#!/bin/bash #uncomment these for debugging. # echo ---- sourcing system .bashrc for user $USER --- # [[ $USER_ROOT ]] && echo 'Root User' || echo 'Non Root User' # [[ $SHELL_INTERACTIVE ]] && echo 'Interactive' || echo 'Not interactive' # [[ $SHELL_LOGIN ]] && echo 'Login shell' || echo 'Not login shell' # [[ $SSH_SESSION ]] && echo ssh remote user || echo local user # env | grep BASH # echo --------------------- if ( [[ $SHELL_INTERACTIVE ]] );then if ( [[ $BASH_SHELL_BASE_LOADED = true ]] ) ; then # echo loading user $USER shell at BASH_SHELL_USER_DIR [[ -d $HOME/BASH_SHELL_USER_DIR ]] && shell_process_directory "BASH_SHELL_USER_DIR" ||\ echo no user shell directory at $BASH_SHELL_USER_DIR to process, create one or clone a template fi # uncomment to add non-interactive setup/sourcing # else # echo non-login and non-interactive fi # anything below will be sourced by all shell types (except non-interactive/login)