feat: refactor repo organization that include corresponding changes to load script, module library plus shell.env
add: python based yaml parser
add: functions isDir isFile to corresponding modules
added acl function and alias - still work working on them.
in shell.env allowed module.lib to get loaded for non-interactive shells so that can access modules without all the other stuff of login shell.
prepend /opt/bin and .local/bin so they take precedence.
changed startup in setup in /etc/profile.d accordingly so it sources intead of calls async for the same reason
add notify module with login_notify to delay notification until user is logged in
added lag to alias, and made load debug module is load in file module.
load.sh now loads debug module or a noop
file library, file.lib
- refactored _find function, added alias superceed
* added h option to include .hidden files
- added build_file function to append file to another
refactored comment and uncomment functions
added find_mountpoint function to filesystem module
added ssh_config builder function and ssh override to use it.
added github module with binary release fetch function (needs work)
moved source_dir to file.lib.
refactored to use directory list and a loop for shell directory processing
added array for networks so vpn networks be added for sourcing.
added startup script callable from profile.d
renamed setup.sh to load.sh
added rsync copy function cprs
added shell.env that is called by /etc/profile to set up access to this and related repos
refactored functions_list to assist with finding functions within a script file
refactored prompt PS1 setup and added colors variables
added block module to base which will write and edit a block of lines to any text file
improve setup.sh, now can be reused for other shell repos to default source