#!/bin/bash # UCI SHELL REPOS ENVIRONMENT # see README.md for details of how the system work # In a nutshell its a set of directories that are sourced when creating a shell # The repos allow one to organize functionality across machines, users and networks # echo DEBUG: sourcing shell.env # This file gets sourced early in /etc/profile for all login and # for interactive non-login shells via /etc/bash.bashrc # for interactive login shell (ssh is about the only case) # loading the shell might cause issues specially using rsync # It can be turned off per user or host in the appropriate directory # with NO_BASH_SHELL_SSH=true # this does not effect non-interactive login shells like at user first login # if bash is not installed then don't bother to continue ! command -v bash >/dev/null 2>&1 && echo no bash command && return 1 export SHELL=$(command -v bash ) # without changing /etc/profile you can disable loading the UCI Shell system # by uncommenting this line. It will only set up a simple prompt instead. # if UCI shell is causing issues then one can invoke this # BASH_SAFE_MODE=true # todo add safemode enable/disable function that (un)comments if [[ $BASH_SAFE_MODE ]]; then RED='\033[0;31m';NC='\033[0m' printf "${RED}BASH SHELL SAFE MODE ENABLED${NC}\n" export BASH_SAFE_MODE; return 2 fi # You can overwrite the default environment variables in this file # There is NOT a lot of reasons to do so unless you prefer other directory locations # within each of those directories if a load.sh exits it will be run # otherwise files will be sourced according to load.sh in the base repo export BASH_SHELL_LOAD=$BASH_SHELL_BASE/load.sh # load.sh is default export BASH_SHELL_STARTUP=$BASH_SHELL_BASE/startup.sh # startup.sh is default # for non-interactive login shells (like at boot) # load this library that allows loading additional modules export BASH_ENV=$BASH_SHELL_BASE/module.lib # module loading functions # otherwise comment above and uncommented next line # export BASH_ENV=$BASH_SHELL_LOAD # load same as interactive shell, beware usually causes issues!!! # set ssh session if non-interactive only ([ -n "$SSH_CONNECTION" ] || [ -n "$SSH_CLIENT" ] || [ -n "$SSH_TTY" ]) && export SSH_SESSION=true # By default it will set up a master directory /shell # DEFAULT DIRECTORY STRUCTURE # /shell # -- base # $BASH_SHELL_BASE=/shell/base (default) is set in /etc/profile during setup # -- any # -- host # -- network # -- networks # -- # -- # -- # -- $HOME/shell # user # default loading preference is first in list is lowest and last is highest # for example a function "test" in the BASE will be overwritten by one the HOST repo # that is the same for startup scripts and module loading. BASH_SHELL_DIRS="$BASH_SHELL_BASE " declare parent parent=$(dirname $BASH_SHELL_BASE) # Any Host BASH_SHELL_ANY_HOST=${parent}/any/host # or set to # export BASH_SHELL_ALL_HOSTS= # Host BASH_SHELL_HOST=$parent/$(hostname) # export BASH_SHELL_HOST= BASH_SHELL_ANY_NETWORK=$parent/any/network # export BASH_SHELL_ALL_NETWORKS= # by default USER shell sources will be looked for under $HOME/shell # but the default directory for all users can be set manually below # export BASH_SHELL_USER= # add this export to .bashrc for custom directory. This can be done during or after using the user setup script [[ -d $BASH_SHELL_ANY_HOST ]] && BASH_SHELL_DIRS+="$BASH_SHELL_ANY_HOST " && export BASH_SHELL_ANY_HOST [[ -d $BASH_SHELL_ANY_NETWORK ]] && BASH_SHELL_DIRS+="$BASH_SHELL_ANY_NETWORK " && export BASH_SHELL_ANY_NETWORK # now load and export module loading functions library source $BASH_SHELL_BASE/module.lib module_load network-dirs BASH_NETWORKS_DIR=$parent/networks # BASH_NETWORKS_DIR= # alt directory to look for networks export BASH_NETWORKS_DIR # These will be loaded for all users on a host network_dirs "$BASH_SHELL_HOST/.networks" [[ -d $BASH_SHELL_HOST ]] && BASH_SHELL_DIRS+="$BASH_SHELL_HOST " && export BASH_SHELL_HOST # these loaded only for specific user on a host network_dirs "$HOME/${BASH_SHELL_USER:-"shell"}/.networks" # if this directory exists it is included first in the sourcing # if allows on the develop scripts and modules, etc for later incorporation into a repo export BASH_SHELL_DEV=/opt/shell BASH_SHELL_DIRS+="$BASH_SHELL_DEV " export BASH_SHELL_DIRS # echo ALL DIRS: $BASH_SHELL_DIRS # cat $HOME/.bashrc # source "$HOME/.bashrc" # env | grep BASH # env | grep NETWORK_DIRS # echo --------------------------------- # echo $BASH_SHELL_DIRS # echo --------------------------------- # echo end shell env #archived ---for deletion or better explanation # echo enabling aliases with non-interactive shell # DEPRECATED # export BASH_USE_ALIAS=true # will source aliases for non-interactive # if not using implicit sourcing for non-interactive shells then one can do this per script ################## # expanding aliases is optional # shopt -s expand_aliases # source $BASH_SHELL_LOAD # < your script code > # shopt -u expand_aliases ####################