#!/bin/bash shell_source_subdirs () { # default processing [[ ! -d $1 ]] && echo no directory $1 from which to process subdirectories && return 1 local DIR local SUBDIRS local IGNORE_FILE DIR=$1 SUBDIRS=$([[ -f "$DIR/.bash-shell-include" ]] && cat "$DIR/.bash-shell-include" || cat "$BASH_SHELL_BASE/.bash-shell-include") [[ $SSH_SESSION ]] && SUBDIRS+=" ssh/session" IGNORE_FILE="$([[ -f "$DIR/.bash-shell-ignore" ]] && echo "$DIR" || echo "$BASH_SHELL_BASE")/.bash-shell-ignore" # echo $DIR # echo $SUBDIRS for SUBDIR in $SUBDIRS; do if [ -e "$DIR/$SUBDIR" ]; then # echo processing subdirectory $DIR/$SUBDIR # must quote all globs to avoid bash glob expansion which is likely on # TODO have default set of ignores plus check for shell-ignore # source_dir -p "archive" -x '"*.off" "*.md" "*TODO*" "LICENSE" "*.sample"' -d 0 $DIR/$SUBDIR # source_dir -p "archive" -x "$excludes" -d 0 $DIR/$SUBDIR source_dir -f "$IGNORE_FILE" -d 0 $DIR/$SUBDIR # else # echo no subdirectory $DIR/$SUBDIR to process, ignorning fi done } function shell_process_directory () { local SUBDIRS local DIR module_load file [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && echo unable to access the file module, aborting load && return 1 DIR=${1:-$BASH_SHELL_BASE} # echo sourcing directory $DIR # if [[ $DIR = "$BASH_SHELL_BASE" ]]; then # BASH_SHELL_IGNORE=$(shell_get_ignores) # excludes=$BASH_SHELL_IGNORE # else # excludes=$(shell_get_ignores $DIR) # [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && excludes=$BASH_SHELL_IGNORE # fi if [ -d "$DIR" ]; then if [ "$DIR" = "$BASH_SHELL_BASE" ] && [ "$BASH_SHELL_BASE_LOADED" = "true" ]; then if [ -v PS1 ]; then echo base directory already sourced read -p "do you want to re-source the base (not recommended)? " -n 1 -r echo [[ ! $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]] && return 1 # else # echo non-interactive shell # return 1 fi fi if [[ $DIR != "$BASH_SHELL_BASE" ]] && [[ -f $DIR/load.sh ]]; then # echo "$DIR/load.sh" found, running instead of base load.sh script source "$DIR/load.sh" else shell_source_subdirs $DIR fi # echo "done sourcing directory $DIR" # else # echo $DIR does not exist nothing to source fi }