#!/bin/bash # 00 will get loaded first ## module_load systemd user_reload() { save=$PWD exec su -l $USER cd $save } function function_list { if [ $1 ]; then # will list functions in passed file local STR local func declare -a FUNCS STR=$(grep '() {\|(){\|function' $1) readarray -t LIST <<<"$STR" for func in "${LIST[@]}" do if [[ ! $func =~ ^# ]]; then func=${func#function } func=${func%()?( ){} [[ ! $func =~ ^_ ]] && FUNCS+=($func) fi done echo "${FUNCS[@]}" else # will list all sourced/declared functions available echo echo -e "\033[1;4;32m""Functions:""\033[0;34m" declare -F | grep -v "declare -f\s_" | awk {'print $3'} echo echo -e "\033[0m" fi } function alias_list() { echo echo -e "\033[1;4;32m""Aliases:""\033[0;34m" alias | awk {'print $2'} | awk -F= {'print $1'} echo echo -e "\033[0m" } rsynchc() { rsync --help | grep "\-$1"; } alias rsynch="rsynchc" get_shopt () { echo $([ "$(shopt -p $1 | grep '\-s')" ] && echo on || echo off) } change-ext() { local depth local d d=${3:-0} let d+=1 [ $d -lt 1 ] && depth="" || depth=" -maxdepth $d " find . $depth -name '*.'$1 -exec rename -n 's/\.'$1'/.'$2'/' \{} \; read -p "do REALLY want to change the extensions? " -n 1 -r echo [[ ! $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]] && return 1 find . $depth -name '*.'$1 -exec rename 's/\.'$1'/.'$2'/' \{} \; } alias chext=change-ext # find in any file fif() { grep -rnswl $1 -e $2 | more } # edit files # set the system editor using EDITOR environment variable editor() { ${EDITOR} $1; } add-repo-key () { gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-key $1 gpg -a --export $1 | sudo apt-key add - } osinfo () { echo kernel: $(uname -r) echo machine: $(arch) cat /etc/os-release cat /etc/upstream-release/lsb-release } alias ssudo="ssudo "