#!/bin/bash minimize () { # will minimize script, removing comment lines and blank lines and inline comments # TODO -r remove shebang, replace newlines with ; remove continuation \ # usage: "source" (source as text or source as filename, as text MUST be quoted!) # options: # -t # argment will get text of source, otherwise it is the file path # -o filepath # output to file # -v # verbose, only applies when using -o. will output to file and return (stdout). local out; local verbose; local text local min="/^[[:space:]]*#/d; /#$/d; /^$/d" local OPTION; local OPTARG; local OPTIND while getopts 'to:v' OPTION; do # echo $OPTION $OPTARG case "$OPTION" in t) text=true ;; v) verbose=true ;; o) out="$OPTARG" ;; *) echo unknown option $OPTION ;; esac done shift $((OPTIND - 1)) if [[ $text ]]; then res="$(echo "$1" | sed "$min")" else res="$(sed "$min" "$1")" # ; s/\(.*\)#.*/\1/" # | sed -z 's/\n/;/g' | sed 's/;$/\n/' | tr -s ' ' | sed 's/{;/{\n/g' | sed 's/;};/\n}\n/g')" fi out=${out:-$2} if [[ $out ]]; then [[ $verbose ]] && echo "$res" | tee "$out" || echo "$res" > "$out" else echo "$res" fi }