#!/bin/bash # $1 file to bundle # $2 bundled output file (optional) # if no output file then the bundled source is returned # it can be immediately invoked like this # source <(bundle myscript.sh) # or # scpt=$(bundle myscript.sh) # source <(echo -e "$scpt") bundle () { [[ ! -f $1 ]] && return 1 module_load file if [[ ! $2 == "__recurse__" ]]; then tmp_file=$( mktemp -t TEMP_FILE_bundle.XXXXXXXX ) chmod 600 "$tmp_file" \cp $1 $tmp_file else tmp_file=$1 fi # echo current temp file: $tmp_file modules=$(sed -n -e 's/^module_load //p' < $tmp_file) # echo found: $modules # return if [[ $modules ]]; then # echo Modules: $modules sed -i '/module_load/d' $tmp_file for module in $(printf '%s\n' "${modules[@]}"|tac); do # echo module: $module # echo module path: $(module_find $module) prepend_file $(module_find $module) $tmp_file done bundle $tmp_file __recurse__ fi if [[ ! $2 == "__recurse__" ]]; then if [[ $2 ]]; then \cp $tmp_file $2 # echo $2 else echo -e "$(cat $tmp_file)" fi rm -f $tmp_file; return 0 fi } # # if script was executed then call the function (return 0 2>/dev/null) || bundle $@