#!/bin/bash # TODO allow debug to have managment flags and levels # TODO filter debug statements to a particular module function debug () { if [[ $BASH_DEBUG ]]; then if [[ $BASH_DEBUG == "stdout" ]]; then echo -e "#### DEBUG ####\n $@ \n#####" >&2 else local logfile=$BASH_SHELL_USER_DIR/logs/$BASH_DEBUG.log [[ $1 == "-r" ]] && echo "$(date) Debugging log file, see debug.lib module" > $logfile && return echo -e "$@" >&2 >> $logfile fi fi # [[ $test ]] && return } function debug_reset () { local logfile=$BASH_SHELL_USER_DIR/logs/$1.log echo clearing $logfile echo "$logfile at $(date)" > $logfile shift echo $@ >> $logfile echo -e "#####################" >> $logfile } ## *************** DEBUGGING *********************** # module_load debug # if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then # echo "unable to load a 'debug' module using a noop for debug function" # # noop # function debug () { # : # } # fi # [[ ! $- == *i* ]] && exec >> ~/logs/load.log && exec 2>&1 # export BASH_DEBUG=true # uncomment for debugging # echo $USER running load script in $DIR # echo callers # caller # echo $(ps -o comm= $PPID) # echo ----- # echo $BASH_SHELL_DIRS # ******************END DEBUGGING ******************************* # ***************** LOGGING ***************** # function nilog () { # [[ ! $- == *i* ]] && echo -e "-----\n $USER $*" &>> ~/logs/load.log # } # nilog "called load.sh $(date)" # nilog caller: $(caller) # nilog pid: $(ps -o comm= $PPID) # *