# 00 will get loaded first # does root login with calls profile and loads all the shells # alias sudo='sudo -i' alias flist="function_list" alias flistg="function_list | grep" alias fprint="declare -f" alias aliasg="alias | grep " alias envg="env | grep " # Add an "alert" alias for long running commands. Use like so: # sleep 10; alert alias alert='notify-send --urgency=low -i "$([ $? = 0 ] && echo terminal || echo error)" "$(history|tail -n1|sed -e '\''s/^\s*[0-9]\+\s*//;s/[;&|]\s*alert$//'\'')"' # brings user path to sudo alias reboot="sudo systemctl reboot" alias poweroff="sudo systemctl poweroff" # search for a running process alias psl='ps -ef | grep' # kill any process containing given name alias ska='sudo killall' alias ka='killall' # kill processes greped alias skg='sudo pkill -f' alias kg='pkill -f' alias skg='sudo pkill -f' alias df='df -h -x supermount' alias du='du -h' alias egrep='egrep --color' alias fgrep='fgrep --color' alias grep='grep --color' # Directory/File alias ls='ls -F --color=auto' alias l='ls' alias la='ls -a' alias lag='ls -a | grep' alias ll='ls -l' alias lla='ls -l -a' alias llag='ls -l -a | grep' alias lsd='ls -d */' alias md='mkdir' alias mv='mv -i' alias p='cd -' alias rd='rmdir' alias rm='rm -i' alias cd..='cd ..' alias cp='cp -i' alias mpath="echo $PATH" # machine path per /etc/environment alias path='echo $PATH' alias pathg='echo $PATH | grep' alias sysinfo='sudo inxi -Fzxd' alias efstab="cp /etc/fstab ~/fstab.bak && gedit admin:/etc/fstab" alias ebrc='editor ~/.bashrc' # follows a link to list the source path alias follow="readlink -f" # use this when there are transport errors after unmounting or killing a mount alias umountf="sudo umount -l" alias loginust="loginctl show-user $USER" # alias to add for live user if [ -v PS1 ]; then alias dfind="_find -t d -d 0 -n " alias sdfind="_find -s -t d -d 0 -n " fi alias portl="ss -tunl | grep" alias ipg="ip addr show | grep -A1 "