 $3
if mountpoint "$3" &> /dev/null; then
echo "$3" already a mountpoint, aborting subvolume mount
@ -230,7 +256,7 @@ fi
# finds device and subvolume of a mountpoint (or a mountpoint above the given path)
mp_subvol () {
subv_mp () {
module_load filesystem
local mp; local subvol
mp=$(find_mountpoint "$1")
@ -257,10 +283,10 @@ btrfs_clone () {
$usesudo umount /tmp/source &> /dev/null
sudo mount "$src" /tmp/source
# $usesudo umount /tmp/dest &> /dev/null
# if mount_subvolume $src $subvol /tmp/source; then
if ! make_subvol "$dest"/$(basename "$subvol") &> /dev/null; then echo unable to make subvolume "$1" at "$dest"; return 2; fi
# if subv_mount $src $subvol /tmp/source; then
if ! subv_make "$dest"/$(basename "$subvol") &> /dev/null; then echo unable to make subvolume "$1" at "$dest"; return 2; fi
# $usesudo btrfs subvolume show $dest/$(basename $subvol)
# if mount_subvolume $(mp_subvol $dest/$(basename $subvol)) /tmp/dest; then
# if subv_mount $(subv_mp $dest/$(basename $subvol)) /tmp/dest; then
# echo cloning now
# # echo $usesudo btrfs-clone --toplevel $dr -v /tmp/source /tmp/dest
cmd="$usesudo btrbk $dr archive /tmp/source/$1 $dest/$1"
@ -293,29 +319,61 @@ alias btsub="sudo $BTRFS_BIN subvolume"
dir2subvol () {
dir2subv () {
# Directory to convert into BTRFS subvolume
if [[ ! -d $dirPath ]]; then echo no directory at "$dirPath"; return 1; fi
perms=/tmp/perms_$(basename "$dirPath")
getfacl -R "$dirPath" > /tmp/_perms
# Rename original dierctory
sudo mv "${dirPath}" "${dirPath}_original"
if is_subv "$dirPath"; then echo "$dirPath" is already a subvolume, exiting; return 0; fi
# Create btrfs subvolume
sudo "$BTRFS_BIN" subvolume create "${dirPath}"
if ! confirm transform "$dirPath" into a subvolume at "${dirSub:-$dirPath}"; then return 1; fi
# Copy as "reflink" for speed and save space
sudo cp --archive --one-file-system --reflink=always \
"${dirPath}_original/." "${dirPath}"
pushd "$dirPath" &> /dev/null || return
echo saving permissions at "$PWD" to "$perms"
getfacl -R . | sudo tee "$perms"
cat "$perms"
# Remove old directory
sudo rm -rf --one-file-system "${dirPath}_original"
if [[ ! $dirSub ]]; then
echo moving "$dirPath" to "${dirPath}_temp"
sudo mv "${dirPath}" "${dirPath}_temp"
setfacl --restore=/tmp/_perms
echo creating subvolume at "${dirSub:-$dirPath}"
sudo "$BTRFS_BIN" subvolume create "${dirSub:-$dirPath}"
rm -f /tmp/_perms
# Copy as reflink for speed and save space
if [[ $dirSub ]]; then
echo copying "$dirPath" to "$dirSub"
sudo cp --archive --one-file-system --reflink=always "${dirPath}/." "${dirSub}"
pushd "$dirSub" &> /dev/null || return 1
echo copying "${dirPath}"_temp back to subvolume at "$dirPath"
sudo cp --archive --one-file-system --reflink=always "${dirPath}_temp/." "${dirPath}"
# echo for debugging changing permissions at "$PWD"
# sudo chmod -R 777 .
# sudo chown -R nobody:nobody .
# ls -la .
# echo "---------------------"
echo restore saved permissions to "$perms"
sudo setfacl --restore="$perms"
sudo rm -f "$perms"
echo "$dirPath" has been converted into a subvolume at "${dirSub:-$dirPath}"
if [[ -d ${dirPath}_temp ]];then
if confirm -s do you want to now delete the copy at "${dirPath}"_temp; then
sudo rm -rf --one-file-system "${dirPath}_temp"
popd &> /dev/null || return 0